Hi Tamas, You can find the public bug tracker here: https://issues.basho.com/
Regarding using Bitcask with multiple backends, the only issue I've seen is trying to setup multiple bitcask backends. Bitcask defines options using the "bitcask" application specification which is globally set for the node; this prevents multiple instances of the bitcask backend from running on a single node: https://issues.basho.com/show_bug.cgi?id=210 You should be able to run a bitcask backend along side other backend types such as dets. I did not completely follow your description; what issues did you see after setting bitcask as a backend in the multibackend options? Were keys not stored? Did you see errors in the log files? Did you try to setup multiple bitcask backends? Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. d...@basho.com On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Tamas Nagy <tamas.n...@erlang-solutions.com > wrote: > Hi, > > I'm pretty new to the list (and riak) so please forgive my ignorance but I > didn't manage to find a public bugtracker for riak. Hence I'm posting my > problem here. (Bitbucket and Internet Explorer(using it not by choice) do > not mix well. So that might be the problem why I didn't find it). > > I've tried to use riak_kv_multi_backend with one of the backends being the > riak_kv_bitcask_backend. This does not seem to work with riak-0.11.0. I > checked tip as well, and I do not think it would work either. The problem > boils to these few lines (code snippets from tip): > > riak_kv_vnode: > > handle_info({Mod, Msg}, StateName, #state { mod = Mod } = StateData) -> > Mod:handle_info(StateData#state.modstate, Msg), > {next_state, StateName, StateData, ?TIMEOUT}. > > riak_kv_bitcask_backend: > > start(Partition, _Config) -> > %% Schedule sync (if necessary) > case application:get_env(bitcask, sync_strategy) of > {ok, {seconds, Seconds}} -> > SyncIntervalMs = timer:seconds(Seconds), > erlang:send_after(SyncIntervalMs, self(), > {?MODULE, {sync, SyncIntervalMs}}); > _ -> ok end, > %% Schedule merge checks > erlang:send_after(?MERGE_CHECK_INTERVAL, self(), {?MODULE, > merge_check}), > > > riak_kv_multi_backend: > > handle_info(State, Msg) -> > F = fun(_Name, Module, SubState) -> > Module:handle_info(SubState, Msg) > end, [F(X) || X <- State#state.backends], > ok. > > If riak_kv_multi_backend is configured in riak_kv_vnode the state's mod is > riak_kv_multi_backend but the messages scheduled in riak_kv_bitcask_backend > are going to have riak_kv_bitcask_backend as their Mod tag. > > With my limited understanding about the rest of the sytem it seems to me > that adding this case to riak_kv_vnode would fix the problem: > handle_info({Mod, Msg}, StateName, #state { mod = riak_kv_multi_backend } = > StateData) -> > riak_kv_multi_backend:handle_info(StateData#state.modstate, Msg), > {next_state, StateName, StateData, ?TIMEOUT}; > > It is a bit wasteful because all the configured backends will get called > with this message, but it is the best I can think of without leaking too > much information about the specific backends into the generic code. > > Modifying the handle_info case would work as well however one check would > need to disappear: > > handle_info({_ModTag, Msg}, StateName, #state { mod = Mod } = StateData) -> > Mod:handle_info(StateData#state.modstate, Msg), > {next_state, StateName, StateData, ?TIMEOUT}. > > There are a plethora of other ways to fix this like passing the Mod tag to > riak_kv_multi_backend so that it can filter based on it (this is probably my > favourite as it is not wasteful and there aren't many code changes needed > either): > riak_kv_vnode: > handle_info({Mod, Msg}, StateName, #state { mod = riak_kv_multi_backend } = > StateData) -> > riak_kv_multi_backend:handle_info(StateData#state.modstate, {Mod, Msg}), > {next_state, StateName, StateData, ?TIMEOUT}; > > riak_kv_multi_backend: > handle_info(State, {Mod, Msg}) -> > F = fun(_Name, Module, SubState) -> > Module:handle_info(SubState, Msg) > end, [F(X) || X = {_, Module, _} <- State#state.backends, Module > =:= Mod], > ok. > > Code is not tested, but should compile. :) > > Regards, > Tamas > > -- > Tamas Nagy > Erlang Solutions Ltd. > http://www.erlang-solutions.com > --------------------------------------------------- > > --------------------------------------------------- > > WE'VE CHANGED NAMES! > > Since January 1st 2010 Erlang Training and Consulting Ltd. has become > ERLANG SOLUTIONS LTD. > > www.erlang-solutions.com > > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > riak-users@lists.basho.com > http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com >
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