Hi Mark,

The option "default_gossip_seed" is not a Riak option; at least not one I
have seen. You are correct that it does not appear in the Riak source code.
If this was an option it has been removed.

To form a Riak cluster you must tell a node about another node in the
cluster using the "riak-admin join" command. A node only needs to be told
about one other node in a cluster; Riak learns about other cluster nodes via
gossip.The seeding process would look as follows:
riak start
riak-admin join ot...@node

Currently, removing a node must be done via Erlang. Bug 571 has been filed
to request a "remove" command:

Removing a node via Erlang:
1. Attach to a riak node
riak attach

2. Get a local client
{ok, C} = riak:local_client().

3. Remove the node

4 Detach from the node using CTRL+D


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Mark Anderson <m...@opscode.com> wrote:

> I'm playing around with setting up and tearing down clusters and I had
> a few questions:
> Looking at the chef recipe for riak sets an option in riak_core
> 'default_gossip_seed'; apparently this is intended to cue a newly spun
> up node where to look to join the cluster. But for the life of me I
> can't get it to work, and I can't find any mention of it in the
> source.
> What's the recommended way to seed a freshly spun up node with a seed
> machine?
> I'm also trying to figure out how to evict a node from the ring. If
> you have access to the machine, you can do 'riak-admin leave' but what
> can you do if you don't? I'm imagining a usage pattern where you are
> running a bunch of vhosted machines. One dies, and you spin up a new
> machine, with a new node name to replace it. How do you get that old
> machine out of the ring?
> The natural way to name nodes in ec2 is to do something like
> r...@ec2_internal_ip. But once an instance is terminated, there is no
> way to get that ip back. I suspect I'm doing things wrong here, so
> suggestions for better configuration patterns are very welcome.
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