: However, I am getting "A SPI class of type
: org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenizerFactory with name
: 'zemberekTokenizer' does not exist."
: I have defined NAME on my tokenizer factory as can be seen here:
: Is there any other step I should take before solr will recognize my tokenizer?

The key piece you are are missing is java level "Service Provider"
Interfact registration of your class as an implemenation of the 
TokenizerFactory "Service Interface" ...


..this is done using files under META-INF/services/ path inside your jar.  
You can see an example of how Lucene registers some of it's 
TokenizerFactories here...


...if you wanted to implement your own TokenFilter or CharFilter those 
would need to go in their own corisponding "Interface" based file name in 
your jar.

Note: the "resources/" path is just where lucene keeps the source of that 
file in git, not a path that exists in the jar...

$ jar tf lucene-analysis-common-9.11.1.jar | grep 

(I have very little experience with maven, but i believe if you create a 
file in your repo, the maven 'jar' plugin will do the right thing for you)


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