: Few collections have the column : *solr_created_dttm* which is indexed.  I
: want to delete all the documents from these collections which are older
: than 6 months.
: I understand there is *DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory *which needs to
: be added to solrconfig.xml.
: Can someone please help with the configuration I need to add.  I tried a

If you alread yhave an existing collection, containing existing documents, 
then adding DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory at this point will not 
help you delete documents where the "created" date field is more then 
6months old.

What the DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory does is provide 2 features 
that can be used together or independently:

1) add an *additional* "expirationField" at indexing time, containing 
an absolute datetime computed from some relative "TTL" (Time To Live) that 
can be specified per document (either as a field or as a request param 
when indexing)

2) provide a periodic timer to delete documents whose expirationField is 
in the past.

So, hypothetically, you could DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory to 
solrconfig.xml, along with a DefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory that 
included a "+6MONTH" TTL field in every document, and then re-index all of 
your documents and DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory could then start 
periodically deleting all docs based on this new expire field.

Or ... you could just setup a small cron job to periodically run a 
DeleteByQuery request against your solr_created_dttm using similar -- but 
negated -- date math against your existing field...

<delete><query>solr_created_dttm:[* TO NOW-6MONTH]</query></delete>


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