't come back. Jason Haar wrote:

That's weird. As I said, it works fine a lot of the time - just the odd one (well, if one per 20 emails is 'odd') causes this error. *However* - it causes SA to crash - i.e. the message isn't tagged correctly. Doesn't this imply some error checking is needed in that area?

Probably. But 2 things:

1: For me it's gone away and hasn't come back. Why? Dunno. Firstly I have my own caching DNS server and it's always worked perfectly before. Suddenly it didn't any more. So I pointed /etc/resolv.conf at my ISP's DNS server, without that helping. Then back at my own DNS server, and everything worked again.

2: You should see the traffic on the SA dev site (I look now and again, don't - can't even with the best will in the world - contribute.) It's probably already signaled.

It may have to do with RBL server timeouts?



Tony Earnshaw

Sometimes I'd rather read top-posted messages.
I wonder why ...


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