Re: Solr indexing errors trying to index a dense vector

2024-10-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Thanks!. That worked. I also wanted to still keep the deduping mechanism : for everything except the knn vectors. SoI ended up excluding the embedding : fields (whichc were all named embedding_*) from the de-duping mechanism. : : : (?!.*embedding).* : You can save yourself some CPU cycles (

Re: Need help to configure DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory to delete documents older than 6 months based on column name in document

2021-03-26 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Few collections have the column : *solr_created_dttm* which is indexed. I : want to delete all the documents from these collections which are older : than 6 months. : : I understand there is *DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory *which needs to : be added to solrconfig.xml. : : Can someone pl

Re: Unable to force lucena spinning disk detection

2021-04-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Lucene is detecting our SSDs as Spinning disks, as seen through the admin metrics endpoint: : : : * CONTAINER.fs.coreRoot.spins: true : * CONTAINER.fs.spins: true the spins metric is always going to return whatever the Lucene IOUtils think the disk is -- there is no setting you can

Re: SecureRandom algorithm 'NativePRNG' is in use

2021-04-29 Thread Chris Hostetter
: > I intermittently face this issue sometimes while running the unit tests. How exactly are you running the tests? ant? IDE? ... It's very strange that this would be an intermittent problem. Can you please post the actual log details from the test so we can see the INFO & WARN level logging

Re: Solr 7(.5.5) -> Solr 8(.8.2) , different non-emptyness query behavior?

2021-05-24 Thread Chris Hostetter
: So I have tested out the logic of stringField:[* TO *], with empty strings : in 7.5 and 8.8. They perform identically, returning empty string values, if : they exist in the index I remember seeing something like this pop up before ... not sure where ... but i bet Houston's comment above is ba

Re: How to get rid of this Warning "WARN (qtp1533985074-57) [ ] o.a.h.s.a.u.KerberosName auth_to_local rule mechanism not set.Using default of hadoop"

2021-09-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Everything is working OK, I just receive this warning message so often: : : 2021-09-01 20:29:46.789 WARN  (qtp1533985074-61) [   ] o.a.h.s.a.u.KerberosName auth_to_local rule mechanism not set.Using default of hadoop ... : file. As I understand this warning should be if I use HDFS o

Re: SOLR not indexing empty fields

2021-09-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
Neither 'nullValue' nor 'emptyString' nor 'returnType' are field or fieldtype settings in solr -- which makes me suspect that they must be SiteCore settings, and that the problem you are encountering has something to do with behavior in SiteCore -- not behavior in solr. Solr's StrField in 8.x

Re: "this.stopWords" is null

2022-06-08 Thread Chris Hostetter
I suspect you are hitting this bug... ...but AFAIK that would only happen if you are are explicitly using ClassicIndexSchemaFactory in your solrconfig.xml ... can you confirm? Assuming I'm correct, then either switching to ManagedIndexSchemaFa

Re: Wired behavior of maxClauseCount restriction since upgrading to solr 9.1

2022-12-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
: today we updated solr to version 9.1 (lucene version 9.3) Which version did you upgrade from? : Since then we noticed plenty of TooManyNestedClauses in the logs. Our : setting for maxClauseCount is 1024 Exactly where/how are you setting that? There are 2 settings related to this... https:

Re: [External] : Re: Querying Solr Locally through Java API without using HttpClient

2022-12-05 Thread Chris Hostetter
: POC would be to add a function in the plugin.. which would query all the : documents locally (Say 100+ Million Documents) and update 1 or 2 fields : with a particular value. : : As the plugin would be local to this core.. wanted to avoid HTTP calls. I'm assuming here that you mean you want

Re: Wired behavior of maxClauseCount restriction since upgrading to solr 9.1

2022-12-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I'm happy to provide some details as I still do not really understand the : difference to the situation before. The main difference is coming from the changes introduced in LUCENE-8811 (Lucene 9.0) which sought to ensure that the "global" maxClauseCount would be honored no matter what kind o

Re: Is there a way to shape a query response from SOLR similar to the way the Script Update Processor can transform an update payload/document?

2022-12-08 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Thank you for this suggestion, it will help make some changes that I need to the response. If you are not comfortable with java, but you are comfortable with XSLT, the XSLT ResponseWriter is the easiest way to transform solr's response in any way you want "server side" w/o needing to compil

Re: How to index a csv dataset into Solr using SolrJ

2023-02-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
: what is a common use case then if it is not the csv type? : how to index massively data into Solr using SolrJ : You can't just read line by line each dataset you want to index. There are lots of usecases for using SolrJ that involve programaticlly generating the SolrInputDocuments you wnat to

Re: How to index a csv dataset into Solr using SolrJ

2023-02-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
Param("collection", COLLECTION_NAME); up.addFile(getFile("solrj/books.csv"), "application/csv"); up.setAction(AbstractUpdateRequest.ACTION.COMMIT, true, true); UpdateResponse updateResponse = up.process(cluster.getSolrClient()); assertEquals(0, updateResp

Re: Date Range Facet sort order

2023-04-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I see no way to change the sort order to index (I want the output in : date order), I get results sorted on the count. I have tried adding the : sort field like so: This ... doesn't make sense. AFAIK "index" order (or more specifically: The "natural order" of the bucket values) is the on

Re: Date Range Facet sort order

2023-04-17 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Still one question, is there a way to change the sort order for date : range facets? Or do I do that on my end? There are some cases where I : want to see results in count order, other cases where I want to see : results sort on the button range. There is no server side option to change the

Re: SolrJ 9.2 and Java version

2023-04-18 Thread Chris Hostetter
The min neccessary java version use to be specified in the README, i'm not sure when/why it was removed. You can now find it in the "System Requirements" page of the ref-guide... : Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 10:49

Re: Debug time spent in aggregating the search results

2023-04-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Hi Solr Users, : : Is there a metric endpoint or a debug/explain type query param that : returns average time spent in aggregating the search results from shards? Sort of? Metrics like "QUERY./select.distrib.requestTimes" tell you the stats on handling a "distributed" request -- which is when

Re: Disk usage not visible in solr admin UI

2023-04-26 Thread Chris Hostetter
Thanks for reporting this. There is in fact a bug in the Admin UI that can pop up because the cores for a collection using implicit router use shardNames provided by the user, and those don't match some hardcoded assumptions in the javascript code...

Re: Help regarding solr request timeout because of spellcheck component performance.

2023-05-03 Thread Chris Hostetter
1) timeAllowed does limit spellcheck (at least in all the code paths i can think of that may be "slow") ... have you tried it? 2) what is your configuration for the dictionaries you are using? 3) be wary of : Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 00:04:27 +0530

Re: Debug time spent in aggregating the search results

2023-05-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Do I need to enable something to retrieve this metric? I tried to query it : http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/metrics?wt=json&prefix=QUERY./select.distrib.requestTimes : : but there is no "distrib" in the response, there are only select Hrm what version of solr are you running? Here's

Re: Edismax parsing when using pf parameter

2023-05-04 Thread Chris Hostetter
I agree this looks like a bug, would you please go ahead and file a jira? It seems like maybe it's an off-by-one error (which is just ... ugh.) $ curl -sS http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select -d 'debug=query' -d 'defType=edismax' -d 'pf=text name' -d 'q=content:(XXX AND YYY AND ZZZ)

Re: Help regarding solr request timeout because of spellcheck component performance.

2023-05-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
true : 10 : : : : : On Thu, 4 May 2023 at 06:34, Chris Hostetter : wrote: : : > : > 1) timeAllowed does limit spellcheck (at least in all the code paths i can : > think of that may be "slow") ... have you tried it? : > : > 2) what is your configuration for th

Re: Debug time spent in aggregating the search results

2023-05-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
Ok, my mistake -- aparently this was all heavily changed in 9.0 and I didn't notice until you asked about it... So going back to my previous comment...

Re: Deleting document on wrong shard?

2023-05-26 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Hmm. That doesn’t seem consistent with the format change added in : SOLR-5980, where each ID can have a _route_ attribute. : : { "id":"ID" , "_route_":"route”} I think you may be getting confused between the syntactic sugar of sending a single delete command as the entire JSON payload + the

Re: Question on Solr filter syntax

2023-05-26 Thread Chris Hostetter
: For e.g. - Current FQ - : fq: planName:all_features OR zipCode:1234 (in this case entire FQ is cached) : : I don't want to cache the entire FQ given it's very unique , but I : want to cache the first part (plan_name:all_features) to improve : performance . How do I achieve this? : : : My und

Re: Not able to create custom Solr docker image on top of the base image (Solr 9.2.1)

2023-06-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
: @Jan: I am using Debian 10 (Buster). I am switching to the solr user at the based on the logs you posted, you seem to be building the docker container inside of some other build system... 1) are you certain you know exactly what command/options your build system is using to invoke 'docker b

Re: Not able to create custom Solr docker image on top of the base image (Solr 9.2.1)

2023-06-02 Thread Chris Hostetter
: FWIW, if I just replace FROM solr:9.2.1 with FROM solr:8.5.2, I do not run : into these issues. : 8.5.2 is our current prod version. : : That is why I was thinking maybe there is something in the base image that : is causing this. Did you read all the details in the link Jan provided? The un

Re: solrj client memory leak via ThreadLocal in solrj.impl.Http2SolrClient?

2023-08-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
I suspect the source of this problem is either something low level in the jetty HttpClient cleanup code ( which Solr should should already be correctly cleaning up on Http2SolrClient.close() ) or it's some nuance of how your 'createSolrClient()' method is impleemnted that creates an edge case

Re: Weird issue -- pulling results with cursorMark gets fewer documents than numFound

2023-08-28 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Schema meets the requirements for Atomic Update, so we are doing a migration : by querying the old cluster and writing to the new cluster. We are doing it in : batches by filtering on one of the fields, and using cursorMark to efficiently : page through the results. ... : The query thre

quoting/escaping of literal values in SOLR_OPTS ?

2023-10-11 Thread Chris Hostetter
my bash-fu isn't that great, but AFAICT the way SOLR_OPTS is used in bin/solr breaks on any attempt i can think of to quote/escape any jvm args included in the SOLR_OPTS env variable. Am i missing something, or is this a bug? (see examples below) -Hoss hossman@

Re: quoting/escaping of literal values in SOLR_OPTS ?

2023-10-12 Thread Chris Hostetter
quot;' ./solr/packaging/build/dev/bin/solr start -f Error: Could not find or load main class space" Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: space" : : On Thu, 12 Oct, 2023, 6:08 am Chris Hostetter, : wrote: : : > : > my bash-fu isn't that great, but AFAICT the way

Re: A general question about update ordering

2023-10-12 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Because the two requests are sent by different services and coordinating those : requests woud likely be difficult, I think the simplest change that would fix : the problem is to use optimistic concurrency, setting the field to 0 on the : "create" request so the request fails if the document al

Re: quoting/escaping of literal values in SOLR_OPTS ?

2023-10-13 Thread Chris Hostetter
: SOLR_OPTS='-XX:-UseLargePages -Dfoo=bar' ./solr/packaging/build/dev/bin/solr : start -f -a '-Dyak="white space"' : : Would this work? Also broken. (and even if it worked -- i don't think it's as easy to leverage as SOLR_OPTS for people using helm charts or the solr-operator?) Filed a jira f

Re: Remove duplicates in destination of copy field

2023-10-20 Thread Chris Hostetter
copyField -- at a schema level -- is a very low level operation that happens at the moment the documents are being added to the index (long after he update processor chains are run) More complicated logic and/around copying values from one field to another as part of an update processor chain

Re: Paging a delete query?

2023-10-23 Thread Chris Hostetter
If you want to "delete by query" but you don't care about the atomicity of the "delete by query" (ie: queries and or other updates may process in the middle of the delete) then that is exactly what the delete() streaming expression decorator was designed for...

Re: issue with f..qf in solr 9.4

2023-10-24 Thread Chris Hostetter
(thank you for using an example query that works against the techproducts example! .. makes it very easy to reproduce) At the *qparser* level, what you are doing is still working in 9.4.. hossman@slate:~/lucene/solr [j11] [tags/releases/solr/9.4.0] $ curl -sS 'http://localhost:8983/solr/techp

Re: How many replicas are queried per shard in one SolrCloud request?

2023-10-24 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Maybe this verbiage implies exactly one replica? Though the debug output : seems to imply otherwise? : : > When a Solr node receives a search request, the request is routed behind : the scenes to a replica of a shard that is part of the collection being : searched. : :

Re: pf (Phrase Fields) Query expansion and maxClauseCount nested clause issue in Solr 9.2

2023-11-07 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Mikhail, Thanks for the comment. Is this considered a bug or as a new : feature with no plan to address this type of query expansion in further : releases? It is a documented feature in Lucene (to prevent query explosion) with the change in behavior called out in the "Major Changes" section o

Re: Why does edismax resets field level wild query to *:*

2023-11-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Why does edismax query reset field exist query to *:*? Is this : expected behavior or a bug? : : Edismax query "q": "{!edismax qf=keywords v='*'}" or in the other : form "q=*&qf=keywords.en&defType=edismax" : I expected this to translate into keywords:* this is an intentional feature o

Re: pivot vs json.facet

2023-11-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I'm comparing pivot faceting to json sub-faceting. JSON Faceting originally didn't support any sort of refinement -- at that point it was (IMO) really only useful for getting approximate information about the facet buckets -- it you needed hierarchical facets/stats and wanted any sort of co

Re: IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract! - LTR query exception

2023-11-27 Thread Chris Hostetter
: LTR query throwing the following exception, what could be the reasons? It : is Solr 9.1.1 It means there is a really bad bug in Solr that the JVM is complaining about, and your data just happens to hit it ... but at a glance I'm not seeing any obvious problem with the code. (unless maybe th

Re: Java Upgrade process

2023-12-11 Thread Chris Hostetter
can you be more specific about " It just waits and eventually fails after about 2 minutes." ... what message does it print to the consolr? what does the solr log file say? : Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:36:15 +0800 : From: Jim Morgan : Reply-To: : To: users@solr.apache.o

Re: Java Upgrade process

2023-12-12 Thread Chris Hostetter
it didn't help. : : Jim : : On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 8:10 AM Chris Hostetter : wrote: : : > : > can you be more specific about " It just waits and eventually fails after : > about 2 minutes." ... what message does it print to the consolr? what : > does the solr log fil

Does documentCache still make sense in modern Solr?

2024-02-06 Thread Chris Hostetter
TL;DR: Some limited testing suggests that documentCache adds overhead w/o benefit. Are there any folks that can can report their usecases perform significantly better with documentCache enabled? Background... I was asked to investigate a Solr 9.1 kubernetes deployment where a subset of t

Re: firstSearcher listener replaying queries 3 times

2024-02-23 Thread Chris Hostetter
The obvious answer that comes to mind is that your collection has 3 shards and you have one replica for each shard on the node where you see this listern triggering 3 times on collection reload. (or some other situation that causes 3 replicas on this one node) firstSearcher and newSearcher e

Re: Multiple query parsers syntax

2024-02-28 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I tried the following, edismax to search against the description field and : lucene parser to search against the keywords field, but it does not work. : What is wrong? : : host:port/solr/v9/select?q={!edismax qf=description}white roses OR : {!lucene}keywords:(white AND roses)&debug=true The

Re: Multiple query parsers syntax

2024-02-28 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I like Hoss' breakdown in this presentation for query substitution : syntax... :) : : the Lucene/Solr Revolution 2016 presentation by hoss : - see slideshow link at : top... FWIW: If a talk I give is ever recorded, I add link to that video fr

Re: Slow performance for phrases with terms with high ttf

2024-03-27 Thread Chris Hostetter
This is also the sort of thing CommonGramsFilter ws designed for... : Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 10:17:48 -0400 : From: Doug Turnbull : Reply-To: : To: : Subject: R

Re: JSON logging and collection/shard/replica

2024-04-08 Thread Chris Hostetter
If you are getting any values from the MDC resolver, then you have the MDC resolver configured correctly. You're only going to get MDC values like collection/shard/replica if those are defined for the thread that logged the message you are looking at. In the specific example you posted... :

Re: Using min/max value of field in boost query

2024-04-08 Thread Chris Hostetter
Check the docs for min & max functions -- they don't do what you seem to think they do... >> Returns the maximum numeric value of multiple nested functions or >> constants, which are specified as argument

Re: SOLR caching Zookeeper IP addresses

2024-04-11 Thread Chris Hostetter
You haven't said what version of zookeeper you are running, but since the version of Solr you are using is 10 yeras old, i'm going to guess that the zookeeper version you are using are using is at least that old as well :) In which case you are probably encountering a well known (at the time)

Re: Max value for maxBooleanClauses?

2024-04-17 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Is there a hard upper limit for maxBooleanClauses? We have someone hitting a limit at 64k clauses after upgrading to 9.x. There are two limits, one per-collection in solrconfig.xml that applies to query parsing, and one global in solr.xml that applies to every query including query expansi

Re: solr 9.2.1 plugin newSearcher function not called

2024-04-17 Thread Chris Hostetter
I'm really confused by your question -- you start off asking about AbstractSolrEventListener and the newSearcher event, but then when you show us your solrconfig.xml & plugin snippet you are showing us a usage of ValueSourceParser -- which doesn't exitend AbstractSolrEventListener -- and your

Re: solr 9.2.1 plugin newSearcher function not called

2024-04-26 Thread Chris Hostetter
: : ... : In solr 7.3.1, function newSearcher was called at startup and we : loaded values stopwords and startswith in newSearcher, but it doesn't : work in solr 9.2.1, the function newSearcher is not called at startup Are you sure you're not confusing the "newSearcher" *EVE

Re: TimeZones

2024-05-16 Thread Chris Hostetter
: So the solution would be to use TZ as described in : : But somehow this does not work as advertised. It wrongly returns : starting points in the perspective of utc aka: 00:00:00Z instead of : 23:00:00Z) . I

Re: AW: TimeZones

2024-05-17 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I feel so stupid right now, thank you so much! Of course this makes much : more sense. Why should we want to have different Timezones for different : facets. Hopefully I don't come across as being sarcastic, I really think : that it makes more sense that it's a global modifier. It's not jus

Re: How to use docValuesFormat="Direct" with Solr 9.6.0 ?

2024-05-17 Thread Chris Hostetter
This codec format was completley removed from Lucene in 9.0... ...I'm not enough of a codec expert to be able to explain why, but it's no longer an option in Solr at all. -Hoss

Re: How to bind embedded zookeeper to specific interface/ip?

2024-06-20 Thread Chris Hostetter
For some historic reasons, Solr has always explicitly overridden the `clientPortAddress` -- but as of a few versions ago, there is a Solr setting (SOLR_ZK_EMBEDDED_HOST) that can be used to override solr's override...

Re: Doing frequency statistics on a field ?

2024-06-27 Thread Chris Hostetter
The concept you are looking for is "Faceting" ... There are two APIs for faceting in Solr: -Hoss

Re: Searching for synonyms

2024-07-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I can't search for tera* instead of terra*, I think there is also another problem. > In some types of queries (i.e., Prefix, Wildcard, Regex, etc.) the input > provided by the user is

Re: Solr not distributing search requests among replicas

2021-03-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
all of the "routing" logic (preferLocal, shards.preference, etc...) really only comes into play once solr "code" (either CloudSolrClient, or a solr server recieving a request) decides that it needs to make a remote connection. If a node recieves a request, and it has a local core capable of ha

Re: Solr not distributing search requests among replicas

2021-03-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Ah, I missed "single shard" ... this looks relevant: : That improvement still isn't going to impact Jan's situation where the *client* isn't SolrJ ... as the description says: >> NOTE: This Jira doesn't cover the single-sharded collections case

Re: Solr not distributing search requests among replicas

2021-03-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
the request locally in single-shard : collections, i.e. always try to balance unless shards.preference=local? that seems... dangerous. you could easily wind up in a situation where nodes just keep trying to forward forever? : : Jan : : > 10. mar. 2021 kl. 19:06 skrev Chris Hostetter : : &g

Re: Get older solr releases

2021-03-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
To expand on Markus's comment... 1) The availability for downloading "Past Versions" of Solr is spelled out on the downloads page: 2) The mirror network, by design, is only suppose to host "current, recommended releases" -- the specific d

Re: Solr not distributing search requests among replicas

2021-03-10 Thread Chris Hostetter
ces) 2) a single "extra" solr node in the cluster can be used as a "self configuring" load balancer that will automatically know when new nodes are added to the cluster, or when replicas get moved/added, etc... : : Jan : : > 10. mar. 2021 kl. 19:32 skrev Chris Hostett

Re: Solr not distributing search requests among replicas

2021-03-11 Thread Chris Hostetter
: >> 2) a single "extra" solr node in the cluster can be used as a "self : configuring" load balancer : : I’ve thought about this a bunch before, are there mechanisms to instruct : Solr to not host shards for this purpose? Maybe it deserves its own : discussion. Rules based replica placement can

Re: Location of Solr 9 Branch

2021-03-12 Thread Chris Hostetter
And to add to your confusion: * the solr repo was just split from the lucene-solr repo * the "master" branch was renamed "main" ... : Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2021 15:54:10 -0500 : From: Houston Putman : Reply-To: solr

Re: Unrecognized command line option when starting Solr 8.7 with Java 11 Open J9

2021-03-15 Thread Chris Hostetter
I know nothing about Open J9, but some quick googling suggests that OpenJ9 changed their -Xlog parsing rules at some point -- the current docs don't mention anything about some of the options you are using (other then 'file')

Re: Solr Cloud "Octet " issue

2021-03-24 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Actually this logs are written on server also. I am using solr cloud . When : i am doing indexing this error is coming frequently. You can see this error in the solr logs for "node1" but the message will refer to a URL for a remote "node2" (hosting solrcollection_shard2_replica2 in your exam

Re: Field set as "multiValued": false returns as array

2024-12-09 Thread Chris Hostetter
I can't reproduct what you're describing (detailed steps below) but I'm wondering... : { : "add-field": [ : {"name": "ANNOUNCEMENT_ID", "type": "newInt", "multiValued": false} : ] : } : : I then get the field back looking like this : : "announcemenT_ID":[1] 'ANNOUNCEMENT_ID' and 'announcemen

Re: Using the NOT operator with the AND operator

2025-01-31 Thread Chris Hostetter
: @hoss, did that replace the previous article by Erick? I can't find the old : one anymore. If you mean the article originally titled "Why Not And Or And Not?" ... 1) That's this article 2) I wrote the original, Erick just really liked sharing it :) 3) SEO "Experts" have gradually sucked th

Re: How to create a tokenizer in a way solr will recognize

2025-01-31 Thread Chris Hostetter
Welcome to java ClassLoader hell! : Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: resource : tokenization/sentence-boundary-model.bin not found. : at : ~[?:?] : at

Re: Using the NOT operator with the AND operator

2025-01-30 Thread Chris Hostetter
Obligatory reading about "boolean" queries in lucene & solr -- still very relevant ~13 years later... -Hoss

Re: Deprecating "collection" parameter for routing

2025-01-30 Thread Chris Hostetter
: distributed-search across a number of collections[4]. It's actually a : comma delimited list of collections. AFAICT, this parameter is : undocumented. I want to deprecate this parameter in Solr 9.9, removing it FWIW, It is documented...

Re: How to create a tokenizer in a way solr will recognize

2025-01-30 Thread Chris Hostetter
: However, I am getting "A SPI class of type : org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenizerFactory with name : 'zemberekTokenizer' does not exist." : : I have defined NAME on my tokenizer factory as can be seen here: :

Re: timeAllowed in Solr 9

2024-11-22 Thread Chris Hostetter
Skimming this thread, I don't see any mention of what seems like the most likely culprit to me: Solr 9.3's refactoring of the timeAllowed functionality hamstrung *MOST* of the code paths that timeAllowed is realy useful for (spellcheck, facets, synonym expansion, etc...) by disabling Exitabl

Re: Solr 9.7.0 - Boolean Query parser is not caching result in Query result cache in case of preFilter is used

2025-03-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: According to an existing test this should work: : FWIW: The Lucene HNSW/vector based queries do some very weird non-standard thigs in their rewr

Re: Performance Degradation in Solr When Using OR with frange in fq

2025-03-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: We are experiencing high query times in Solr when using an fq filter that : combines an OR condition with frange. The response time significantly : increases compared to queries that do not use this combination. : : Query Example : fq={!cache=false tag=prm}field:value OR {!frange l=1 u=1 v=$fu

Re: Solr 8 Reference Guide Not Loading Properly

2025-03-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: I'm not able to see any article text on the webpages for Solr Reference : Guide versions 8.6 through 8.11 (e.g. :, and my : colleagues are reporting the same issue. Did something break the : rendering of these pages? Hmmm, good ques

Re: Potential bug in task list management

2025-03-19 Thread Chris Hostetter
: Essentially, whenever a query task is abnormally ended, ie either the : client times out and closes the connection, the query hits the : timeAllowed or cpuAllowed limit, or the task is cancelled through the : /solr/collection/tasks/cancel?queryUUID= mechanism, the task is never or : almost