Hi Allen,

When generating a release package with rebar the intention is to create a
fully independent release package that runs without any external
dependencies. During the release generation rebar will analyze the
specification of an application to determine dependencies. The tool will
then collect all the dependencies (including those from the system level
Erlang installation) and package them into a release. Tsung is not part of
the riak dependency specification and should not be pulled into the release.
My guess is that macports has configured Erlang in such a way that the Tsung
library is included in all releases. We have to look into this a bit further
and try to reproduce the issue locally.


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Allen Kim

> If it helps, ts_client_proxy.beam file is not in tsung-1.3.1 folder but in
> tsung_recorder-1.3.1, Don't know how to fix it though
> /opt/local/lib/erlang/lib/tsung_recorder-1.3.1/ebin$ls
> ts_client_proxy.beam     ts_client_proxy_sup.beam ts_proxy_http.beam
> ts_proxy_listener.beam   ts_proxy_pgsql.beam      ts_proxy_recorder.beam
> ts_proxy_webdav.beam     ts_recorder_sup.beam     tsung_recorder.app
> tsung_recorder.beam
> Allen Kim
> ==> rel (generate)
> ERROR: Failed to generate target from spec: "copy file
> /opt/local/lib/erlang/lib/tsung-1.3.1/ebin/ts_client_proxy.beam ->
> /Users/allen/riak-0.11.0/rel/riak/lib/tsung-1.3.1/ebin/ts_client_proxy.beam:
> no such file or directory\n"
> On 2010-06-11, at 12:31 PM, Allen Kim wrote:
> information of erlang installed if helps
> /opt/local/lib/erlang/bin$port installed erlang
> The following ports are currently installed:
>   erlang @R13B02_2+darwin_10
>   erlang @R13B02_3+darwin_10
>   erlang @R13B03_0+darwin_10
>   erlang @R13B04_0+darwin_10 (active)
> On 2010-06-11, at 12:20 PM, Dan Reverri wrote:
> Hi Allen,
> Sorry for not being more clear. You have to run the generate command
> against a compiled folder.
> make all
> ./rebar -v generate
> Thanks,
> Dan
> Daniel Reverri <d...@basho.com>
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> http://basho.com/
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