: Hmm. That doesn’t seem consistent with the format change added in 
: SOLR-5980, where each ID can have a _route_ attribute.
: { "id":"ID" , "_route_":"route”}

I think you may be getting confused between the syntactic sugar of sending 
a single delete command as the entire JSON payload + the "syntactic sugar" 
of sending multiple IDs in a single delete command vs the full JSON 
update command syntax,


{ "delete":"x" }

...is just syntactic sugar for...


While this...

{ "delete":["a","b","c"] }

...is just syntactic sugar for...


But when using the full syntax multiple commands can be included in a 
single request, and each command can include options (like _version_ and 

  "delete": { "id":"x", "_route_":"a" }, 
  "delete": { "id":"y", "_route_":"b" },
  "add": { ... } 

(I'm guessing the docs would make more sense if the note about including 
"_version_" with deletes was moved up by the example of the full command 
syntax, and the examples of the "simple delete-by-id" syntactic sugar were 
moved below that ... if anyone wnats to submit a patch)


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