: So the solution would be to use TZ as described in 
: But somehow this does not work as advertised. It wrongly returns 
: starting points in the perspective of utc aka: 00:00:00Z instead of 
: 23:00:00Z) . In your example where you use America/Los_Angeles it shows 
: that it correctly uses 2013-11-01T07:00:00Z and so on. I strongly 
: suspect that this is called differently in the json api (considering "q" 
: becomes "query" in the json api)

TZ is a global request param that affects the entire request.  

It can't be specified "per-facet" like you seem to be trying to do with 
your JSON query. 

(try adding it as a key to the top level json map, with "query" and 

: GET https://<link-to-solr>/solr/<collection>/query
: Accept: application/json
: Content-Type: application/json
: {
:     "query": "*:*",
:     "limit": 0,
:     "facet": {
:        "series": {
:           "hardend": false,
:           "field": "<date-field>",
:           "gap": "+1MONTH",
:           "start": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z/MONTH",
:           "end": "2024-05-01T00:00:00Z",
:           "type": "range",
:           "TZ": "Europe/Zurich"
:        }
:     }
: }


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