Neither 'nullValue' nor 'emptyString' nor 'returnType' are field or fieldtype settings in solr -- which makes me suspect that they must be SiteCore settings, and that the problem you are encountering has something to do with behavior in SiteCore -- not behavior in solr.
Solr's StrField in 8.x preserves blank field values by default -- but the 'RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory' update processor may remove them first if it's enabled in solrconfig.xml (which, depending on your solrconfig.xml may be enabled by default, or based on the value of the 'update.autoCreateFields' system property. If you *ONLY* updated Solr, but did not upgrade SiteCore, then I'm going to guess what happened is that you also changed your solr configs (solrconfig.xml, schema, etc...) from the ones you were using with Solr 7.2 to the "defaults" that were included in Solr 8.4 Don't do that -- the new "default" configs will have new, differnet behavior. If you want the same behavior -- use the same configs you were using before. : Subject: SOLR not indexing empty fields : : Dear Team, : : I working on a project with Sitecore CMS and we use SOLR for indexing. : Recently we had to upgrade the SOLR version to 8.4 and after that SOLR : stopped indexing string fields when the return value is an empty string. : SOLR was indexing the empty strings as "". : : I have tried out many configuration changes by adding properties like : nullValue="NULLVALUE" emptyString="EMPTYVALUE" default="" : returnType="string" : : With the above property, the value is set to "EMPTYVALUE" In case of empty : string which was set to "" in SOLR 7.2.1 version. : : Current Sitecore Version: 10.1.1 : Current SOLR version: 8.4 (standalone with 1 master & 2 slaves) : : Could you please help in sorting this situation? Is this behavior expected? : Please let me know if any additional : details are required from my end. : : Thanks and regards : : Vishnu VG : -Hoss