Oh well maybe I'm completely full of Hot air on this fine Friday
morning. Sorry, I just assumed it could be set to 12v. II just checked
the specs, and it actually is only compatible with 24 v and up battery
Personally I run the PV numbers on a calculator and when I multiply 100
amps x 12 v (1200 watts) and only get 4 of yesteryear's solar modules
on a controller that cost more than the array, I always, always talk the
client into going to 48v, or I don't touch it, cause its all archaic
equipment I don't want to take responsibility for.
Sorry again for making a bad assumption.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/24/20 1:20 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
Wrenches, Ray
How do you program a FM 100 to 12 volts, l do not see that's
programmable to be set to do that
On Fri, Apr 24, 2020, 10:16 AM Ray <r...@solarray.com
<mailto:r...@solarray.com>> wrote:
This is a classic off grid conundrum we've dealt with for decades.
Generally it take more money than the client wants to spend. 12 v
is a
serious limitation, not just for the PV array, but the inverter and
battery layout as well. What inverter do they have? How old is it?
What battery are they running? How old is the battery? What are
expansion needs? How far is grid away?
I look at all these things when working with the owner of one of
legacy 12 v systems. Generally it costs serious money to rewire to
higher voltage, but it usually solves multiple problems that they
to solve anyway.
On the other hand, if you want to stick with 12 v, you CAN use the FM
100, and just use the MATE 3 to program the controller, then pull it.
We have numerous FM 100s, and we have only one MATE 3 that lives
in the
shop. It brings the cost to the customer down significantly and
prevents unnecessary tampering with settings. $600 for the MATE 3 is
just stupid. You can buy a decent laptop for that.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 4/24/20 10:39 AM, Jay wrote:
> Hi All,
> Are there any CC out there that can parallel on the input side?
> Situation is a older 12v system, 300’ wire run using a MX 60.
> Client wants more PV, but CC is maxed out. Upgrading to say
FM-100 is way expensive and needs new mate etc.
> Yes could totally redo the system to 24 or 48v and use iota for
12v loads. Buts that’s expensive.
> Installing new wire would be complicated and expensive. But wire
is large enough to handle more power.
> Are there are any cc that can parallel on the input side, which
would be the easy solution if it exists
> Thx
> Jay
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