Hi Thomas,

Map phases expect a list of bucket/key pairs. The input to the second map
phase would be the JSON values returned by the first map phase which is

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Thomas Heller <i...@zilence.net> wrote:

> Howdy folks,
> still trying to wrap my head arround riak and map/reduce, so I decided
> to follow the fast-track and play arround with some of the examples.
> Its easy enough and the examples work just like advertised. However, I
> seem to be missing a critical part of knowledge about the map reduce
> phases since I cannot explain this error.
> I loaded the goog.csv into riak and try to run this job:
> {
>    "inputs": [
>      ["goog", "2008-10-10"]
>    ],
>    "query": [
>      {"map":{"language":"javascript", "name":"Riak.mapValuesJson"}},
>      {"map":{"language":"javascript", "name":"Riak.mapValuesJson"}}
>    ]
> }
> I know its pointless, but afaict I should end up with
> "[{"Date":"2008-10-10","Open":313.16,"High":341.89,"Low":310.3,"Close":332,"Volume":10597800,"Adj.
> Close":332}]", which is what I get when I run with only ONE map phase.
> However I get a 500 with:
> The server encountered an error while processing this request:
> {error,{error,{case_clause,{bad_return_value,{error,bad_input}}},
>              [{riak_kv_wm_mapred,process_post,2},
>               {webmachine_resource,resource_call,3},
>               {webmachine_resource,do,3},
>               {webmachine_decision_core,resource_call,1},
>               {webmachine_decision_core,decision,1},
>               {webmachine_decision_core,handle_request,2},
>               {webmachine_mochiweb,loop,1},
>               {mochiweb_http,headers,5}]}}
> I thought I can chain multiple map phases together?
> Cheers,
> /thomas
> PS: this is on the riak-0.11.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz release binary btw
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