I've added some formatting code to handle terminal input/output and
inline code.
The terminal environment can be used for code blocks:
\prompt \userinput{sudo apt-get install banshee}
Password: \userinput{s3krE7}
Installing banshee...
Banshee installed!
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual/main
Status: In Progress => Fix Released
Currently no uniform method of writing code and directives
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Manual
Hello, Martin.
2010/1/20 Martin Lukeš :
> Thank you Kevin. Great feature.
> On behalf of all translators I'd like to ask you one thing.
> Do I have to translate that link, or can I simply keep the original text?
You should leave the entire \chaplink{ch:something} as is. The word
'chapter' will
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 4:21 AM, Benjamin Humphrey wrote:
> Tonight I showed Martin the latest revision over IRC. Attached is the IRC
> log of our conversation, where he raises some good points. Please have a
> read!
Here are the formatting issues I saw mentioned:
1. "Ubuntu Manual" text
Hello, all.
I recently added a new required LaTeX package to compile the manual.
Unfortunately, it's not packaged in any of the Ubuntu TeX packages
(they're still using the old TeXLive 2007 stuff -- 2009 just came
But, to make the installation as easy as possible, I've included a
copy of th
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Luke-Jennings
> It took me a moment to work it out, but if you update your copy of
> ubuntu-manual by following the directions at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Help#Updating%20your%20local%
> 20branch . Then within your ubuntu-manual folder there w
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Assignee: (unassigned) => Kevin Godby (godbyk)
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: New => In Progress
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Importance: Undecided => Medium
Text formatting for links
You rece
Good news, everyone!
I've got a lot of the translation stuff automated now.
Not-so-good news: If you want to compile translated documents, you'll
have to jump through some hoops at first.
First, for those of you who are just writing plain, boring English,
nothing has changed for you. You can co
Hello, all.
Since I won't be able to attend the meeting this weekend, I wanted to
write up a quick status report of what I've been up to.
I've been spending most of my time this week working on incorporating
the translations back into our manual compiling process. I've updated
the Makefile so th
I agree with Thorsten's and Wendy's assessments: I prefer "Getting
Started with Ubuntu 10.04."
"The Ubuntu Manual" sounds comprehensive, detailed, and technical. I
could see the name attracting a lot of non-beginner users who would
then be disappointed at what they found. The name also invites s
Hello, all.
One of the main goals for the beta release is to have the screenshots
in place. In order to facilitate this, I've added a new command that
we can put in as a placeholder until we get real screenshots:
\screenshotTODO{Description of the desired screenshot}
When you run 'make' to
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Josh Holland wrote:
> Can everyone who is giving a session *please, please, please* check over
> the wiki page. I just added in a load of times for the Tuesday morning,
> and I have no idea whether they're workable or not. It's pretty
> important to get thi
I edited the po file directly and it compiles fine now.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: New => Fix Committed
Compiling in German gives the following error
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, whic
Public bug reported:
When I run "make ubuntu-manual-ar.pdf", the compilation fails:
! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 111.
** Affects: ubuntu-manual
Importance: Undecided
Assignee: Kevin Godby (godbyk)
Status: New
** Attachment added: "ubuntu-manual-ar.log"
Arabic translation fails to compile
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubunt
If anyone on this list is helping with the Bengali translation, could
you send me an email please? I have a few questions that I need
answered so that the Bengali translation will compile.
Mailing list: https://launchpad.ne
ge package (with credit to you, of course) so that others may
benefit from them. The language modules are licensed under the LaTeX
Project Public License (LPPL): http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt.
May I have your permission to contribute your
Hey, Josh.
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Josh Holland wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you could all provide a link to a PDF of your slides, I can add them to
> the iCal ready for this afternoon and tomorrow morning.
I've uploaded the slides from my talk, Benjamin's talks, and Ilya's
talk to my web s
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Artwork?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=font_test_serif_converted.pdf
>> Kevin Godby and I went through the fonts. We looked at individual letter
>> forms, kerning, glyph coverage and style (not too stiff, but n
The siunitx package is only included in TeX Live 2009, so you'll have to
install that.
I've written some installation instructions in the last chapter of this
PDF document:
where is siunitx.sty ?
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Assignee: (unassigned) => Kevin Godby (godbyk)
where is siunitx.sty ?
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Manual.
Status in Ubuntu Manual:
Yes, it's required. The polyglossia package requires a later version of
xelatex than what comes with TeX Live 2007. (I tried your method first
-- downloading the individual packages that we needed. Unfortunately,
the xelatex version requirement got in the way.)
The tipa package is currently bei
I've updated the install-pkgs.sh script (located in the ubuntu-
manual/pkgs/ directory). It will check to see that you have the proper
version of TeX Live installed and also install any missing packages
(both TeX and Ubuntu) and fonts.
Please let me know if you run into any problems with the scri
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: Fix Committed => Fix Released
Compiling in German gives the following error
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Manual.
Status in Ubu
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: Fix Committed => Fix Released
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Manual.
Status in Ubuntu Manual: Fix Released
Hey, everyone
I've recently been working on some new code to help simplify things a bit.
First, I've updated the install-pkgs.sh script. It now tries to
detect which version of LaTeX you have installed and will either tell
you to upgrade (if the version is too old), or check to make sure you
Hey, Martin.
2010/2/24 Martin Lukeš :
> Great work! I could finally compile "my" manual. ;)
> My feedback:
> Text on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Prerequisites is a little bit
> fuzzy I think. Maybe its me but part 6 and 7 took me at least ten minutes to
> understand. ;) Not to mention
Hey, Ben.
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Ben <6180339g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed TexLive 2009 and ran your script, but I'm getting this error
> about 'xmpincl.sty' not being findable. I was able to find a copy of it
> online, but I still got an error (attached).
Whoops, I forgo
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Ben <6180339g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering a bit about that ... I checked, but couldn't find the
> 'xmpincl' bit in any Ubuntu packages other than a generic texlive one, which
> was probably the old version.
> It appears that Launchpad didn't pick
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Ben <6180339g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's OK ... I know the feeling :)
> Unfortunately, I still got an error (re above: I typed "area" instead of
> "error" ... :) ), but I haven't finished that reinstall - the download
> keeps giving up halfway through for me, so
Hello, Martin.
2010/2/25 Martin Lukeš :
> I don't know if I'm not late. ;)
> I ran new install-pkgs.sh and it installed some packages, but "Make
> Translated PDF" still wants three-times press Enter and Evince still doesn't
> open.
> But as it was before - compiled .pdf seems fine with no errors.
Hello, Jamin.
2010/2/25 Jamin Day :
> I'm also having issues compiling the pdf through Ground Control.
> I followed the instructions on the wiki to remove all previous texlive
> packages and install texlive 2009. I'm using English only so didn't install
> any language or documentation packs. Then
Hello, Ben.
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Ben <6180339g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I tried reinstalling and re-running your script. Both processes were
> happy until I attempted a 'make show', when it complained about beramono and
> libertine (I think ... logs attached).
Thanks for reporting
Hello, Maia.
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 2:34 PM, maia grotepass wrote:
> I am trying to get the environment sorted to work on this project and I am
> having a few problems. I have a relatively clean Karmic install and I
> didn't have any Tex version installed. I followed the instructions on the
> H
Hey, Ben.
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Ben <6180339g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hopefully I haven't gotten too annoying ... :)
Nah, we're just working out all the kinks in the script.
> FYI, I had to manually install ccicons, following the readme ... and it
> still didn't work.
It's finding th
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Benjamin Humphrey wrote:
> Hi guys,
> So as most of you should know, not only was 48 hours a chance for us to
> actually get some stuff done and teach new people about the manual project,
> but it was also a chance to test out some new stuff, like ClassBot, Lernid,
Here's some background on how the publishing history information
typically works in books. The publishing history is included on the
copyright page of the book. The following information is taken from
the Chicago Manual of Style:
``Publishing History. The publishing history of a book, which usual
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: In Progress => Fix Released
where is siunitx.sty ?
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Manual.
Status in Ubuntu Manual: Fix Released
Hello, Daniel.
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Daniel Schury wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hey everybody,
> would it be possible, to use a local copy of the license in the branch
> instead of using launchpad for translation? Because the license already
> _is_ tran
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Daniel Schury wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
>> So if the language you're translating into already has an
>> appropriately translated license on the CC site, then you don't have
>> to worry about translating the license.
>> If you do n
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Daniel Schury wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Alright. Little LaTex-Question: the license uses enumeration this way:
> 1.a.i But the manual uses only \begin{enumeration} for the first and
> second layer, not the third. Wouldn't it be ea
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Daniel Schury wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Do you see that something is labeled? Or: If I want to set a ref to 2.b,
> but not 2.a, would there be an optical difference between the both, so
> that I would have to label every enumerati
2010/3/3 Martin Lukeš :
> Hi Kevin
> I pushed Czech translation from
> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/cz/legalcode and I put it to
> backmatter/ directory under name license-cs.tex
> I also tried to do a bit of a LaTeX formating on it and as far as I could
> see (thanks to "Make tran
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Ilya Haykinson wrote:
> I recommend that we _never_ translate this license, since it's a binding
> legal document and it is very easy to make a mistake in translation that
> alters the entire meaning. If need be, I can email Lawrence Lessig and ask
> for help in ap
Hello, all.
I've just added a glossary to the manual. You'll need to run the
pkgs/install-pkgs.sh script to make sure you have all the required
packages installed.
If you want to add entries to the glossary, add them in the
frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex file.
A glossary entry looks like this
Since we have the glossary and index set up now, it would be a good
idea if we had an editor or two to stick in charge of them. Instead
of having everyone indexing their own chapters, I think it'd be better
if we had one or two people dedicated to all of the indexing work.
This will he
Hello, Daniel.
On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Daniel Schury wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Question about the plural Forms: Does it only add a "s" at the end?
By default it will append \glspluralsuffix to the value of the name
field. \glspluralsuffix defaults to '
On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Daniel Schury wrote:
> I've got a question: Am I as a translator allowed, to change links from
> original pages to appropiate pages in the translation-language?
I don't know what the official word is on this, but it makes sense to
me. The goal is that some
Just a quick notes to the translators about the \SI command. If your
language doesn't use the standard English-language SI unit names, then
remove the \SI command and replace it with plain text in your
For example, \SI{3}{\giga\byte} would print "3 GB" in English. Free
free to
Hello, Bryan.
On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 7:29 PM, Bryan Behrenshausen
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to push my recent commits to Launchpad and am receiving this error:
> br...@bryan-aspire:~/Projects/ubuntu-manual$ bzr push lp:ubuntu-manual
> bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. See "bzr he
I added our project to Ohloh:
If you're a contributor to the project and have an Ohloh account
(they're free), feel free to claim your name.
You can also see interesting stats on the site such as how many
commits each person has made, what compute
I've updated my LaTeX handout to include notes for translators
(chapter 4) including what should and should not be translated.
Please let me know if there are any questions, if I've missed
anything, or if something could be
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Yann Ubuntu wrote:
> Hi Kevin, your page gives a "404 - Page Not Found" error.
Whoops! That's what I get for typing it by hand. Here's the correct link:
Fixed in the latest version of polyglossia.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: Confirmed => Fix Released
Arabic translation fails to compile
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed t
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:05 AM, Vishnoo wrote:
> Hi ,
> I just want to mention that the team starting our own wikipedia page is
> _not_ a good idea.
> The editors in the page are mostly only from our team , and it seems
> like we are just doing it for our own ego boost.
> IMHO , wikipedia sh
Hello, all.
I took some of the screenshots that ubuntujenkins gave me (at 1024 x
768) and added them to the manual with the new \screenshot command.
You can take a look at the result:
(See pages 24, 70, 76, 80, 88, and 94.)
I've g
For the keystrokes, use + as the separator and do not use spaces.
Also, the key names should be capitalized. So it should be: Alt+Tab,
Ctrl+N, Ctrl+Alt+Del, Enter, Shift, Esc, Backspace, Home, Ins, PgUp,
PgDn, F1, etc.
Mailing list: https://
Good call. I've fixed this in r628.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: New => Fix Released
Make appendix links use entire name as the link text
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscrib
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: In Progress => Fix Released
No nomenclature at the start of the manual
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Manual.
Status in Ubuntu M
Excellent job, Ilya! Thanks for your help sorting this out.
Are these the licenses we should be using (if there isn't a
translation offered on the main license page)?
Mailing list: https://launc
Hey, Martin.
>> Regarding bugs in the manual -- it's CC's policy that the published
>> version is not changed (even for punctuation or factual errors). So the 1(f)
>> reference that is clearly meant to be 1(h) will stay in the manual. They
>> have a wiki where bugs are tracked -- if I get a link t
Hello, Dan.
On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Dan 'Da Man' wrote:
> Where can we check to see which screenshots in which language need to
> be uploaded?
You can check this site for a preliminary count:
Note that the screenshots haven't been proofread yet (
Hello, Anup.
On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Anup wrote:
> how can i upload screen shots?
You can upload screenshots using the Quckshot application:
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual
Hello, everyone.
I've started work on our new style guide. (I started with the LaTeX
handout I created a while back and will be adding things to it as we
go along.)
I thought I'd mention it now as it contains a chapter that shows all
the LaTeX commands we use and which parts should be (and shoul
It looks like the default search provider will be Google for 10.04 and
not Yahoo as previously mentioned.
What should we do RE: string freeze on this issue?
-- Forwarded message --
From: Rick Spencer
Date: Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 3:31 PM
Subject: Follow up to Default Searc
I've updated the lucid-1e branch to reflect the new default search engine.
I've also updated the window controls order, as well.
A new pot file will be generated soon.
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual
Post to : ubuntu
Hello, Fran.
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 2:33 AM, Fran Dieguez wrote:
> Hi all,
> For testing purposes I'm compiling the manual locally on my computer.
> I have exported the po file from launchpad and the compilation is mostly
> done but while compiling the references says:
> "Latex Warning: There
Hey, Martin.
2010/4/7 Martin Lukeš :
> I couldn't find command
> \ignorespaces
> anywhere.
> It is used in Prologue:
>> \mbox{}\marginnote{To learn more about Linux distributions, see
>> \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.}\ignorespacesThese early \acronym{GUI}s were
>> difficult to configure
Hey, Martin.
2010/4/8 Martin Lukeš :
> Hi Kevin
> I'd like to ask about translating.
> At the beginning of the manual there are few strings with "do not translate
> this" note. For example just this one
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/cs/1/+translate
2010/4/10 Martin Lukeš :
> Hi Kevin
> I have a question ... again. ;)
Great! :)
> This time it is about \newglossaryentry command.
>> \newglossaryentry{⟨keyword⟩}{name={⟨term⟩}, description={⟨definition⟩}
> I'd like to know if we really shouldn't translate "keyword".
> And what is th
Hello, Martin.
2010/4/11 Martin Lukeš :
> Hi Kevin
> I'd like to ask you about quotation marks for Czech language.
> You wrote "Quotation marks for other languages are entered as their Unicode
> characters." in Style Guide.
> In hand-written expression we are used to write quotes like „this“.
> Ho
2010/4/11 Martin Lukeš :
> Well, it's actually not that easy.
> I wrote we use those quotes in hand-written expression. When we write quotes
> on PC we're depending on text editor to automatically change "these" to
> „these“ since on our keyboards is just "this" character as double quotes.
Fixed in r781.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: Confirmed => Fix Committed
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Assignee: (unassigned) => Kevin Godby (godbyk)
wrong text
You received this bug notification because you are a member of
If you can fix this bug and attach a patch, I'll get it applied.
Description of Bluetooth icon preferences incorrect
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Man
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: Fix Committed => Fix Released
symbols for closing etc. of windows changed side
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Team, which is a bug assignee.
Status in Ubuntu Manual
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 560315 ***
** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 560315
Same sentence two times on string number 1422
Doubled information in item 1422 (in web browser) of manual
You're correct, it should be \glspl. I've fixed this in r790.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Milestone: None => release-candidate
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Assignee: (unassigned) => Kevin Godby (godbyk)
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Importance: Undecided =>
Fixed in r791.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Assignee: (unassigned) => Kevin Godby (godbyk)
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Milestone: None => release-candidate
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: Confirmed => Fix Committed
Same sentence two times on string number 1
I've fixed this in r792.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Status: New => Fix Committed
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Milestone: None => release-candidate
wrong numbers
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Manual Te
Hello, Daniel.
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Daniel Schury wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> in german the manual needs to use »?« and ??? as quotation marks. What
> was the correct procedure to include them correctly, except just enter
> them into the tra
Hey, Martin.
I apologize for the late reply to this one. I flagged it to respond to
later and it promptly got buried under a deluge of other email.
2010/4/12 Martin Lukeš :
> Hi Kevin
> Me again. ;)
> I noticed that you probably missed the \eg command when writing Style Guide.
> Or it was on pu
Hello, everyone.
I've uploaded the final draft of the US English manual. If you have a
few minutes, I'd appreciate it if you would page through it and let me
know of any bugs you notice.
You can either reply to this email w
the tlmgr script. After that,
the install-pkgs.sh script should successfully detect the TeX Live
If this doesn't work, please let me know and we can investigate it
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Assignee: (unassigned) => Kevin Godby (godbyk)
No version of TeX Liv
Hello, Jeremy.
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> The index looks pretty bad. There are nearly-duplicate entries like:
> Apt, 123
> apt, 123
> Apt-get, 123
> Apt-get, 123-125, 137
> F-Spot, 27
> F-Spot Photo Manager, 83
> gedit, 123
> gedit Text Editor, 27
> Nautilus, 29-32,
argument here and I'll consider them -- I'm still a bit on
the fence about this one.
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Assignee: (unassigned) => Kevin Godby (godbyk)
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual
Milestone: None => edition-2
Mac OS X in lower case
Hello, Martin.
2010/4/29 Martin Lukeš :
> Hey Kevin
> I know it's late for the first release, anyway.
> Relating to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+bug/565343 about
> manual conventions.
> I found that \application tag do nothing. At least it looks like.
> For an example see attach
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Ilya Haykinson wrote:
> I would add to this "Create a way to read the manual online", i.e. embed
> some flash-based PDF display, to let people without a PDF reader look
> through our manual.
You could embed Google's PDF viewer on our website:
Hey, guys.
Before we all get started on updating the lucid-e2 branch, I wanted to
run an idea by you. I'm hoping that those more experienced with
bzr/Launchpad can help.
Right now, our branch is over 150 MB in size. The actual size of the
source files required to build the manual is less than a
2010/4/29 Martin Lukeš :
> Right, index. Totally forgot about that. ;)
No worries. :)
> I might have just few more questions.
> Since application tag doesn't change the font, it's fine if I do something
> like:
>> Pomocí \application{Writer}u.
> Whole "Writeru" word will be with the
** Project changed: ubuntu-manual => ubuntu-manual-website
** Changed in: ubuntu-manual-website
Assignee: (unassigned) => Adnane Belmadiaf (adnane)
website looks misaligned in epiphany
You received this bug notification because you are a member of U
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Quynh Vu Do wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it right that translation to Vietnamese of the following string:
> \chaplink{ch:learning-more}
> should be like:
> \chaplink{ch:học-thêm-nữa}
> i.e. each word in the chapter name should be separated by dashes, not blank
arted based on lucid-e2 just
prior to starting work on the Maverick manual, so any changes made
here will likely be lost.) Do not make any changes to this branch at
this time.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
--Kevin Godby
untu-manual. My IRC nick is godbyk.
Thanks for all your hard work and help in making the Ubuntu Manual
Project such a success!
--Kevin Godby
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual
Post to : ubuntu-manual@lists.launchpad.net
happily accept
those, too.)
In any event, welcome to the project! if you have any questions,
comments, criticisms, etc., feel free to email this list or visit us
on IRC (Freenode) in #ubuntu-manual.
Thanks for your interest!
--Kevin Godby
to stumble across. Currently it serves primarily as a link we can
point people to when they want to get started. But a friendlier
introduction and overview would be much better. I think the
instructions should be broken up into multiple pages as well.
> Hopefully I can be of help to the com
f the manual is currently available from lulu.com
The Vietnamese manual will be released in two paper sizes: A4 (210 ×
297 mm) and US letter (8.5 × 11 inches). The version printed through
lulu.com wil
On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Xuacu wrote:
> Hi there!
> I've found that already translated items in Asturian language now
> appears as suggestions in LaunchPad.
> After a quick overview, it looks like glossary entries which use an
> apostrophe (') within the translated string. Befor
translation to the
lucid-e2 translation.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Thanks again for volunteering to be an editor and helping to translate
the manual into Asturian!
--Kevin Godby
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubunt
Hello, Paul.
On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Paul Strickland
> Thanks for the information. I followed the instructions for branching
> the manual code and installing TeX Live 2009 without too many problems.
> The only thing is that there doesn't appear to be a ubuntu-manual/pkgs/
> directo
Hello, all.
I'm aware of the problem, but I haven't figured out the cause yet. No
one's responded in the Launchpad IRC channel yet. Since Benjamin
Humphrey is at UDS with some of the Launchpad developers, I've tasked
him with cornering one of the developers until they can help us figure
out what
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