: Everything is working OK, I just receive this warning message so often: : : 2021-09-01 20:29:46.789 WARN (qtp1533985074-61) [ ] o.a.h.s.a.u.KerberosName auth_to_local rule mechanism not set.Using default of hadoop
... : file. As I understand this warning should be if I use HDFS or Hadoop : Authentication but this is not the case. IIUC, the Solr KerberosPlugin uses hadoop Kerberos utility classes under the covers, even when you aren't explicitly using hadoop based authentication ... i gather that one/some of those utilities make assumptions about how they are being used. I don't know that there is anything you personally can change about how solr is configured to prevent this WARN from happening ... from poking around the KerberosName.java code, i gather that somewhere in the Solr KerberosPlugin lifecycle, solr should be calling KerberosName.setRuleMechanism(...) (or calling some other hadoop kerberos helper util in such a way that it calls that method) Can you please file a jira pointing out this warning and this email thread? ... in the meantime i think the only thing you can do is disable the WARN level from the KerberosName logger in your log4j config. -Hoss http://www.lucidworks.com/