: today we updated solr to version 9.1 (lucene version 9.3)

Which version did you upgrade from?

: Since then we noticed plenty of TooManyNestedClauses in the logs. Our
: setting for maxClauseCount is 1024

Exactly where/how are you setting that?  There are 2 settings related to 



: <field name="id" type="string_dv" indexed="true" stored="true"
: multiValued="false" required="true"/>
: <field name="createdById" type="p_long_dv" indexed="true" stored="false"
: multiValued="false" />

FYI: You've shown us the definition of 'createdById' but your example 
queries use 'categoryId'

I'm going to assume for now that 'categoryId' is also a 'p_long_dv' 

: But when I use the other field (categoryId) this fails:
: curl -XGET http://localhost:8983/solr/myindex/select?q=+categoryId:(1 2 3
: ... 1024)
: It works until 512 and starts failing from 513 clauses

that certainly smells like it might indicate a diff between the solr.xml
maxBooleanClauses setting and the solrconfig.xml maxBooleanClauses -- 
because one is enforced ath teh QueryParser level, and one is enforced at 
the query re-write level ... but off the top of my head i can't think of 
why your Point would trigger the query parser check but your String field 

In addition to the previous questions i asked about, I would really be 
interested to see the stack traces of both exceptions: from querying your 
string field with 1025 clauses, and your point field with 513 clauses.


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