Kristian Koehntopp wrote:

Is there a mailing list that deals with SMTP policy issues, or are there
other ressources in that direction (documents, FAQs and the like?). What do
you recommend.

I am thinking about topics like "What is better: A cluster with
a single MX, or multiple machines with separate MXes?" "What
trust can be put into the name that comes after a HELO
statement? Can we demand that it resolves?" "If my secondary
gets a mail while the primary is reachable from the secondary,
should the secondary 4xx the incoming message?"

Where would I go with questions like these?

I subscribe to 2 MTA lists, Exim and Postfix - I support both.

On both lists there are all sorts of subscribers, from home users to ISPs and very large orgs, both lists have very many subscribers.

The large orgs often have to deal with millions of mails per day and admins of these are always willing to say how they do things and what works best for them. Yours looks as if it might be Sendmail - in spite of what it announces - I don't know if there's a regular Sendmail list, though there's always usenet.



Tony Earnshaw

I love the music of Wagner. The only sound that
pleases me more is that of a cat outside my 9th
floor window, trying to cling to the glass with
its claws.

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