I agree this looks like a bug, would you please go ahead and file a jira? It seems like maybe it's an off-by-one error (which is just ... ugh.)
$ curl -sS http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select -d 'debug=query' -d 'defType=edismax' -d 'pf=text name' -d 'q=content:(XXX AND YYY AND ZZZ) AND (AAA AND BBB)' | grep '"parsedquery' "parsedquery":"+(+(+content:xxx +content:yyy +content:zzz) +(+DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:aaa)) +DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:bbb)))) DisjunctionMaxQuery((name:\"yyy zzz aaa bbb\" | text:\"yyy zzz aaa bbb\"))", "parsedquery_toString":"+(+(+content:xxx +content:yyy +content:zzz) +(+(text:aaa) +(text:bbb))) (name:\"yyy zzz aaa bbb\" | text:\"yyy zzz aaa bbb\")", : Date: Thu, 4 May 2023 17:04:50 +0200 : From: Mónica Marrero <monica.marr...@europeana.eu> : Reply-To: users@solr.apache.org : To: users@solr.apache.org : Subject: Edismax parsing when using pf parameter : : Hi, : : I have found what I think is an inconsistent behaviour of the query parser : when using the pf parameter. : : I am testing with the techproducts collection in Solr v9.2.1, : defType=edismax, pf=text name : : a) Query= name:george AND (game AND thrones) : Result= "parsedquery_toString":"+(+name:george +(+(text:game) : +(text:thrones))) (text:\"game thrones\" | name:\"game thrones\")" : : b) Query= name:(george AND martin) AND (game AND thrones) : Result= "parsedquery_toString":"+(+(+name:george +name:martin) : +(+(text:game) +(text:thrones))) (text:\"*martin* game thrones\" | name:\" : *martin* game thrones\")" : : I understand why in query a) pf is only applied to keywords *game *and *thrones : (*keywords in the query with no explicit field assigned), but following the : same reasoning, I would expect the same behaviour for query b) and that is : not the case (and it works as I expected for the parameter qf). Any idea : why this happens? : : Best, : : Mónica : : -- : Disclaimer: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential : and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they : are : addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the : system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not : disseminate, : distribute or copy this email. Please notify the sender : immediately by email if you have received this email by mistake and delete : this email from your : system. : -Hoss http://www.lucidworks.com/