Hi Scott,

This is a known issue and reported as bug #367:

The timeout value is ignored for non-chunked requests. Can you try your
query with "?chunked=true"?


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 12:28 PM, SKester <skes...@weather.com> wrote:

>  I am having difficulty getting RIAK to honor the timeout value I am
> passing to the REST map/reduce interface.  When I run the query against a
> bucket with 10,000 entries, the job completes fine.  However when I try the
> same query against a bucket with 50,000 entries, the job times out after the
> default 60 seconds.  Here is the query:
> {"inputs":"profile_50000","query":[{"map":{"language":"javascript","source":"function(v)
> {var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(v)[0]; var r=[];for(var i in data.locations){
> var o = {}
> ; o[data.locations[i]] = 1; r.push(o); } return r;
> }"}},{"reduce":{"language":"javascript","source":"function(v) { var r = {};
> for (var i in v) { for(var w in v[i]) { if (w in
> r) r[w] += v[i][w]; else r[w] = v[i][w]; } } return [r];}"}}],"timeout":
> 600000}
> By setting the “timeout”:600000 I would expect the job to either return, or
> timeout after 10 minutes.  However it still times out after 1 minute.  Can
> someone tell me what I am missing here?
> Thanks,
> Scott
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