The free webinar today might help answer some of your questions:

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Germain Maurice <> wrote:

> Hi
> We've started to use CouchDB earlier this year, and we go from
> disappointments to failures, only to switch back to disappointment
> again. We've been testing riak for a few weeks now, and we are pretty
> happy with the results. But before definitely switching to riak, we have
> some questions.
> We need to store a lot of documents. Each document is a web page, with a
> lot of metadata (author, title, date, content extract from the article,
> from the comments …). We currently have over 12 million documents, stored
> in CouchDB, and the DB is currently a little bit over 1TB in size. We're
> adding roughly 65k new documents a day (average document size: 220kB).
> Soon,
> we will also add 150k smaller documents a day (average size: 1kB), so
> the size of the DB will keep growing fast.
> In our tests, we are using the following configurations:
> - 1 node is a physical server (2GB RAM, XeonDualCore @1.60GHz, Ubuntu
> 9.10 Amd64, riak 0.10-1, innostore 10_1)
> - 2 nodes are virtual server (each node is 1.5GB RAM, XeonDualCore
> @2GHz, Ubuntu 9.10 Amd64, riak 0.10-1, innostore 10_1) inside a Xen host
> We managed to crash the virtual servers on Xen, while having 15 workers
> and doing about 125 writes/second (average size of the documents:
> 190kB). This size was measured while writing data to the disk using
> Innostore.
> What kind of configuration should we consider for this setup : what are
> the potential bottlenecks we may encounter, and/or are there specific
> tuning options in the Erlang VM that would help better fit our needs ?
> To start a ring in production to handle this volume, how many nodes
> should we consider for good performance ?
> Finally, we are curious on how people are using riak: what do they
> store, how many documents, which frequency, do they spent a lot of time
> doing administration work on the nodes, what should be done after a node
> crash and how should we recover in a production environment ?
> Any feedback on existing production environments would be welcome.
> Thanks!
> --
> Germain Maurice
> Administrateur Système/Réseau
> Tel : +33.(0)
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