What's the map phase function?

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Jimmy Thrasher <ji...@groopd.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone.  Hope you're doing well.  Tried this on the IRC channel, but I
> guess it was dinner time.  :)
> I have a query which, up until today, has worked quite well.  The data
> currently coming out of the map phases are all correct looking, but the
> minute I start a reduce, I get [] as the result.
> Currently, for debug, my only reduce function looks like this:
> function(values) {
>     return values
> }
> If I remove all the reduce phases, I get, say, 2 items out of the query.
>  But if I put that reduce function in, I get only [].
> Is this something anyone has seen before?  How should I go about debugging
> it?
> Thanks for any direction you can give.
> Jimmy
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