The value of ring_creation_size dictates how many partitions your Riak cluster will manage. These partitions are distributed amongst the nodes of your cluster. Each node in the cluster with manage a portion of the ring ( ring_creation_size / number of nodes ). A larger ring means each node will be responsible for more partitions which means each node will open more files (ulimit -n).
Thanks, Dan Daniel Reverri Developer Advocate Basho Technologies, Inc. On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Mojito Sorbet <> wrote: > On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 09:24 -0700, Dan Reverri wrote: > > > Projects will typically define an upper bound for a cluster's size > > based on available datacenter space, available power, cost, etc. > > Choosing a ring_creation_size value based on this upper bound will > > allow you to start small and grow into your cluster. > > Ok, but these days there is no fixed size "data center". If I need more > resources I can add them dynamically from Amazon or an equivalent cloud > provider. If I accidentally create the next Facebook and it keeps > growing, it would be nice not to have to backup and restore the whole > thing as it grows into multiple hundreds of terrabytes, especially > considering the downtime required. > > What is the penalty for making the ring size a lot bigger than the > initial number of nodes would require? > > > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > > >
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