ly anymore.
Load testing this mess is just a further waste of everyone's time.
Temporarily rewiring the best batteries into a normal series/ parallel
configuration with maybe 3 strings at most could regain a bit of
performance until the the new set can be installed.
Ray Walters
Remote Sol
flash can do it.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/21/18 11:10 PM, wrote:
I have 4 identical arrays of 3 strings of 3 Solarworld SW 245 mono
(2010 model) to FM80s. When designing, not exceeding 150 voc was
critical. No record temp data avai
ependent on inverter operation. If the inverter shuts down due
to low battery, you're back into the battery death spiral problem
inherent to AC coupled systems.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/23/18 8:40 PM, Kienan Maxfield wrote:
I'm not quite sure on the Rapid Shut Down. I a
or too long a lead time to
be practical.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/28/18 8:22 PM, Sindelar Solar wrote:
Esteemed Wrenches:
Short form, just my question: FullRiver makes a DC215-12 AGM battery,
which is in the J185 profile, more akin to an L16 at 15"x7"x15"
144 vdc at that time. I was actually considering their inverter to
provide onboard job site power on a 144 vdc electric vehicle we had built.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/28/18 10:31 PM, Sindelar Solar wrote:
Thanks, Ray. In this case I established availability (albeit in SoCal)
set the temp to shut off at the battery manufacturer's highest
recommended temperature. Besides catastrophic melt downs, high temps
can greatly reduce a battery's cycle life.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/29/18 6:57 PM, jay wrote:
Hi All,
My 2 cents.
I’ve recently
bably get warm enough to shed at least some of the build up,
when the sun came out. I've seen solar thermal systems go to almost 300
degrees F with air temps below freezing.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/1/18 4:27 PM, Michael Morningstar wrote:
I’ve installed dozens o
ding disconnect still has to be sized according to 225.39(C)
Has anyone dealt with this? Was this the intention of NEC 2017, or is
this another point that could use some rewording?
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
List sponsored by R
help put together a
low cost package system for this application. Not many solar companies
want to mess with sub Kw systems these days, but there certainly is a
need, as you've found.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/8/18 4:27 PM, Peter Parrish wrote:
We are w
far along yet.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/10/18 1:15 PM, frenergy wrote:
How or can a Harris DC microhydro (<.6 KW) work with existing PV
charged Outback FP2 (or Radian for that matter), whilst charging a
~16KW L-ion "24" volt battery ? I think that's
operation is stable 120 vac 60 Hz, sine wave. period. I'm
calling Magnum right now, I don't know what they did, but they need to
undo it right away.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/13/18 8:15 AM, Drake wrote:
I had a PAE 4024 run high voltage so that it wouldn't AC c
I've never seen this behavior with their inverters in 10
years, and they again insisted the inverters have always behaved this way.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/13/18 9:55 AM, Ray wrote:
I've got quite a few Magnum PAEs installed and have not seen this
before. I have o
just not near the same.
That's concerning that over current would fry the whole Radian control
board. On Midnite Classics, if you exceeded the 200mA 12v output, it
just shut the output off.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/14/18 6:58 AM, wrote:
Not sure, but maybe the fan wire got damaged during the board
replacement? The wires are really tight and delicate. I would think
when it ran through its start up check and didn't have fan operation it
would mess it up.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/3/19 7:41 P
They definitely have a tilt option that I've used and was happy
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/7/19 11:49 AM, Sindelar Solar wrote:
I am assisting off grid neighbors with a system installed by the
former homeowner and with no documentation. Among numer
Can't help you with the phone support, but the fan running is probably a
bad temp sensor on the transformer. Talk about runaround, you'll
probably have to call Schneider support to get the replacement sensor.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/9/19 8:34 AM, Amanda Po
perceptible variation in performance. The fluctuation
also seems to slow under load, as I was seeing the voltage dip to 116
from 122 for about 5 sec approx every minute. Guess I'll be sticking
with Magnum, because they still answer the phone.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1
Well, self reported specifications don't mean squat, but long term
reputation for reliability and tech support do. If you can't trust the
company, you really can't buy into any of their specs either.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/10/19 10:56 AM, Dan Fink w
relays can burn, and of course fans only have so many spins in them.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/6/19 9:39 PM, John Blittersdorf wrote:
I have often replaced single boards. Usually the control board but
sometimes the AC board or both. If I remember right, the AC board is
common o
SnapNRack makes a Corrugated Straddle Block
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/14/19 10:37 AM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
Have you looked at the Proteabracket?
Jason Szumlanski
Principal Solar Designer
Florida Solar Design Group
On Thu, Feb 14, 2019, 12:05 PM Sam Haraldson <mailt
ewave, for instance the steps in a "sine" wave inverter? Having
some Oscilloscope functionality would really make this a deal.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/4/19 11:11 AM, Rebekah Hren wrote:
The Hioki meter amazes me. It can measure up to 1500VDC, and bluetooth
ngers. It was immediately obvious it was inferior, and
was non UL. But please has anyone actually had an issue in the thousands
of connections all of us Wrenches have made over the past 15 years?
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/8/19 10:25 AM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
This to
need some more clarification.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
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What brand are the modules? Are they even UL listed? Once they ran
that by the inspector and he wasn't happy, that may have been the point
when the Circus packed up its tent and left town.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/12/19 4:04 PM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
Outfit =
ir systems for tilt beyond 45 degrees.
Also, I would write up some disclaimer to release yourselves from
liability. It should note the substandard racking, the potential for
failure in high winds or snow loads, and that the customer has chosen
not to replace the racks.
Ray Walters
Remote Sol
Both Simpliphi and Life Blue can be set up in 24 v configurations.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/28/19 2:08 PM, Chris Schaefer wrote:
G'Day All,
Came across an older DIY 24v off-grid system. Looking to replace
current AGM SunXtender batteries with less then 4 years on the
HUPs can be disassembled into separate cells then reassembled back in
the can. They have bolt on buss bars.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/4/19 1:58 AM, RE Ellison wrote:
I get large 2 volt cells 230 to 250 pounds each and then connect them
all together in a custom made case
weeks waiting for you to
fix it.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/5/19 12:57 PM, Watt Bradshaw wrote:
Hi Wrenches,
How do I get access to the wrenches “bitching” list. My
colleagues experiences with our various suppliers is important
information. Thanks
Watt Bradshaw
STC ratings on really clear cold days due to the thin atmosphere. The
third issue would be installers not being able to catch our breath after
jogging back to the truck.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/11/19 3:39 PM, Dan Fink wrote:
Hi Chris; I am deeply concerned about this as nearl
ttery cables in the few actual install pics. They also claim to be
"EMP hardened".
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address:
Change listserver email add
e old
VFX gear is not feasible anymore though as others have mentioned.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/13/19 1:40 PM, jay wrote:
HI Greg,
You can still get FX/VFX boards.
Outback doesn’t make the FX series, only the V/FXR models now, they
are not compatible
Mate 3s works on newe
The Midnite SOB system is up and running. We have one installed that
has been working trouble free for about 8 months.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/27/19 12:07 PM, Mick Abraham wrote:
Scot Arey wrote:
"How did “module-level” shutdown get taken as gospel
llowed secured under
the array if on a roof.
I've done "free flying cables" in the third world, and on RVs, but never
on NEC compliant work. Can someone reorient me to the proper
interpretation? or have I just been trying too hard all these years to
put single conductor cabl
ue. Seems like more trouble to change out than its worth, but if the
AHJ requires it, then yes.
Also, you didn't mention if the array was roof or ground mounted, which
would effect the 690.12 interpretation.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 6/12/19 12:49 PM, Kirk Herander
or circ. saw for cutting rails unless you have to. Safety is vastly
improved, and you can't argue safety.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 6/12/19 11:24 PM, Kirpal wrote:
Just like the other gents mentioned...but I would add...get the saw
blade with 10 teeth per inchwill n
a straight cut. It sort of needs a gun sight to line up with the
blade to keep it square to the material.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 6/13/19 1:09 PM, Mick Abraham wrote:
Hello, Team~ This fine discussion has me considering a cordless
bandsaw (28v Milwaukee).
Can those who o
shower, and 2 sinks.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 7/22/19 8:26 AM, Jeff Clearwater wrote:
Hey Esteemed Wrenches,
So I recently built a power trailer with a single 4 KW (4048)
Schneider SW for a client with a moderate cabin lifestyle.
But he lives on a high hill and even thoug
eling. Master? Slave? My daughter heard me mention that
the other day and was mortified, as all of us should be too.
Gentlefolks, it's time for some 21st Century solar Vocabulary.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 7/24/19 6:08 PM, David Palumbo wrote:
I apologize for my ignoran
gher capacity Charge controllers available
now, like the FM100, and Magnum PT 100 that could almost handle that
array with one controller. The PT 100 will work with Midnite's SOB
rapid disconnect system.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 7/24/19 11:03 PM, Howie Michaelson wrote:
I've AC coupled off grid with the Sunny Island, but I haven't tried it
with Solar Edge. Can you adjust the Solar Edge coupling window to
outside the IEEE set points? We used to have set all GT inverters in
Hawaii wider, because the utility wanted them to stay on longer in a
, and had to be rebuilt and/ or have its fan
replaced within 5 to 8 years.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 7/25/19 8:45 AM, Jay wrote:
Hi Ray,
I am going to disagree with you.
The transformer in OB stacking mode balances the inverter outputs and
allows out of balance phase power. Depending
Wrench list testimonials are much more valuable than those arcane specs.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 7/25/19 5:15 PM, Jeff Clearwater wrote:
Hey There Wrenches,
So be advised that after a little research the SW dual stack will NOT
double the surge ratings of a single SW.
start controllers, I've used some from Franklin that were a cheaper
option than a bigger inverter.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 7/26/19 7:32 AM, Jeff Clearwater wrote:
Thanks Ray and Jerry,
Great to hear from you both with your years of combined experience :)
So yes lookin
Here's a cool row spacing sheet that the Wrenches' own William Miller
provided us a few years back. He might have a newer version, but this
should do what you need, I think.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 7/26/19 6:03 PM, Chris Mason wrote:
Sketchup with Skelion
On F
Temp sensor?
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 8/3/19 4:53 PM, Mac Lewis wrote:
The Bulk setting is 55.2V, the battery voltage is around 53.
Generator quality is good, tried with two different generators, same
result. These batteries can soak up current without the voltage
to save the relays. The relays were not completely gone, but
were no longer reliable.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 8/8/19 2:14 PM, Lones Tuss wrote:
I happen to like the 50 amp breaker as it should trip before the
relays get stressed.
I hope this helps.
Take Care All
bigger load break rated stuff but it gets big and expensive.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 8/13/19 12:16 PM, Jon Siegenthaler wrote:
Hello wrenchers,
I have a client we're building for who is going to have installed two
of the SolarEdge Storedge inverters with two of LG Chem
usand dollars.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/6/19 10:32 AM, Andrew wrote:
Yeah these are for industrial cannabis operations that are starting to
spring up due to legalization..36” industrial greenhouse fans, pre
vegetation lighting, supplemental light and dehumidifiers… why they
nd hence the varied
opinions. Not having current running on the ground system however is a
serious safety issue.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/7/19 7:05 AM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
There doesn't seem to be a definitive and detailed consensus
article/resource out there that a
ily, I didn't provide the module.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/4/19 4:26 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
Just to add, l had a lab and l did testing on connectors, we found
that most of the aec issues were under low light. This appeared to be
when iradiance was low and once the irads
Solar Edge has a Storedge version for Australia that you should look
at. I haven't figured out the best way to procure them though. We have
some work coming up, so I'll let you know what I find, if you Ping me
off list.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/13/19 3:42 PM,
ventually get normal equipment.
One other thing: plan on adding a LVD with a big contactor if you do
have DC equipment or you'll ruin the batteries with this little detour
down the "road less traveled"
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/18/19 9:40 AM, Jerry Shafer
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/18/19 1:55 PM, wrote:
ahem... i need to correct this with my personal experience.
perhaps this is an exception, but my 24 year old sunfrost RF-12 is
still going strong, 100% problem free...
and it gets better
e all AC connectors
have been, going back for over a century?
I made a very wrong assumption that when our industry adopted the MC 4/
H4 locking type connectors that they were standardized and compatible.
I can only hope that my systems running at relatively low voltage (<150
vdc) wil
The high DC voltages being used by most GT installs these days warrant
serious improvements in our safety standards process.
Arc fault detectors are not the first line of defense, good connections
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/19/19 5:48 PM, Bradley Bassett wrote:
Someone pr
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
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Home Depot. Feit brand have less flicker, but are
still not acceptable.
We're thinking the distortion of the waveform by the washer is creating
harmonic distortion that the LEDs are responding to. Still hoping
filtering or different bulbs will fix the issue.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
New inverter installed followed by new washer. Old Trace SW didn't have
issues, but didn't have the washer either. I suspect it wouldn't have
operated at all on the Trace.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/21/19 3:29 PM, Jay wrote:
Hi Ray
What’s the timeline here.
nnected Systems, 706 Storage
Systems, and 710 Stand Alone Systems, all apply after the PV disconnect.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/27/19 11:23 AM, Lorenzo Ortiz wrote:
Are any of you looking ahead at solutions for module level rapid
shutdown for off grid? Here in CA it
this all out for off grid after all the changes in 2017. Can't
wait to see what 2020 looks like....
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/28/19 11:33 AM, jay wrote:
HI Jason
Does that mean that 690.12 B 1 would apply with the following.
A ground mounted or external array to a l
rack measurements to see what else would fit.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 10/3/19 10:00 AM, Jay wrote:
Hi all
Ive got a client with dead 8d’S. 48v system, had 3 strings, about 600ah.
I was planning on using the OB PLC 200 but is discontinued and the replacement
is 1-2 months out
get cooked, if there are too many loads on backup, and of course the FET
boards can go too. I started changing all the boards and the fan too,
as I've had to come back 6 months later to replace a different board or
fan. Reminds me of rebuilt carburetors
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
while the
DC actually charges the batteries. Maybe you could put some of the new
subarray less likely to be shaded on DC, and then put the lower, more
shaded modules on micro inverters?
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/1/19 9:04 AM, wrote:
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/1/19 1:08 PM, Michael Morningstar wrote:
You know Murphy? That is Murphy of Murphy’s Law? He’s gotta just love
the idea of AC coupled off-grid systems. The OB, SB, Li system Jay
described is going to keep him (Murphy) and the install
ry voltage.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/3/19 11:58 AM, Mark Frye wrote:
OK, the posts are coming in on the "no" side, but with uncertainty
about how any given BB inverter might work.
I still think that the BB charger is in charge (no pun) of sending
power to the b
ry to move the batteries on
rollers without taking the cells out.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 11/5/19 6:36 AM, Michael Packard wrote:
I did this exact same thing for a 48v Hup one battery bank. Engine
hoist worked like a charm and my back was very thankful!
On Tue, Nov 5, 201
seeing 50% failures, and some of the failures are catastrophic, complete
engine failures. I don't have a suggested replacement, other than go
big enough (+20 kW) to get into the 1800 rpm water cooled equipment, or
just get a decent portable. At least with a portable, you can haul it
in f
d its usable life anyway, time to upgrade.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 12/20/19 3:37 PM, Tump wrote:
With this set up the AC feed */into/* the grid is not constant. The
current will ramp up then back down. Open the connection end of the
inverters and you will see a small black (behin
: made by Solar Converters in Canada. I've seen
them last decades. Iota should be good stuff, their chargers have long
term reliability. Samlex inverters have been around for quite a while
too, but I don't have long term experience with their converters.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
How do you insure proper charge voltage to the 12 v set? Never tried
that one.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/2/20 1:37 PM, Chris Worcester wrote:
I would like to add that you don’t need to get rid of the 12 v battery
bank, but use it for the high amp draw buffer, like a large
n at this time.
Too bad, I've been installing their equipment for almost 20 years, they
were our first choice too
And back to Carl's question: most of the batteries on SMA's approved
list aren't even available in the no, we don't have
experience with them
ground. Probably doesn't trip normally, because at lower loads, less
than an amp is flowing on the ground.
Just guessing,
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/14/20 7:03 PM, Mac Lewis wrote:
Hi wrenches,
I've got an off grid customer that has an external PV GFI breaker in
eaker loose? Or
possibly shorted the buss doing something wrong, corrected the error,
but didn't realize the buss had been damaged. Lots of guessing, but
that's how you figure it out.
If it was lightning, there would be lots of related damage: Enphase
inverters and other electronic
equipment too.
I think you've already done all that needs to be done: They need a
better generator.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/23/20 1:16 PM, William Miller wrote:
In a recent post about some AC GFI tripping problems, I mentioned I am
measuring some hi
n a box and see unmarked black wires running
every where, or inconsistent colors, I know the entire installation is
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 1/23/20 2:28 PM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
What made this installation (again, by others) a bit more complicated
was that all bran
at connect
automatically, equipment that is actually plug and play, and software
that is so intuitive you don't need the manual, much less call anyone.
As I've said going back to the Outback Mate days, offgrid solar SCADA is
at least a decade behind the rest of the world.
Ray Walters
That was an issue back in the 90s with the original Trace SW 4024
inverters as well. The solution was just to temporarily set the normal
bulk setting to the required EQ voltage. Never did figure that one out,
but they were otherwise great inverters that are still in service today.
longer part of
article 690, and are not subject to its requirements. Look at articles
705, 706, and 480 for guidance for those _/other systems/_.
/Ray Walters/
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/13/20 12:55 PM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar wrote:
Hi Chris,
A few times and my back-up with a
with his higher ups. We can't start setting
precedents that are unreasonable and incorrect. The array wiring is
already required to be protected by either height, protective panels or
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/13/20 1:56 PM, Christopher Warfel wrote:
Ray, I
Here's a page I put in my plan sets to make its clear for the AHJ. I
have not had this challenged, and we have never implemented Rapid
Shutdown on a ground mounted array.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/13/20 2:57 PM, Christopher Warfel wrote:
This points out the probl
just can't keep recommending a generator I know has been giving other
customers trouble. Any new ideas on this age old problem?
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
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d 1800 rpm model, some of which are still in service.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/27/20 5:45 PM, Amanda Potter wrote:
We Installed a Kohler 14RES, L.P. & the crank-case breather froze (
the generator was on auto & was in a shelter), and the dip-stick blew
out & the gene
I can recommend in good faith. The Ecogen has
made us look pretty bad. Glad I didn't sell them, but then I've seen
some large water cooled unit that worked well.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/28/20 5:14 AM, Chris Mason wrote:
I'm a Generac dealer. Why are you ha
We still use inline fuses ordered online, but Midnite Solar carries a
whole line of DC rated breakers that go down to 1 amp.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 2/28/20 1:35 PM, Glenn Burt wrote:
I continue to find inline, terminal strips and glass fuses at my local
automotive store
re over 30 years old with decent output.
Another possible way to follow the curve is with smaller glass modules.
We're having good luck with little modules down to 10 watts.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/9/20 11:14 AM, Starlight Solar Power Systems wrote:
Hi Jay,
We sold/ins
We had one last year with a bad relay, the customer had been charging a
Tesla EV through it (pass through from the grid) and smoked the relay.
It was pretty obvious, the clear relay cover was all covered on the
inside with burnt relay bits and smoke coating.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505
clearance. We will all then file it with the rest of the arcane, but
occasionally important info rattling about in our solar electric brains.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/11/20 4:03 PM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
I'm meeting him tomorrow. He tells me it's too close but I
ct this problem.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/20/20 3:59 PM, David Katz wrote:
Hello Wrenches,
I am working with some people that want to use a 20 kw-hour to 30
kw-hour 48 volt lithium-ion battery with an Outback Radian and Outback
FM charge controllers.
They are considering using Dis
l the taller stuff as needed a few
times a year. Smaller cordless weed eaters don't throw rocks as bad as
the big motorized ones, and I would recommend clearing the rocks, not
adding more.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/21/20 11:03 AM, Jay wrote:
There is another aspect to th
Blue Ion, and Simpliphi that I know of.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/21/20 2:48 PM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar wrote:
I see what you mean Ray. Sorry I misread your mail. There are not too
many batteries out there that need LBCO above 48V. Which ones are you
talking about
with each, and so far they prefer the Simpliphi over the Blue
Ion. Both are high quality solutions, but being able to afford more kWh
of storage solves many issues.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/22/20 3:14 PM, Sindelar Solar wrote:
Specifically with Blue Ion, the installation m
e, I love the stable 51 volts of Li+, even under load.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/22/20 4:15 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
Don't let the LBCU scare you as this battery has such a flat SOC line
that when it falls off there is not much left in the tank. In addition
set t
That was our kludgey plan, if Schneider can't do a firmware update. The
issue I have with that, is the no load draw of the inverter is still 25
watts, so eventually it could still pull the batteries into full shutdown.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/23/20 10:30 AM, Kent Oste
iment since the 80s, and we've come a
very long ways, which is amazing. For all the questions we have, lead
acid is definitely going to be come obsolete in our life times, so the
sooner we all get savvy with newer technologies the better.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 3/23
sured volt drop was not as bad as Chapter 9 first predicts.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/18/20 3:41 PM, Darryl Thayer wrote:
Hi Mac, There are a few questions like is it Al or Cu wire, What makes
it unusable?
for Voltage drop, I use Vd=2KIL/CMA for your case the unknown is the
and Feeder. Article 230 covers
Services and does Not apply to feeders. The ADU would only need 100
amps if it had its own service meter.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/21/20 10:05 AM, wrote:
The voltage drop recommendations in the code are ac
eable flicker that bothers some clients. Our solution was to try
different brands of LEDs till we found ones that had less trouble. I
recall the Phillips ones being good, but you would have to test a few to
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/21/20 12:26 PM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
down significantly and
prevents unnecessary tampering with settings. $600 for the MATE 3 is
just stupid. You can buy a decent laptop for that.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/24/20 10:39 AM, Jay wrote:
Hi All,
Are there any CC out there that can parallel on the input side?
ain for making a bad assumption.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/24/20 1:20 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
Wrenches, Ray
How do you program a FM 100 to 12 volts, l do not see that's
programmable to be set to do that
On Fri, Apr 24, 2020, 10:16 AM Ray <>>
advise the customer to only
equalize when the batteries are unequal, based on specific gravity readings.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/28/20 12:20 PM, Dave Tedeyan wrote:
Steve and Jerry,
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to take a closer look at the
battery bank next t
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