Dear all,

Another conference deadline is behind us and we hope that all your NeurIPS
submissions went well. Now that we have some time to rest, we wanted to
bring to your attention a workshop on preference-based learning that we
organize in SUNNY HAWAII at the end of July. The paper submission deadline
is in less than 3 weeks and you can find more details below.


Viktor Bengs (LMU, Germany)
Robert Busa-Fekete (Google Research)
Mohammad Ghavamzadeh (Google Research)
Branislav Kveton (AWS AI Labs)
Aadirupa Saha (Apple Research)


ICML 2023 Workshop: The Many Facets of Preference-Based Learning
Honolulu, Hawaii
July 28 (Friday), 2023




Paper Submission Deadline: June 5, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: June 26, 2023
Workshop: July 28 (Friday), 2023


Learning from human feedback has become increasingly important as the
complexity of problems solved by AI and machine learning grows. While
humans often find it difficult to provide demonstrations of the desired
system’s behavior or to quantify its responses using numerical values,
providing preferences (or comparisons) is natural. Therefore, it is not
surprising that learning from human preferences has been critical to major
recent advances in AI and machine learning, such as fine-tuning of large
language models, guided image generation, robotics, and self-driving cars.
Despite these ground-breaking successes, the most exciting opportunities
still lie ahead of us.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together scientists from communities
where preference-based learning has played a major role or has a potential
for making a breakthrough. We want to celebrate recent advances, discuss
main challenges and potential solutions, and pave the way for future
research directions. Additionally, we aim to strengthen the connection
between theory and practice by identifying real-world systems that can
benefit from incorporating preference feedback.

We cordially invite scientists who feel addressed by the theme of the
workshop to submit their latest works. Since preference-based learning had
impact on many communities, potential topics could be, but are not limited

- Collaborative filtering
- Control theory
- Convex optimization
- Dueling and preference-based bandits
- Econometrics and assortment selection
- Explainability
- Fairness
- Game theory, equilibria, and multiplayer games
- Marketing and revenue management
- Multi-objective optimization
- Preference Elicitation
- Ranking aggregation
- Recommender systems
- Reinforcement learning
- Robotics
- Search engine optimization
- Social choice theory


Submitted papers should be in the ICML 2023 format (NOT ANONYMIZED) and up
to 6 pages long, excluding references and appendix. Accepted papers will be
presented as posters or contributed oral presentations.

Submissions should be uploaded as a single pdf file at


Eytan Bakshy (Meta)
Chi Jin (Princeton)
Thorsten Joachims (Cornell)
Sanmi Koyejo (Stanford)
Dorsa Sadigh (Stanford)
Yisong Yue (Caltech)
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