Dear all,

A 2-year postdoc position is available at TUDelft.

This position is part of the Horizon Europe funded D-STANDART project. In this 
project we aim to reduce the time and cost to characterise the fatigue and 
durability properties of large composite structures with arbitrary lay-ups. 
Together with the project partners we will develop novel experimental 
methodologies and combine these with multi-scale, AI-assisted modelling to 
predict the fatigue life of full-scale structures. This position will 
contribute to the AI-based modeling of this project. In particular, it will be 
focused on understanding and analyzing the data collected through fatigue test 
and simulation.
The other partners in the D-STANDART project are the NLR, Universiteit Twente, 
University of Bristol, the NCC, iCOMAT, MSC Software, L-up, and Suzlon. You 
will be jointly supervised by Vahid Yaghoubi and Boyang Chen at the Faculty of 
Aerospace Engineering.

We are looking for a highly talented and motivated PhD graduate with a 
background in machine learning and fatigue modeling that can act as a leader 
within the project and is able to successfully complete it. You will be working 
on this project in cooperation with the principal investigators at TU Delft, 
but will be expected to be the main driving force in realizing the (end) goals.

Job requirement:

  1.  Experienced in Machine Learning and uncertainty quantification
  2.  Programming skills in Python/MATLAB is required
  3.  The candidate should have a high degree of independence and should be 
capable of a good time- and project-management.
  4.  Ability to work in a team and take initiative.

For more information about this vacancy, please contact Dr. Vahid Yaghoubi 

Best regards

Vahid Yaghoubi, PhD
Assistant Professor
TU Delft/Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Building 62, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft
T +31 15 278 2257
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