: For e.g. - Current FQ -
: fq: planName:all_features OR zipCode:1234 (in this case entire FQ is cached)
: I don't want to cache the entire FQ given it's very unique , but I
: want to cache the first part (plan_name:all_features) to improve
: performance . How do I achieve this?
: My understanding is the following should work? Is this correct?
: fq: {!cache=false}(filter(planName:all_features) OR zipCode:1234)


In small scale testing you can see it work by looking at your cache 
metrics -- I've included a `bin/solr -e techproducts` example below my 


hossman@slate:~$ curl -sS 
hossman@slate:~$ curl --globoff -sS 
hossman@slate:~$ curl -sS 
hossman@slate:~$ curl --globoff -sS 
hossman@slate:~$ curl -sS 

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