In the context of the new Collaborative Research Center Small Data <>, a major collaboration between the Freiburg university clinic and the ELLIS unit Freiburg <>, with ~30 new PhD students, Frank Hutter <> has 2 new #AutoML PhD openings available.
Positions will start earliest October 1st, and hiring will remain open until the positions are filled. The first application deadline is already June 18. Please apply via The first PhD position is on (meta-)learning how to best finetune large pretrained networks, with an application to EEG data: This is a follow-up of the first competitive DL method for EEG <> (cited >1800 times). The second PhD position is on meta-learning how to regularize deep nets to work well on small data: This is a follow-up of regularization cocktails <> for allowing MLPs to achieve SOTA on tabular data. TabPFN <> is also in scope. On top of working on exciting projects that also synergize with Frank Hutter's ERC consolidator grant Deep Learning 2.0 <>, Freiburg is a hugely attractive place to live 🚵⛷️🏂☀️🌳 , PhD students are well paid (100% TV-L E13, monthly gross salary between 4000 EUR and 4600 EUR, easily enough to cover the cost of living in Freiburg) and have 6 weeks of vacation, allowing for a good work/life. Please share widely with potentially interested candidates.
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