Re: [SAtalk] ignored

2003-07-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
n of a couple of settings, including AWL and rewrite subject. You can change these in section VII of amavisd.conf, usually to be found in /etc. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://www.billy.d

Re: [SAtalk] Block an entire Network?

2003-07-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
net and .edu. I only ever get spam from them anyway. It eliminates almost all spam at this time ;) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://www.billy.d

Re: [SAtalk] Block an entire Network?

2003-07-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
klists up-to-date. Actually, I use SpamAssassin (true, 2.60-CVS) for blocking content rather than wasting time finding IP ranges to block. SA as it is now, with a few additional content rules, blocks 99.9% of all spam anyway. [...] > my network, my pager, my rules. :/ Can't argue with

Re: [SAtalk] Want to turn off AWL (at least for my address)

2003-07-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
your domain had been tainted and needed adjustment. Again apologies for rudeness that wasn't intended - more a cry of "wake up." Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://w

Re: [SAtalk] Re: [AMaViS-user] amavisd-new, spamassin does not tiebayes db rw

2003-07-27 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ve to turn it on , default is /off/ ;) That's one of the settings that is invalid in - there are others, too. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... Mail: [

Re: [SAtalk] odd error during --lint

2003-07-27 Thread Tony Earnshaw
thing to do with your problem, but for me, /etc is primarily a config directory - databases go in /var or /usr/local/var. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... Ma

Re: [SAtalk] Block an entire Network?

2003-07-27 Thread Tony Earnshaw
hey get so much spam from Europe." Purely an admission that they shouldn't be administering anything that has to do with the Internet. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://w

Re: [SAtalk] Want to turn off AWL (at least for my address)

2003-07-27 Thread Tony Earnshaw
s time. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-buil

Re: [SAtalk] Want to turn off AWL (at least for my address)

2003-07-27 Thread Tony Earnshaw
level. Only you know what mailserver you're running, only you know what SA version you're using, only you know how you are calling SA. And only you refuse point blank to tell others. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://j-wal

Re: [SAtalk] odd error during --lint

2003-07-27 Thread Tony Earnshaw
write permission to the Bayes database? Have you got a Bayes database at all? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... Mail: [EMAIL

Re: [SAtalk] Message size limit for SA

2003-07-23 Thread Tony Earnshaw
r via smtp. I suppose if it came into my network, I'd regard it as spam and treat it as such. I certainly wouldn't scan it realtime. Though I'd be anxious to keep my job, if it were one of the bosses, even if he were transferring 50 MB per smtp, via my server. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw

Re: [SAtalk] FW: Returned mail: see transcript for details

2003-07-23 Thread Tony Earnshaw
that blocks me, 'cos I'm not lesbian enough. I try hard enough :-) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... Ma

Re: [SAtalk] Recommendations

2003-07-23 Thread Tony Earnshaw
good idea of what one's boss is letting one in for. Basically, one should be the boss oneself and decide one's own policy and deadlines. 'Cos it costs an awful lot of knowing things, diplomacy and bl*dd*-mindedness. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-post

[SAtalk] [Fwd: ScanMail Message: To Sender, sensitive content found and actiont aken.]

2003-07-23 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Utter, utter crap from women. And I've been a lesbian *all my life*. Always preferred women to men. There's gratitude for you, boyo. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://www.bill

[SAtalk] Re: Perl/PCRE rule problem, Matt Ketler?

2003-07-23 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Tony Earnshaw wrote: I had the attached Abacha masterpiece slip through. No problem, Hmmm. Don't look lik Mozilla 1.4 made such a good job of the attachment, at first sight. "Knip 'n plak" below:

Re: [SAtalk] denial of service

2003-07-22 Thread Tony Earnshaw
In header ALTERNATIVAGRATIS Received =~ /\.alternativagratis\.com/ describe ALTERNATIVAGRATIS My girl friend with the sense of humor score ALTERNATIVAGRATIS 100 On the other hand, it could be that it comes from different sources (Received) the whole time. Then the above is useless. Bes

Re: [SAtalk] exim/courier/amavis/spamassassin on RedHat

2003-07-22 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ime. As far as Courier goes, I'm running it with Postfix (and have Exim 4 configured for it), but compiled my own (LDAP/SASL2 support) and installed as an rpm with checkinstall. I'm running RH 7.2, so can't help, I'm afraid. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd r

Re: [SAtalk] whitelists

2003-07-22 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ot;It doesn't work for me," while it works for (very nearly) everyone else, should give food for thought ;) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://w

Re: [SAtalk] SA 2.60cvs (todays) "undefined value as an ARRAY reference"

2003-07-21 Thread Tony Earnshaw
27;s DNS server, without that helping. Then back at my own DNS server, and everything worked again. 2: You should see the traffic on the SA dev site (I look now and again, don't - can't even with the best will in the world - contribute.) It's probably already signaled. It m

[SAtalk] [Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender]

2003-07-21 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Another xenophobic ameddican :-/ Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- Begin Message --- >From MAILER-DAEMON Mon Jul 21 13:29:42 2003 Ret

Re: [SAtalk] Question about using SA with DCC

2003-07-21 Thread Tony Earnshaw
automatically. Shocked the life out of me, since I'd compiled the DCC software, installed it and only then read the reams of stuff and decided it wasn't for me. Then bingo, it got used anyway and now I'm very happy with it :) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read to

Re: [SAtalk] Blacklist & Whitelist file help

2003-07-19 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Matt's excellent HOWTO at . If you reckon you don't need it yet, if you continue with SA as an admin, you will later. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I wonder why ... http://

Re: [SAtalk] 2.60-cvs problem with dial-up RBLs?

2003-07-19 Thread Tony Earnshaw
avisd-new SA 2.60-CVS is doing. It's unbelievably brilliant. Not that I haven't got my own scores and rules in my site-wide (and continually monitor and adapt,) but only a single - innocent - spam per 100% received is beating it, at the moment. And spam proffered is defini

Re: [SAtalk] Business Proposal (fwd)

2003-07-18 Thread Tony Earnshaw
/nig.htm as well as Hierdie probleem is, dit die spammers zich zê uit Nigeria om te kom. En dan? The problem with this is, that these spammers say that they're Nigerian. And then? Tonni -- Tony Earnshaw Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages. I

Re: [SAtalk] SpamAssassin at Redhat 7.2?

2003-07-18 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ne. I upgraded to Perl 5.6.1 without any problems when installing necessary SA stuff via CPAN - it was CPAN that suggested I might like to upgrade :-) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cli

Re: [SAtalk] China

2003-07-18 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Steven W. Orr wrote: Add this to your and you will get no mail from china. FEATURE(dnsbl,`', `SPAM from China:$&{client_addr} rejected' )dnl Except that Joe's relaying out via a Postfix server ;) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wag

Re: [SAtalk] SA 2.60cvs (todays) "undefined value as an ARRAY reference"

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
e DNS server, or another that the server refuses to service you. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. http:

Re: [SAtalk] 2.60-cvs problem with dial-up RBLs?

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
atching SMTP violators, but that IMP webmail gateway is a very popular thing on our campus and heavily used. Of course it is. IMP is a first-class product. As far as this test is concerned, or dial-up IP blocking at all, simply cut out the dialup tests by setting the score to 0 in Ther

Re: [SAtalk] blacklist & whitelist

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Greg Cirino wrote: | > Can I blacklist everyone and setup a whitelist of domains? black_list_from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Might work, with a whitelist-per-domain after that. What do others say? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a

Re: [SAtalk] No scores in ???

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Michael W. Cocke wrote: I've been getting a lot of HTML spam lately, so I decided to take a look at There's a lot of tests, but I don't see any score lines... What am I missing? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound

Re: [SAtalk] blacklist & whitelist

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Henry Wong wrote: Can I blacklist everyone and setup a whitelist of domains? The place to do this would be your mailserver (MTA,) long before the mail gets to SA. But then perhaps you don't run your own MTA. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me

Re: [SAtalk] Failed to run BAYES_*

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Jim Ford wrote: is DB_File a Berkeley DB? Yes. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws.

Re: [SAtalk] scores differ in headers and spamassassin -t report?

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
st I ought to subscribe to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). You will be attending our conference? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with

Re: [SAtalk] 2.60-cvs problem with dial-up RBLs?

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
the mail indicates spam. Bayes only judges on what's happened in the past, after having built up a reasonably-sized database. Bayes does not judge mails for their spammines - or lack of it. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of

Re: [SAtalk] NJABL and SA 2.6 How to?

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
.cf. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. Mail: [EMAIL

Re: [SAtalk] SMTP Policy List?

2003-07-17 Thread Tony Earnshaw
hese are always willing to say how they do things and what works best for them. Yours looks as if it might be Sendmail - in spite of what it announces - I don't know if there's a regular Sendmail list, though there's always usenet. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music o

Re: [SAtalk] The best ANTl-SPAM software for you, Kc8hr! Ibr gUHQLfFpfDl...? (fwd)

2003-07-14 Thread Tony Earnshaw
s though, I'll admit. Actually, I get very few 'false positives'--haven't had one since upgrading to 2.60 It's the false negatives I'm out after ;) Thanks, The same :-) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of

Re: [SAtalk] spam and

2003-07-14 Thread Tony Earnshaw
am that doesn't get hit, so it's unclear if that email has a point or not. He's a goon. Look at his web site. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its

Re: [SAtalk] Oddball SA custom-rule bug(s)?

2003-07-14 Thread Tony Earnshaw
[ listed in] ___ Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying

Re: [SAtalk] spam and

2003-07-14 Thread Tony Earnshaw
kind of spam is getting through? More like offal than spam. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws.

Re: [SAtalk] Genetic Algorithm assigns some DNSBLs a score of 0?(Myunrejectv3)

2003-07-14 Thread Tony Earnshaw
time. People might have more empathy, namely. I Am The Walrus -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. http

Re: [SAtalk] Rule for comments in mail?

2003-07-14 Thread Tony Earnshaw
long time in 2.60. So, update with a pre from the website or wait for the official release, and then update? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. http://j

Re: [SAtalk] The best ANTl-SPAM software for you, Kc8hr! Ibr gUHQLfFpfDl...? (fwd)

2003-07-14 Thread Tony Earnshaw
start using RBL and DCC checks at the least (avoiding anything to do with OSIRUS, at the moment - DoS death, namely.) -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. http

[SAtalk] I simply have to share this ...

2003-07-13 Thread Tony Earnshaw
look Express 5.00.2615.200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="21BEBEDF7_1" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal -- END HEADERS -- -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases

Re: [SAtalk] Re: "dns_available test:" and MX record question

2003-07-13 Thread Tony Earnshaw
27; to reflect Malte's explanation, or have the debug routine report otherwise than it does? It's far from intuitive. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with

[SAtalk] "dns_available test:" and MX record question

2003-07-13 Thread Tony Earnshaw
rk doesn't matter, my question is : why does a DNS server (of all things) have to have an MX record for "dns_available test:" to work? Why should any DNS server *have* to have an MX record? Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me mo

Re: [SAtalk] question about returning mail

2003-07-12 Thread Tony Earnshaw
s, you could best add "senders = !$local_part" to the router, as well. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws.

Re: [SAtalk] postfix-2.0.13-20030706

2003-07-11 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Tony Earnshaw wrote: The new TLS patch for Postfix 2.0.13 doesn't work properly yet, smtpd and smtp have to talk to Amavisd unencrypted and encryption can't be turned off at the moment to talk to Amavisd (bug), so the smtpd servers should not advertise STARTTLS on an EHLO. The abo

Re: [SAtalk] postfix-2.0.13-20030706

2003-07-11 Thread Tony Earnshaw
aster gets mail to say what has been quarantined, each time that happens. Just as with SA-Exim, it's possible to list exemptions (spam and virus lovers) whose mail never gets scanned. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a c

Re: [SAtalk] SA won't install

2003-07-10 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ed new things and never puts a foot wrong. I've generally installed SA from the CVS server. If I've wanted special stuff for Amavis or 1.000 other things, cpan has only ever let me down ummm twice. It made a mess of installing Perl 5.8.0, for some reason. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I

Re: [SAtalk] tricky spam

2003-07-10 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Chr. von Stuckrad wrote: Or is there something causing me to only use 'ored' strings? Yours is Posix, Matt's is Perl/PCRE. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to

Re: [SAtalk] How to balance new rules for hams that looks like spam

2003-07-10 Thread Tony Earnshaw
a bit like a friendly neighborhood watch. For my part, I'd rather list the exceptions than the rule. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. http://j-wal

Re: [SAtalk] spam with no body...

2003-07-10 Thread Tony Earnshaw
NDOM_WORD" markup seen in many spams from one of the tools. Hmmm ... I wonder what sort of customer support the mass-mail software vendors give. Upgrades? Customer support contracts? Mailing lists (like this one?) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pl

Re: [SAtalk] Syntax for dns_available test?

2003-07-10 Thread Tony Earnshaw
um of 3.) ip-number* should be the actual IP numbers that your ISP has given you, not names. Far better would be to learn a DNS utility, such as BIND 9.2.2, and implement your own, caching, nameserver - but that costs much learning, spiritual grit and patience. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love

Re: [SAtalk] Wow, spam with scores as low as 2.1??

2003-07-09 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Dragoncrest wrote: I just saw something weird today. I'm running SA 2.55 and I hit a spam message that scored as low as 2.1 and I still have yet to figure out how. It was a blatently obvious spam, but it scored very low. I know that a number of members talked about this not too long back, bu


2003-07-09 Thread Tony Earnshaw
-- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

[SAtalk] Pressure being put on ISPs to stop spamming ...

2003-07-09 Thread Tony Earnshaw
What would his customers/subscribers experience, when the aggregate RBLs (like the notorious Jared's OSIRUS) make mailing impossible? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that

Re: [SAtalk] Two Bayes DB's?

2003-07-08 Thread Tony Earnshaw
as UID filter, whether you believe it or not. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws. htt

Re: [SAtalk] Reject based on SA score

2003-07-08 Thread Tony Earnshaw
zations. I am pretty comfortable with Postfix. Stick with it ;-) How complicated is the switch from it to Exim? Very. You have to have a reason - or just curiosity. I speak and write fluent Norwegian (4 kinds) and fluent Dutch. But I'd never have learned Dutch without having had to - I came to

[SAtalk] postfix-2.0.13-20030706

2003-07-08 Thread Tony Earnshaw
become available. Obviously SA 2.60-CVS continues to be SA 2.60-CVS - sublime and unbeatable. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws.

Re: [SAtalk] Regexp Rule Question

2003-07-08 Thread Tony Earnshaw
0: a href=fafafaafdcacaimg src= data> a href="";>Read about ithere 0: a href="";>Read about ithere Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music

Re: [SAtalk] Spam Assassin increases a server load and gets it down

2003-07-08 Thread Tony Earnshaw
those ports, I think. 2: This seems a question for the Exim list. There are ISPs and other high-load merchants running Exim under BSD and they could be more specific - so post this question to that list as well, if you haven't. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only

Re: [SAtalk] Spammers using SpamAssassin to tailor their emails?

2003-07-08 Thread Tony Earnshaw
. Not all of the features of full SA are there yet (Razor/DCC not implemented; RBL checks unstable) but it's still very effective. I'm probably showing up my weak chin by asking this, but where can I find out about SAProxy? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only

Re: [SAtalk] Bayesian filtering question #2

2003-07-08 Thread Tony Earnshaw
own's amavisd-lite: Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th floor window, trying to cling to the glass with its claws.

Re: [SAtalk] Reject based on SA score

2003-07-07 Thread Tony Earnshaw
figured to understand smtp 5xx refusals, they either drop the connection or keep on trying. You don't have to dev-null spam with Amavis-d/SA-Exim, you can quarantine it in a dedicated directory. That's what I do. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sou

Re: [SAtalk] Mail::SpamAssassin memory requirements?

2003-07-07 Thread Tony Earnshaw
out of 3 max configured) and non-active around 33 MB. AFAICS, these are not threaded, LWP processes, they are concurrent, so memory consumption is cumulative. And obviously i don't run both at once. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that pleases me more i

Re: [SAtalk] Spammers using SpamAssassin to tailor their emails?

2003-07-06 Thread Tony Earnshaw

Re: [SAtalk] Spammers using SpamAssassin to tailor their emails?

2003-07-06 Thread Tony Earnshaw
etting past my setup, albeit with my own extraporn and Swiss Watch rules - and umpteen redundant others (I should clean up my redundant rules a little.) And no false negatives nor false positives, either. And no, I don't use TMDA - whatever it is (I don't care anyway, so don't both

Re: [SAtalk] Installing spamc only?

2003-07-06 Thread Tony Earnshaw
i'm written in C?) Could've sworn you were a Dutchman with that sense of humor, but, but ... Rejo=Dutch, Pitkanen could be Finnish, but then it would be Pitkainen. And even then ... Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away http://j-wal

Re: [SAtalk] Installing spamc only?

2003-07-06 Thread Tony Earnshaw
, I once refused to sell or support those things) would have the necessary lib support. Especially if it's one of the first MIPS RAQs. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away http://www.billy.d

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Help in installation

2003-07-06 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Dan Jacobson wrote: make make install You forgot "make test", "backup all your old stuff" :-) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away http://www.billy.demon.

Re: [SAtalk] Spammers using SpamAssassin to tailor their emails?

2003-07-06 Thread Tony Earnshaw
nes. More pressure should and must be put on all ISPs to provide an all-in solution. Legislation against ISPs providing succor to spammers could well be made to work. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [

Re: [SAtalk] New spammer technique

2003-07-05 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ed and rise to the bait, like a trout to a fly. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Fre

Re: [SAtalk] bugzilla.mozilla harvested for email addresses

2003-07-04 Thread Tony Earnshaw
learned spammer addresses are *never* "forgotten." That makes them all the more "valuable" to sell. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away http://www.billy.demon.

Re: [SAtalk] Problems with PENIS_ENLARGE

2003-07-04 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ntributing. I keep on feeling seduced by Exim/Postfix "kill instantly" possibilities, but always resort to SA rules in the end. SpamAssassin is TOP; thanks to the dev people and all other contributors ... But everybody knew that, schon. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go aw

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin Report generation??

2003-07-03 Thread Tony Earnshaw
with (the following does most of what you want for me - but on RH7.2 + I had to keep on inventing things:) Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [

Re: [SAtalk] Your message to Spamassassin-announce awaits moderatorapproval

2003-07-03 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Microsoft fscking Outlook address book. Talk about humanity! Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Fre

Re: [SAtalk] re: e-mail with attachment

2003-07-03 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ose :-) Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-built ASP.NET sites including Data Rep

Re: [SAtalk] Please help with spamassassin and qmail

2003-07-03 Thread Tony Earnshaw
John McGivern wrote: I tried this question a couple of times but I'm kind of desperate so I'll try again. Any suggestions would really help me out. Well, when you switch from Qmail to Exim 4 or Postfix 2, I'll help you out :-) Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'

Re: [SAtalk] Am I screwing up my bayes database?

2003-07-03 Thread Tony Earnshaw
27;s a better idea or not. It's what I do - and it works :-) If what I am doing is screwing things up should I just delete the Bayes db and start over again after fixing the configuration?? I don't think you need to. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away http://

Re: [SAtalk] Why are local users getting marked as spam?

2003-07-03 Thread Tony Earnshaw
n (one of many small, lightweight daemons) is involved and is called by an inetd-like daemon (master), only when needed. All clients for outgoing mail are forced to STARTTLS and then SMTP AUTH using CRAM or DIGEST-MD5 (both are available.). Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away ht

Re: [SAtalk] New spammer technique

2003-07-02 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Pierre Bacquet wrote: Hello fellow spam fighters, SA version? S*ll* *d**t Antoine -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This S

[SAtalk] Martijn/Martin/Marten Beverlander

2003-07-02 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ist uprising of the 50s and and the Falkland Island - Malvinas - fracas,) the BBC *sometimes* says what any current government tells it to. -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [SAtalk] 2.60 and Base 64 enc text?

2003-07-02 Thread Tony Earnshaw cesspit. Yes, I could have smtped them 550 with SA-Exim 3.0, but it really doesn't do any good. They're all proxy shit, anyway. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away http://www.billy.demon.

Re: [SAtalk] Intriguing header forgery

2003-06-30 Thread Tony Earnshaw
er, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Look at the difference in helo, id and date formats in your own, quoted header, for example. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away

Re: [SAtalk] "Naughty" test names

2003-06-30 Thread Tony Earnshaw
altered my conception of rialti to the worst. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-buil

Re: [SAtalk] where to install..

2003-06-30 Thread Tony Earnshaw
7;t you just read the available documentation and FAQ at Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Ne

Re: [SAtalk] "Naughty" test names

2003-06-30 Thread Tony Earnshaw
, the world was once flat and the sun revolved around the earth. Anyone who disavowed that, was tortured to death in the most horrible way. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away

[SAtalk] Is this "machine-homogenized intrisic pork-offal-vegetable-based-brains-likewisecanned substance" [Fwd: Ode to the Love : invitation]

2003-06-29 Thread Tony Earnshaw
ne of us regarded as being what my subject says - though I didn't, myself. So, is the above kosher or misguided? Or neither? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and he'll go away Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- Begin Message --

Re: [SAtalk] Need rule to filter out spying tags

2003-06-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
se, but neither arlsoft nor valodata uris will ever make it again. Pity for the real arlsoft and/or valodata. Or as I've suggested before, have SA analyse and learn from images on porn sites. Something for the developers to do in their spare time ;) Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him and h

Re: [SAtalk] Postfix error: Client host rejected: cannot find yourhostname.

2003-06-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Tony Earnshaw wrote: I have a problem and hope that somebody could help me. We are running Postfix everything is fine except that some clients of ours cannot sent emails to us. I have discussed this with Billy, my most intelligent cat and my IT consultant (compare him to a mixture of

Re: [SAtalk] SA Marks AOL Bounce messages as spam

2003-06-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
your MTA configured? Like all messages received are first handled by the MTA? Granted my only experience is with Exim 4, SA-Exim 3 (no, not Exim 3.x) and Postfix 2.0. But all of them can be configured to handle bounce messages before they even get to SA. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw No nudes

Re: [SAtalk] Postfix error: Client host rejected: cannot find yourhostname.

2003-06-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Catbert) and we both find that you could do better in getting a representative answer by consulting the Postfix mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tony and Billy -- Tony Earnshaw No nudes is bad nudes Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [SAtalk] "Naughty" test names

2003-06-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
tes. Now I can again. Everybody draws his (ermm ... her) own conclusion as to what extent this farce can be extrapolated and may again be altered in the future. Tony -- Tony Earnshaw No nudes is bad nudes Mail: [EMAIL PROTE

Re: [SAtalk] Installing spamassasin...

2003-06-28 Thread Tony Earnshaw
* applies. Expecting any GUI for Unix / Linux will be bound to lead to grief and tears. Unix / Linux server installations expect and demand a basic level of proficiency and skills (the desktops don't necessarily.) And those skills still have to be learned. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw No nud

Re: [SAtalk] Installing spamassasin...

2003-06-27 Thread Tony Earnshaw
There are enough people here willing to help. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw No nudes is bad nudes Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-buil

Re: going OT: --- Re: [SAtalk] Spammers sneaking lower Bayes scores

2003-06-26 Thread Tony Earnshaw
e when you say what you really think. People generally respect those that they hear the truth from. Litwillers don't read Earnshaw's signatures ;) Tony PS: Litwillers have never read Wuthering Heights - or where do Earnshaws come from? The Middle East? -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him, and

Re: [SAtalk] A little Argentinian humor...

2003-06-26 Thread Tony Earnshaw
Luis Hernán Otegui wrote: This came by today, from a newspaper comic strip: Luis Hernn Otegui Administrador de Red Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Non habla Español. What does it mean in Norwegian (or Dutch)? Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him, and

Re: [SAtalk] abuse of the X-Mailer: header

2003-06-26 Thread Tony Earnshaw
G BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up 1.0 HTML_FONTCOLOR_UNSAFE BODY: HTML font color not within safe 6x6x6 palette 0.8 MISSING_HEADERSMissing To: header ____ Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him, and

Re: [SAtalk] Ideas on dealing with Joe Job?

2003-06-26 Thread Tony Earnshaw
afford to, many see this as a main weapon against non-ham. My main tools are SA-Exim 4.20/3.0 and Postfix 2.0.12. My policy remains the same with both. Best, Tony -- Tony Earnshaw Humor him, and he'll go away again

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