Re: Keyspace question

2011-09-29 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Mike, Listing buckets does the same full scan as listing keys. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Mike Oxford wrote: > Bucket+Key gives us the flattened Key for a value > Bucket+Key2 gives us anoth

Re: empty sibling after a DELETE then PUT

2011-10-06 Thread Dan Reverri
There should be an "X-Riak-Deleted" header in the tombstoned object. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Eric Moritz wrote: > It seems to me that occasional tombstone siblings may occur in the cas

Re: vnode crashes with "{badmatch,{error,enoent}}"

2011-10-14 Thread Dan Reverri
Can you try adding "platform_data_dir" to "riak_core"? I think the following will work in your case: node[:riak][:core][:platform_data_dir] = "/mnt/riak" Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 a

Re: Unable to access solr port.

2011-10-20 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Roberto, Can you try appending '/select' after the bucket name? For example: curl "http://localhost:8098/solr/books/select?start=0&rows=1&q=prog*"; I found the above query in the Riak Search documentation here:

Re: secondary indexes: how to know the saved indexes for a key?

2011-10-21 Thread Dan Reverri
The indexes will be returned as headers in the response. Check the response for the "x-riak-index-categroy_bin" header. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Antonio Rohman Fernandez < roh...@mah

Re: Riak 1.0

2011-10-21 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Jim, Can you check "ring_num_partitions" on each node from "riak-admin status"? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. 2011/10/20 Jim Adler > I tried the Bitcask-to-LevelDB procedure on 1.0.1 to switch my backend from

Re: Riak 1.0

2011-10-21 Thread Dan Reverri
ueue, data/kv_vnode) 3. Verify "ring_creation_size" is set to 256 in the app.config file 4. Start the node 5. Verify "ring_num_partitions" in "riak-admin status" is 256 6. Join the node to the cluster Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d.

Re: Ripple document NoMethodError: undefined method `all' for Customer:Class

2011-10-27 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Eric, I believe the method was changed to `list`; I don't know what version of Ripple changed the method name. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Eric Chaves wrote: > Hi Guys, > > I'm t

Re: Question: {error,{error,insufficient_vnodes_available}}

2011-11-28 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Walter, Have you made any changes to your configuration recently such as changing the "-name" parameter in vm.args? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 1:04 AM, Chung-Hung (Walter) Tsai < waltert...@gma

Re: Question: {error,{error,insufficient_vnodes_available}}

2011-11-29 Thread Dan Reverri
I would recommend getting the cluster back to a steady state with a single node. Once this is complete we can review the issues and determine what the problem might be. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Ch

Re: Question about riakc_objects and <<"Links">>

2011-12-06 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Can, Only dict:fetch throws an exception; dict:find/2 will return {ok, Value} or 'error'. You can handle 'error' in your case statement. Are you using the metadata dictionary from the object or the object itself in your call to dict? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Deve

Re: basho_bench and custom key and value generators

2012-01-02 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Greg, I threw together a quick example using a custom function for key and value generation here: Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 8:47 PM

Re: Prefix?

2012-01-02 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Shuhao, No, the prefix option does not apply to bucket names. The prefix option refers the raw_name config option in app.config: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Dec 23

Re: How to write a record with no key

2012-01-24 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Carl, The URL on the Wiki is incorrect. It should be: http://host:port/buckets/mybkt/keys I will make sure the Wiki is updated. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 7:12 AM, Carl wrote: > I am trying to writ

Re: mem_allocated

2012-02-20 Thread Dan Reverri
Riak node. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 8:05 AM, heffergm wrote: > I was hoping someone could clue me in on exactly what the mem_allocated > stat > is

Re: Search and Erlang client

2012-02-27 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Doug, Can you confirm the "Content-Type" header is set to "application/json" by reading the JSON objects you stored? Can you share an example JSON object as well as an example query you are running with "search-cmd"? Thank you, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Ad

Re: Search and Erlang client

2012-02-27 Thread Dan Reverri
t;, <<"key">>, <<"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}">>, <<"application/json">>). riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, O). Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:17 AM,

Re: Need quick fix for > lineno":466, "message":"SyntaxError: syntax error", "source":"()

2012-03-06 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Ivaylo, Can you provide an example of the MapReduce job you are running? Are there any log messages on the server side which correspond to the MapReduce error? What bug are you referring to? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Mar 6

Node 'riak@' not responding to pings.

2015-10-16 Thread Dan Rogers
Installed riak on RHEL 6.4, changed the ulimit to 4096.  riak start/stop work, but when I try using ping riak ping Node 'riak@' not responding to pings. I only have one node started, there doesn't seem to be an indication I need more started.  The documentation t

Re: Issue with riak_client:list_keys

2010-04-13 Thread Dan Reverri
This list_keys method is updated asynchronously so it may not immediately reflect the addition or removal of keys. The list_keys method should eventually reflect the deletion of the key. Can you try running list_keys after a delay? On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Alexander Zhuravlev wrote: >

Re: Maximum key length?

2010-04-17 Thread Dan Reverri
For innostore I believe there is a maximum key size of 255 bytes. On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Smith wrote: > Via the Erlang client, 'cause that's what I had handy, I did a put/get > combination on an object with a key 5000 chars long. Worked with no issues. > You might run into URL

Riak Erlang Client

2010-04-20 Thread Dan Reverri
Is there any documentation for the new protobufs based Erlang client? The README mentions a docs directory but I don't see a docs directory in the riak-erlang-client repo. Also, can the riak-erlang-client be built with Erlang R13B03? Thanks

Re: avoid records?

2010-04-26 Thread Dan Reverri
I've started storing data encoded as JSON in order to allow access through the REST API. This adds a bit of overhead in Erlang but allows the data to be accessed from other clients such as . On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 6:10 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote: > Yes, the pri

Re: Sanity check - reduce phase swallowing inputs?

2010-04-29 Thread Dan Reverri
What's the map phase function? On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Jimmy Thrasher wrote: > Hi everyone. Hope you're doing well. Tried this on the IRC channel, but I > guess it was dinner time. :) > > I have a query which, up until today, has worked quite well. The data > currently coming out of

Fwd: how do i link the riak-erlang-client to the Erland node?

2010-04-30 Thread Dan Reverri
Can you try running "make clean && make all"? It should fetch the protobuffs dependency and compile everything. Once this is complete run: erl -pa $RIAKC/ebin Make sure $RIAKC points to the path where you have cloned the riak-erlang-client repo. On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Norman Khine w

Re: how do i link the riak-erlang-client to the Erland node?

2010-05-01 Thread Dan Reverri
<<"Hello World">>}], {dict,0,16,16,8,80,48, {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],...}, {{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],...}}}, undefined}} 5> You'll notice I had to include &quo

Re: socket.error: [Errno 61] Connection refused

2010-05-02 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Norman, Looks like you're trying to connect to the handoff port. Riak, by default, listens on port 8098 for HTTP requests. On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 4:23 AM, Norman Khine wrote: > hello, > i am trying out the python client but have this: > > > > any advise

Re: how do i link the riak-erlang-client to the Erland node?

2010-05-02 Thread Dan Reverri
stem libs which means the application will be available anytime you start "erl". On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Norman Khine wrote: > hi dan, ok i got it to work, but i am a little confused. > > here is my procedure: > araweelo:~ khinester$ cd ~/ > araweelo:~ khinester$ ria

Re: FastTrack Slowing Point

2010-05-13 Thread Dan Reverri
Running "make dev" first will create the "dev/riak" directory. The "make devrel" command will copy the generated "dev/riak" directory into three additional release directories "dev/dev1", "dev/dev2", "dev/dev3". The name, web_port, pb_port, and handoff_port settings are then updated in the three r

Riak Search release date

2010-05-13 Thread Dan Young
me! I'm trying to pitch Riak as one of the prototype data stores but search is an issue. Initially we're looking @ store indexes external in Solr. Regards, Dan ___ riak-users mailing list http://lists.basho.

Re: Recovering datas when a node was joining again the cluster (with all node datas lost)

2010-05-17 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Germain, You can make a HEAD request to the bucket/key path. It will return 404 or 200 without the document body. On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Germain Maurice <> wrote: > Le 17/05/10 15:34, Paul R a écrit : > > What should the user do to come back to the

Re: Some questions before moving from CouchDB to Riak on production

2010-06-03 Thread Dan Reverri
The free webinar today might help answer some of your questions: On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Germain Maurice <> wrote: > Hi > > We've started to use CouchDB earlier thi

Fwd: Errors when using basho_bench

2010-06-08 Thread Dan Reverri
Forwarding my reply to the mailing list. -- Forwarded message -- From: Dan Reverri Date: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 8:45 AM Subject: Re: Errors when using basho_bench To: Germain Maurice Hi Germain, The first error "{'function not exported',[{riak_core_bucket,defau

Re: Fwd: Errors when using basho_bench

2010-06-08 Thread Dan Reverri
val, 2}]} > > Maybe, i made a mistake... > > Le 08/06/10 17:55, Dan Reverri a écrit : > > Forwarding my reply to the mailing list. > > -- Forwarded message -- > From: Dan Reverri > Date: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 8:45 AM > Subject: Re: Errors when using bas

Re: Fwd: Errors when using basho_bench

2010-06-08 Thread Dan Reverri
e you making GET requests for keys created in the benchmark against the REST API after the benchmark? Thanks, Dan On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Dan Reverri wrote: > Hi Germain, > > You should be able to work around this issue by specifying a full list of > default bucket properties

Re: Fwd: Errors when using basho_bench

2010-06-09 Thread Dan Reverri
.0.0.41"]}. > {key_generator, {uniform_int, 1}}. > {value_generator, {fixed_bin, 80}}. > {operations, [{get, 2}, {update, 2}]}. > {http_raw_params, "?r=1&w=2"}. > > > The webmachine errors occured immediately after shutting down the benchmark > w

Re: multiple map phases

2010-06-10 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Thomas, Map phases expect a list of bucket/key pairs. The input to the second map phase would be the JSON values returned by the first map phase which is invalid. On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Thomas Heller wrote: > Howdy folks, > > still trying to wrap my head arround riak and map/redu

Re: Mac OS X install error

2010-06-11 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Allen, Can you try running the generate command in verbose mode? ./rebar -v generate Thank you, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Allen Kim wrote: > Reposting with shortened messages > > Seeing the s

Re: Mac OS X install error

2010-06-11 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Allen, Sorry for not being more clear. You have to run the generate command against a compiled folder. make all ./rebar -v generate Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing

Re: Mac OS X install error

2010-06-11 Thread Dan Reverri
library is included in all releases. We have to look into this a bit further and try to reproduce the issue locally. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Allen Kim wrote: > If it helps, ts_client_proxy.beam file is

Re: Mac OS X install error

2010-06-11 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Allen, Is there anything of note about your system that might help us reproduce the build error here? Are you using an symlinks in your Erlang libs folder? Do you have a ".erlang" file defined in your home directory? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologi

Re: Mac OS X install error

2010-06-11 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Allen, Can you try temporarily removing the ".erlang" file in your home directory and testing the build again? We have not been able to reproduce the error with tsung installed via port. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On F

Re: Mac OS X install error

2010-06-11 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Allen, To accurately verify that ".erlang" is not the cause: 1. install tsung 2. extract riak 3. run make rel 4. verify failure (ERROR: Failed to generate target from spec) 5. Remove the .erlang file 6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Te

Re: [ANN] Riak Release 0.11.0

2010-06-12 Thread Dan Reverri *When physically possible refers to having at least N physical nodes available. Meaning you can't place 3 replicas on distinct nodes if you only have 2 nodes. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wed, Jun 9, 2010

Re: Mac OS X install error

2010-06-13 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Allen, Sorry for not being more clear. You have to run the generate command against a compiled folder. make all ./rebar -v generate Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Allen Kim wrote: > Here we

Re: [ANN] Riak Release 0.11.0

2010-06-14 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Jason, Thanks for the feedback; I'll be pushing changes to the Replication article soon (hopefully by this evening). Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilli...@g

Re: riak version

2010-06-14 Thread Dan Reverri
lication:get_key(riak_core,vsn). {ok,"0.11.0"} I've filed a feature request to have this information added to the stats information: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Jun 14,

Re: riak-java-client

2010-06-14 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Simon, Static arguments can be passed to MapReduce queries using the "arg" property. Here is an example query that runs over all the keys in the bucket "bucket": { "inputs": "bucket", "query": [ { "map": { "language": "javascript", "so

Re: riak-java-client

2010-06-14 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Simon, Just realized your question was specific to the Java client. I don't see a way to provide the "arg" property in the Java client. I've filed a bug for this issue: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho

Re: riak stats maintenance?

2010-06-17 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Gareth, I'm not aware of any mechanism that turns the stats url off for any reason. How often are you pinging the stats url? Do the timeouts correlate with any other event on the system (higher load, cron job, etc.)? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, I

Re: riak stats maintenance?

2010-06-17 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Gareth, If you are just looking for health checks you can use the "/ping" resource: http://riak_server:riak_port/ping Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:41 PM, Gareth Stokes wrote: > Hey Dan, > > Sound

Re: Right schema of saving data

2010-06-21 Thread Dan Reverri 2. The twitter schema you've chosen looks good. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Artem Golovinsky wrote: > Hi all, > >1. I have erlang application which is subscriber on 1

Re: schema design advise

2010-06-21 Thread Dan Reverri
Here is a previous discussion about storing time series data in Riak thta might be helpful: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Jun 21, 2010

Re: riak + hdf5 = awesome time series system?

2010-06-21 Thread Dan Reverri
+page:1+mid:43du3afmercobvi5+state:results Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Sundberg, Patrik <> wrote: > Hi, > > > > I have been looking at a lot of differen


2010-06-22 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Ted, Documentation for the REST API can be found here: Regarding the failed requests, can you show us the various requests you are making via curl along with the responses? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d


2010-06-22 Thread Dan Reverri
quot;:"baz"} Regarding your last attempt, option "c", it's important to note that URL parameters are not included in the body of the request when processed by Riak. Riak will store the data included in the body of the request and ignore unrecognized URL parameters. Thanks, Dan Da

Re: Out of memory: kill process 8713 (beam.smp)

2010-06-23 Thread Dan Reverri
, just the keys). Here is a related discussion from IRC: Also worth reviewing is this discussion from the mailing list: Thank you, D

Re: riak_multi_backend and bitcask

2010-06-23 Thread Dan Reverri
ues did you see after setting bitcask as a backend in the multibackend options? Were keys not stored? Did you see errors in the log files? Did you try to setup multiple bitcask backends? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at

Re: riak_multi_backend and bitcask

2010-06-23 Thread Dan Reverri
{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]} >> >> So as you can see riak_kv_vnode cannot handle riak_kv_bitcask_backend >> messages ({riak_kv_bitcask, Whatever}) if the backend type is >> riak_kv_multi_backend. There is simply no case for it in the handle_info >> callback

Re: Out of memory: kill process 8713 (beam.smp)

2010-06-25 Thread Dan Reverri
ey list for the bucket? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Germain Maurice <> wrote: > Dan, > > I switched back to Bitcask, i have a n_value = 2 bucket over two nodes &

Re: Riak and Amazon EC2

2010-06-27 Thread Dan Reverri
lt;"key1">>}],[{link, <<"bucket">>, '_', true}]). The map reduce query returns: {ok,[[<<"bucket">>,<<"key2">>,<<"tag">>]]} * Note, the above query used '_' for the tag po


2010-06-29 Thread Dan Reverri
atom, so '{"vvfe":"fegtg"}' is an atom. You should instead pass a string: ibrowse:send_req("",[{"Content-Type";, "application/json"}], put, "{\"vvfe\":\"fegtg\"&q

Re: A small note about basho_bench

2010-06-30 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Dmitry, I've filed an enhancement request to look into improving the plotting of results from Basho Bench: Thank you, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 3:44 AM, D

Re: riak install issues

2010-07-06 Thread Dan Reverri
. -name "erl_driver.h" ./erts-5.7.5/include/erl_driver.h ./usr/include/erl_driver.h Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:49 AM, robert schaefer wrote: > > -- The error I get is: > > Compil

Re: riak install issues

2010-07-06 Thread Dan Reverri
do not need to build from source: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Robert Schaefer wrote: > Dan, > > Redhat Enterprise 5.4 > > I first installed it in my

Re: riak install issues

2010-07-07 Thread Dan Reverri
the home directory install with a prefix and run "make && make install". The Erlang install document discusses setting a prefix during configuration: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d...@b

Re: Small patch to fix bin/riak stop on OS X

2010-07-07 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Seth, I've submitted your patch to Bugzilla: The development team will review the information and decide whether or not to make the proposed change. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. O

Re: riak slides?

2010-07-13 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Wilson, There are several posted on slideshare: Thanks, Dan <> Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc.

Re: Riak + Webmachine

2010-07-19 Thread Dan Reverri
.org/basho/riak-erlang-client";, "tip"}}, You can find documentation here: You can ignore the "./rebar install" part in the Overview section since you will be including it as a dependency in your application. Let me know

Re: Riak 0.11.0 hanging on OSX 10.6

2010-07-20 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Chris, Can you try "ulimit -a"? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Chris Dawson wrote: > I believe I have been having the same problem, so I appreciate this > information. > > W

Re: Riak 0.11.0 hanging on OSX 10.6

2010-07-20 Thread Dan Reverri
s is OK, because what we wanted was open file handles, > right? > > Chris > > > On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Dan Reverri wrote: > >> Hi Chris, >> >> Can you try "ulimit -a"? >> >> Thanks, >> Dan >> >> Daniel Reverri

Re: Reduce phase only on one node?

2010-07-23 Thread Dan Reverri
Bugzilla to receive notifications. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 2:34 PM, John D. Rowell wrote: > +1 to this, my understanding is that you can use the same reduce funcion to > re-reduce a stream of data and

Re: UserMeta

2010-07-28 Thread Dan Reverri
ry content from users, dump the data into the value of the Riak object, set the content-type, and store a X-Riak-Meta-UserId in the UserMeta. When retrieving the data you can restrict access based on that field (e.g. make sure the requesting user id matches the field). Thanks, Dan Daniel Re

Re: JSON lib for erlang

2010-07-28 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Wilson, Mochijson is a popular choice. I would recommend using mochijson2 because it handles strings as binaries. There is also erlang-rfc4627 which I have not used but looks pretty good: Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d...@

Re: python document storing?

2010-07-30 Thread Dan Reverri
example of how one could read a file and store the data in Riak: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 11:55 AM, robert schaefer wrote: > Hello all, > New question... > > I would l

Re: Protocol Buffer Timeouts

2010-07-30 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Misha, Where in riakc_pb_socket do you see a 5 second timeout? Are you using the 0.2.0 or the latest tip? There is an issue in 0.2.0 where map reduce messages are not handled correctly which is fixed in the latest tip. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d

Re: Protocol Buffer Timeouts

2010-07-30 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Misha, Justin was kind enough to point me in the right direction regarding your question. You are referring to the default timeout applied to gen_server:call/2. This does appear to be a bug in the client; I will file a ticket in Bugzilla. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho

Re: Protocol Buffer Timeouts

2010-07-30 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Misha, Bug #537 has been opened for this issue: <> Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Dan Reverri wrote: > Hi Misha, &

Re: Running multiple Riak instances.

2010-07-30 Thread Dan Reverri
A <- [sasl, crypto, webmachine, riak_core, luke, erlang_js, bitcask, mochiweb, os_mon, riak_kv]].' You should now have a running instance accessible at Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Sun, Jul 25, 2010

Re: Questions about ring state management.

2010-08-09 Thread Dan Reverri
71 has been filed to request a "remove" command: Removing a node via Erlang: 1. Attach to a riak node riak attach 2. Get a local client {ok, C} = riak:local_client(). 3. Remove the node C:remove_from_cluster('n...@host'). 4 Detach fro

Re: check riak bitcask memory usage

2010-08-09 Thread Dan Reverri
/show_bug.cgi?id=599 You may also be able to monitor the memory usage of a Riak node with a third party tool such as Nagios, Ganglia, Munin, Cacti, etc. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 7:12 PM, Wilson MacGyver wrote: >

Re: to escape or not to escape?

2010-08-12 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Francisco, You are correct; Riak is URL decoding Link headers in riak_kv_wm_raw:get_link_heads/2. I've opened bug 617 to address this issue: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wed, A

Re: Bucket and Post commit hook

2010-08-16 Thread Dan Reverri
-Setbucketproperties You can set bucket properties through the REST API without putting documents in the bucket. You'll have to determine which method to use based on your application's requirements. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On S

Re: Binary data in keys

2010-08-23 Thread Dan Reverri
his restriction which may lead to scenarios where data cannot be accessed by the REST API. Bucket and key values should be chosen appropriately when REST API access is required. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 3:0

Re: propagation of bucket properties to new nodes

2010-08-25 Thread Dan Reverri
here: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote: > Hi David, > > AFAIK, bucket properties are shared via gossip chatter. That is why it is &

Re: Cannot start riak

2010-08-27 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Carlo, Can you share your app.config and vm.args with us? Also, do you have any applications running that might be binding to ports 8098 or 8099? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Carlo Pires wrote

Re: Cannot start riak

2010-08-27 Thread Dan Reverri
Can you also share your log/sasl-error.log file? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Dan Reverri wrote: > Hi Carlo, > > Can you share your app.config and vm.args with us? Also, do you have any >

Re: system_memory_high_watermark

2010-08-31 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Michael, Can you share the log files from these instances? Are both nodes running 0.12 or are you upgrading one node at a time? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Michael Colussi wrote: > I'm u

Re: Failed to load when starting Riak

2010-09-01 Thread Dan Reverri
You might consider installing a later release. The most recent version available is 0.12: Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 9:16 AM, 朱轩印 wrote: > Dear users, > > I&#x

Re: riak-erlang-client: riakc_pb_socket.erl:72: type ctx() > undefined

2010-09-08 Thread Dan Reverri
The Riak Erlang Client requires Erlang R13B04 or above. Can you upgrade your version of Erlang and try building again? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:11 AM, < matteo.redae...@libero

Re: Setting timeout value on REST map-reduce job

2010-09-10 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Scott, This is a known issue and reported as bug #367: The timeout value is ignored for non-chunked requests. Can you try your query with "?chunked=true"? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d...@bash

Re: Riak @tip with R14B 64bit Ubuntu failing to make

2010-09-23 Thread Dan Reverri
Riak does not yet support Erlang R14B; you should build Riak using Erlang R13B04. Support for R14 will be added in a future release of Riak. Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Senthilkumar Peelikkampatti < senthilkumar.peeli

Re: riak-erlang-client install error

2010-09-28 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Tetsuya, Do you have Mercurial installed on your system? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Tetsuya wrote: > Dear, > > I install riak-erlang-client on my server today. > But I bump into

Re: Is this a silly design?

2010-09-29 Thread Dan Reverri
Hi Tyler, You're proposed design would work well with Riak. Buckets in Riak, by default, are "free" meaning 100 buckets wouldn't consume any more resources than 1 bucket. Also, by using the date as the key you could map/reduce over a user's data for set periods of time. For instance, consider the

Re: bitcask 42?

2010-09-30 Thread Dan Reverri
e" parameter in app.config. The typical recommendation is to have a minimum of 10 partitions per node and the value should be a power of 2 (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024). For a 63 node cluster a value of 1024 would work well. Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d...@bas

Re: SELinux Error

2010-09-30 Thread Dan Reverri
I've never seen that error message. It looks like you've built Riak from source in "/livingcode/sandbox/riak/riak-0.12.0". Did you build Riak on that machine or copy the built release from another machine? Has anything else on the machine changed? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverr

Re: bitcask 42?

2010-09-30 Thread Dan Reverri
Yes, that is true. Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote: > Dan, > Is it true that "ring_creation_size" should only be altered at the > creation of a cluster? Once you already have

Re: bitcask 42?

2010-10-01 Thread Dan Reverri
data from the old cluster (backup and restore). Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Mojito Sorbet wrote: > What if your DB continues to grow beyond the original design size and > you need to add a lot mo

Re: bitcask 42?

2010-10-01 Thread Dan Reverri
Yes Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Wilson MacGyver wrote: > So base on this, is it fair to say the default value of 64 is only > suitable for up to 10 > nodes? > > Thanks, > > > -- > Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supr

Re: bitcask 42?

2010-10-01 Thread Dan Reverri
responsible for more partitions which means each node will open more files (ulimit -n). Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Mojito Sorbet wrote: > On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 09:24 -0700, Dan Reverri wr

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