Hi Germain,

I'm sorry if I've missed any background information that may have been
provided earlier but can you tell me the scenario that led up to these
errors? Are you running a load test against a cluster? Are you seeing these
out of memory errors in one of your nodes? How much memory does the machine
running the node have? What type of load is being placed on the node (get,
put, map reduce, etc.)?

If you are using the Bitcask backend, which is default in the latest
release, you should be aware that all keys held on the node must fit in
memory (this does NOT include the values, just the keys). Here is a related
discussion from IRC:

Also worth reviewing is this discussion from the mailing list:

Thank you,

Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Germain Maurice <
germain.maur...@linkfluence.net> wrote:

> I'm still disturbing you with errors...
> I just discovered some errors and i would like to know if it's normal...
> You can see the errors in the attached file.
> --
> Germain Maurice
> Administrateur Système/Réseau
> Tel : +33.(0)
> http://www.linkfluence.net
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