Hi Ivaylo,

Can you provide an example of the MapReduce job you are running? Are there
any log messages on the server side which correspond to the MapReduce
error? What bug are you referring to?


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 8:11 AM, Ivaylo Panitchkov

> Hello guys,
> We are in production and noticed ALL of the M/R requests failing right
> after a bulk delete with the following response returned back:
> lineno":466,"message":"**SyntaxError: syntax error","source":"()
> The problem is now persistent even if the delete operation was done awhile
> ago.
> I googled to find a solution and realized this is a bug not fixed yet.
> We have a cluster of 4 machines with riak (1.0.2 2011-11-17) Debian x86_64
> installed.
> I need a quick fix ASAP if someone could help me out.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ivaylo
> --
> Ivaylo Panitchkov
> Software developer
> Hibernum Creations Inc.
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