: FWIW, if I just replace FROM solr:9.2.1 with FROM solr:8.5.2, I do not run
: into these issues.
: 8.5.2 is our current prod version.
: That is why I was thinking maybe there is something in the base image that
: is causing this.

Did you read all the details in the link Jan provided?

The underlying base linux image of solr:8.5.2 (inherited via our jdk 
base image) is Debian 11, while solr:9.2.1 is based on Ubuntu 22.04.  

So just saying that using 8.5.2 as your base image doesn't have this 
problem doesn't really rule out the explanation Jan offered -- it's 
consistent with the offered explanation.

1) what is the output of your `docker version` ?

2) have you tried a test Dockerfile that directly extends 'ubuntu:22.04' 
to see if that rules out anything related to solr/openjdk as the problem?

3) have you tried upgrading docker ? (or aparently just upgrading `runc` 
can help? ... not really clear)


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