Dear all,

See below for an opportunity as a postdoctoral Research Fellow at University 
College London, coordinated by myself.

Deadline: 3rd November 2023

How to apply:

About the role:

The post is an exciting opportunity for a researcher with a strong background 
in statistics or machine learning who would like to grow that skill set 
further. They will build hands on experience in developing methodology for 
machine learning methods in causal inference. In addition, they will have 
opportunity to develop their expertise on dissemination of research through 
software deployment and interaction with other researchers in Statistical 
Science and Computer Science. The postholder will be working closely with and 
responding to Prof Ricardo Silva. This post is funded by the Engineering and 
Physical Sciences Research Counci (EPSR), UK, and is available from 1st of 
January 2024, and funded full time for up to 32 months in the first instance. 
UCL provides an exciting and dynamic environment and an excellent opportunity 
for the right applicant to develop a career as an independent researcher in 
machine learning and computational statistics.

About us:

The Department of Statistical Science at UCL is the longest established 
university statistics department in the world and has played a pioneering role 
in the development of the subject since its foundation in 1911. It is one of 
nine departments in the UCL Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and 
has close links with many other departments, both within the Faculty and 
outside of it. We teach statistical science at all levels (undergraduate 
single/combined honours, service courses, MSc and PhD) and carry out research 
across a wide range of theoretical and applied areas. In the last Research 
Excellence Framework exercise (2021/22), over 97% of our output was classified 
as “world-leading” or “internationally excellent” in terms of originality, 
significance and rigour. We consistently score highly in the National Student 
Survey in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey.

Salary: £40,524 - £48,763

Contract Type:  Fixed-term

Please do direct any questions directly at me at<>.

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