what happened to grdb?

2002-10-02 Thread Mark Krischer
there used to be a utility called grdb used by one of the control centre configure items which would apply your theme to non-gtk apps. whatever happened to it? and how can i do it manually? i guess what's really needed now is an ability to apply your theme to gtk-1.2 and non-gtk apps --m

bluecurve theme for mozilla

2002-10-02 Thread Mark Krischer
with all the "unification" talk, i'm surprise that redhat didn't come up with a bluecurve theme for mozilla anything in the works? --mk http://mobile.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Messenger for SMS - Always be connected to your Messenger Friends

Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Fratoni
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Tuesday 01 October 2002 11:49 pm, Gerry Tool wrote: > > Hrmm, can you install/remove other rpms? Try removing it with > > rpm -e -vvv xf86-corefonts > > > > That should print quite a bit of info about the process. Perhaps > > there is a problem wit

Re: Strange module installation/kernel recompiling problems with psyche

2002-10-02 Thread Mike Chambers
- Original Message - From: "Andrew Choong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 8:04 PM Subject: Strange module installation/kernel recompiling problems with psyche >i've never had problems recompiling my kernel before but this time i seem to be gett

Re: This is the _fastest_ mirror.

2002-10-02 Thread Robert L. Cochran
redhat.newaol.com is booting me off no matter how many retries. I'm using ncftp. I guess that server finally hit it's limit of users? Since I have an RHN basic subscription, I also tried downloading the CD's off RHN. Am I right in thinking you are supposed to do this with a browser download? It

Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts

2002-10-02 Thread Gerry Tool
> > You should be able to add the following line to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf (in > the Font directory list portion near the top of the file) > > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype > > Completely untested, but that's my understanding after a quick reading of > the documentation. I would assume you

Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts

2002-10-02 Thread Mike Chambers
- Original Message - From: "Gerry Tool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 8:17 PM Subject: Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts > Thanks, that did it. However, while messing around, I found that when > I tried to install the downloaded rpms a second ti

Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts

2002-10-02 Thread Gerry Tool
> You might try rpm --rebuilddb, and then try uninstalling the package > again. > That did it. I am now able to remove the package. Thanks for the lessons and also for making the MS fonts available in rpms. > -- gerry _ 0/0 /__

Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts

2002-10-02 Thread Mike Chambers
- Original Message - From: "Mike Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 11:15 PM Subject: Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts > Are you doing it as rpm -e package-name or package-name+version-number? > Leave off the version number if so. If not t

Re: IC Sockets On ethernet cards

2002-10-02 Thread Robert L. Cochran
Thank you for the comments, I learn something new every day. As a matter of fact I do want to build a cheap programmer because I want to learn how to build circuits. I just hope I'll have the time to experiment and fiddle (even when I moan and bellyache about some small difficulty). Thanks a lo

Re: bluecurve theme for mozilla

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Wilson
There was a bit of work done for that. The check boxes, radio buttons, scroll bars, drop down arrows, highlight are drawn in accordance to the current GTK+ 1.2 theme, so it gets a little bit of a Bluecurve look. We didn't have time to do much more than that, though we wanted to. Cheers, Matt O

updated whichcd package

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Fratoni
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 For anyone who's been using my 'whichcd' package to find rpms on all the various CD's included in the distro, I've updated the package to include the Psyche (8.0) release. For example: $ whichcd -v 8.0 redhat-release Searching for redhat-release...

Re: Nvidia RPMs - use 7.3 or are 8.0 versions forthcoming?

2002-10-02 Thread Rick Forrister
On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 20:51:15 -0700 (PDT) Jeff Kowalczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Got RH8 installed and I'm looking forward to running 3D accelerated drivers for > a laptop's GeForce4Go 440 and support for its UXGA LCD (1600x1200). > > Are the RH7.3 RPMs currently available from Nvidia compatib

Re: swat

2002-10-02 Thread HoytDuff
On Tuesday 01 October 2002 10:20 pm, Charles Griffin scribbled in crayon on a yellow legal pad: > jeez... turns out swat wasn't turned on as a service. > silly me. > > thanks for your suggestions. that shoudl be a bug since there is a menu item for Samba configuration. If it's installed, it shou

Re: Nvidia RPMs - use 7.3 or are 8.0 versions forthcoming?

2002-10-02 Thread Rick Forrister
On Tue, 01 Oct 2002 22:56:35 -0500 Scott Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Wolfgang Gill wrote: > > Why don't you download there SRC's and compile them yourself. Then there's > > no need to wait for the 8.0 ready versions. I'll be doing that as soon as my > > 8.0 boxset arrives. :-) > > The probl

Re: rebuiding psyche

2002-10-02 Thread Kevin McConnell
--- Stephen Mah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Does anyone know how to rebuild the RH 8 CDs? There > were pretty good miniHowTos for rebuilding the > Vahalla CDs. RH8 now uses isolinux, a new version of > anaconda, and I noticed the comps file is now xml > based. I'm trying to rebuild RH 8 with a cus

Re: swat

2002-10-02 Thread C Moss
On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 01:02:22AM -0400, HoytDuff wrote: > On Tuesday 01 October 2002 10:20 pm, Charles Griffin scribbled in crayon on a > yellow legal pad: > > jeez... turns out swat wasn't turned on as a service. > > silly me. > > > > thanks for your suggestions. > > that shoudl be a bug since

Re: bluecurve theme for mozilla

2002-10-02 Thread Mark Krischer
ahh, i see now.  there are some changes to the classic theme.  well maybe one day some one will add to that and put in the GTK button icons and such. too bad that mozilla theming isn't as easy as GTK, just put some files with the right names in the right directories so i could just do a manual

Re: Metacity Themes

2002-10-02 Thread Mark C
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 03:09, Havoc Pennington wrote: > There are just some version skew issues, the themes on art.gnome.org > are probably for an older version of metacity. Metacity should print > some errors about the themes on stderr if so. > Another possibility is just installing the themes in

Re: PPTP On Redhat8.0

2002-10-02 Thread Gordon Messmer
On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 00:53, Roland Knall wrote: > > Sorry to bother, with just a stupid question, but did RH consider > including PPTP support into the distro? Do you mean PPPoE? That's supported. PPTP isn't supported in the distro, but that's a Microsoft VPN technology...

Re: PPTP On Redhat8.0

2002-10-02 Thread Roland Knall
Hi On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 09:03, Gordon Messmer wrote: > On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 00:53, Roland Knall wrote: > > > > Sorry to bother, with just a stupid question, but did RH consider > > including PPTP support into the distro? > > Do you mean PPPoE? That's supported. > No, and I know. > PPTP isn'

Quick rsync server (don't care about transfer rates)

2002-10-02 Thread Andrew Smith
Anyone know a quick rsync server? My iso is no good for CD3 (should have checked them yesterday as soon as I downloaded) and I'm trying to setup a machine for a friend tonight (it's 5:15pm here in East Aus) I've tried the local aarnet rsync but after a few hours it only showed 15% (faster to downl

Re: swat

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 01:02:22 -0400, HoytDuff wrote: > On Tuesday 01 October 2002 10:20 pm, Charles Griffin scribbled in > crayon on a yellow legal pad: > > jeez... turns out swat wasn't turned on as a service. > > silly me. > > > > thanks for your suggestions. > > that shoudl be a bug since there

Re: PPTP On Redhat8.0

2002-10-02 Thread Dams
I'm in France and i use pptp-adsl-fr-1.0.2-8mdk (i know this is a mandrake package and this is really wrong, i promise i wont use any mdk package anymore !:) on a Red Hat 7.2. It works very well. If you want it you can download it at http://confiote.ath.cx/~anvil/pptp-adsl-fr-1.0.2-8mdk.src.rpm or

Re: bluecurve theme for mozilla

2002-10-02 Thread Tom Coady
Matt Wilson: > There was a bit of work done for that. The check boxes, radio > buttons, scroll bars, drop down arrows, highlight are drawn in > accordance to the current GTK+ 1.2 theme, so it gets a little bit of a > Bluecurve look. We didn't have time to do much more than that, though > we wante


2002-10-02 Thread Tom Coady
Hello   I wonder if anyone can connect psyche to ADSL via USB as this is not supported in the network tool, I wonder if it is supported in the kernel if the right driver for the modem is available.   Tom

Re: Fast mirror? (OT)

2002-10-02 Thread Steve Phillips
Has everybody forgotten what happened with Red Hat 7.3? The stores placed boxed sets on the shelves before the mirrors were opened up. Then, there was this nasty thread that went on for several days about how unfair it was for the stores to get their grubby little hands on the software before the l

concatatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__ is deprecated

2002-10-02 Thread Andrew Mark Tze Liang Choong
dear all, i've been getting this error message when recompiling my kernel. i've never seen it before in either 7.1, .2 or .3 and i was wondering whether anyone could shed some light as to what is going on. a search on google and a few other mailing lists proved less than helpful so i'm hoping some

Psyche Kernel

2002-10-02 Thread douby
I am trying to install psyche on my laptop, until now everything works fine except for the power management. Apm doesn't seem to work. So instead i thought, let's try the experimental ACPI kernel support. When i configure & compile the kernel however using the make xconfig method enable acpi and al

Linux 8.0 and e-tech PCI56AVP modem

2002-10-02 Thread LOOS,HANS (HP-Netherlands,ex1)
Hello All, Somebody has already installed a e-tech PCI-modem See any details: http://www.e-tech.nu/producten/faxmodems_pci56avp_e.htm What drivers are used? Can some body send me a download link or the files. regards, Hans LOOS


2002-10-02 Thread Jim Hayward
Hello all, For those of you who don't have 8.0 installed yet, I put up a bunch of screenshots. Everything except the wallpaper and Eclipse in the last three screenshots are from the 8.0 cd's I downloaded. I have not managed to get a boxed set yet. All the shots are of Gnome. Sorry KDE users. I d

Re: concatatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__ is deprecated

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Schwendt
On 02 Oct 2002 10:37:25 +0100, Andrew Mark Tze Liang Choong wrote: > dear all, > i've been getting this error message when recompiling my kernel. i've > never seen it before in either 7.1, .2 or .3 and i was wondering > whether anyone could shed some light as to what is going on. > > a search on

Re: Linux 8.0 and e-tech PCI56AVP modem

2002-10-02 Thread malcolm . hunter
Hi, Please don't call it "Linux 8.0" - it's "Red Hat Linux 8.0" - there is a distinction. Kind regards, Malcolm -- KDE Proof Reading Team KDE GB English Translation Team +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++ NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Günstige DSL- & Modem/ISDN-Tarife!

Re: Linux 8.0 and e-tech PCI56AVP modem

2002-10-02 Thread Andrew Smith
> Hi, > > Please don't call it "Linux 8.0" - it's "Red Hat Linux 8.0" - there is > a distinction. > > Kind regards, > Malcolm I doubt there is any confusion at all on this list about what was meant :-) -- -Cheers -Andrew MS ... if only he hadn't been hang gliding!

RE: PPTP On Redhat8.0

2002-10-02 Thread Marius
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:psyche-list-admin@;redhat.com] > On Behalf Of Dams > > > I'm in France and i use pptp-adsl-fr-1.0.2-8mdk (i know this is a > mandrake package and this is really wrong, i promise i wont use any > mdk package anymore !:) on a Red Hat 7.2. It works very well. I

Re: Linux 8.0 and e-tech PCI56AVP modem

2002-10-02 Thread malcolm . hunter
> I doubt there is any confusion at all on this list about what > was meant :-) I know, I just hope people don't think that Red Hat IS Linux :¬). Regards, Malcolm -- KDE Proof Reading Team KDE GB English Translation Team +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++ NEU: Mit GMX in

Re: This is the _fastest_ mirror.

2002-10-02 Thread Ed Wilts
On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 12:12:55AM -0400, Robert L. Cochran wrote: > redhat.newaol.com is booting me off no matter how many retries. I'm > using ncftp. I guess that server finally hit it's limit of users? booting you off or rejecting your connection? If it's booting you off when you try to do a

What happened to lmsensors?

2002-10-02 Thread David Krider
In 7.3, I just did a sensors-detect, loaded everything it told me to, enabled the sensors part of gkrellm, and I was off to the races. With the clean install of 8.0, I do a detection, load everything it tells me to (which looks different, but I didn't save the old setup because who would have t

Re: Quick rsync server (don't care about transfer rates)

2002-10-02 Thread Andrew Smith
Gave up - downloaded it completely again. Pity, first error occurred after 56500. > Anyone know a quick rsync server? > > My iso is no good for CD3 (should have checked them > yesterday as soon as I downloaded) and I'm trying to setup > a machine for a friend tonight (it's 5:15pm here in Eas


2002-10-02 Thread The [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________
_ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx


2002-10-02 Thread H M Kunzmann
Ok, after a fresh upgrade from 7.3 at long last I have a supported i845G intel chipset... redhat, you have all the gratitude that I can muster up to give you ! :-) I'm a staunch blackbox/Eterm user... Eterm and Esetroot no longer work. I supsect it is because of the new c compiler ? I've tried re

Re: This is the _fastest_ mirror.

2002-10-02 Thread Andrew Smith
> On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 12:12:55AM -0400, Robert L. Cochran wrote: >> redhat.newaol.com is booting me off no matter how many retries. I'm >> using ncftp. I guess that server finally hit it's limit of users? > > booting you off or rejecting your connection? If it's booting you off > when you tr


2002-10-02 Thread Garry Lewis
Hi all, I'm using the network boot floppy and my machine locks when probing the video driver. I use the 'skipddc' parameters to skip video card probing. But it still goes ahead and probes the card. I have also tried other parameters 'noprobe' and 'text' all have no affect, it still probes the car

mp3 / ogg

2002-10-02 Thread H M Kunzmann
Anyone know of a good batch mp3 to ogg converter ? I have a large chunk of stuff to convert...

Standard teething troubles/ipchains/ip masq

2002-10-02 Thread slackpat
After installing rh8 from harddisk had to install ipchains to get up pmfirewall , I dowloaded this from redhat site in tar form. this failed to tar -xzf so I downloaded the rpm from planet mirror. set up pm firewall to ip masq edited /etc/syconfig/network /etc/sysctl.conf hosts.deny hosts.allow

RE: This is the _fastest_ mirror.

2002-10-02 Thread Cochran Robert L (NO)
Title: RE: This is the _fastest_ mirror. It was rejecting my connection. I noticed the round-robin DNS also. Maybe I should have been more patient? I ended up using the shuttleamerica rsync server. Thanks   Robert L. Cochran -Original Message- From: Ed Wilts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTE


2002-10-02 Thread Tom Georgoulias
Was /usr/sbin/rhn_register moved to a different package? It used to be part of a standalone rhn_register RPM... Tom

RPM install and erase FAQ (was: Re: Gnome startup and TT fonts)

2002-10-02 Thread Joe Klemmer
On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 22:03, Gerry Tool wrote: > Yes, that was the problem. I don't use the rpm command line often > enough to remember to stop the name of the package before the version > number. As I replied to you in another branch, all is now working fine > - thanks for responding.

Mozilla, Galeon not rendering pages

2002-10-02 Thread Gerry Tool
For the first couple of days, mozilla worked great. Now mozilla and galeon will only render partial pages on startup. The toolbars only show partially and moving the mouse over the toolbars will "uncover" additional details, but I can't get the whole page to appear. Konquerer works fine, fortuna

Re: rhn_register

2002-10-02 Thread M A Young
Tom Georgoulias wrote: > Was /usr/sbin/rhn_register moved to a different package? It used to be > part of a standalone rhn_register RPM... No it was dropped altogether. I believe up2date automatically registers now, but if you need to force it, use up2date --register . Michael Young

Re: Screenshots!!!

2002-10-02 Thread Joe Klemmer
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 06:06, Jim Hayward wrote: > For those of you who don't have 8.0 installed yet, I put up a bunch of > screenshots. Everything except the wallpaper and Eclipse in the last > three screenshots are from the 8.0 cd's I downloaded. I have not managed > to get a boxed set yet.

Re: mp3 / ogg

2002-10-02 Thread Rene Rask
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 14:39, H M Kunzmann wrote: > Anyone know of a good batch mp3 to ogg converter ? > I have a large chunk of stuff to convert... try oggasm or mpg32ogg (search google) they are both perl scripts mp32ogg is the nicer one in my opinion -Rene

Old applications (Maple, Mathematica) on Psyche

2002-10-02 Thread Nevin Kapur
Two questions: - I would like to know if anyone has tried running Maple 8 or Mathematica 4.2 on Psyche. Is there any reason to believe that they wouldn't run? - If upgrading from 7.3, does one need to recompile locally compiled apps, e.g., (X)Emacs? I ask these questions because I don't

Re: rhn_register

2002-10-02 Thread Jay Turner
On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 07:54:38AM -0500, Tom Georgoulias wrote: > Was /usr/sbin/rhn_register moved to a different package? It used to be > part of a standalone rhn_register RPM... > > Tom Yes, that functionality is now part of the up2date package. - jkt -- --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--

Problem Installing on Dell Latitude Laptop

2002-10-02 Thread Tony Molloy
Hi, I've installed Psyche on a couple of Dell Desktops, a Dimension 8100 and an Optiplex GX260 with a radeon 7500 graphics card instead of the onboard graphics. There were no problems with the installations and the systems appear fine, so far ;-)) I've been trying to install it on a Dell Latit

Re: Mozilla, Galeon not rendering pages

2002-10-02 Thread Gerry Tool
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 08:06, Gerry Tool wrote: > For the first couple of days, mozilla worked great. Now mozilla and > galeon will only render partial pages on startup. The toolbars only > show partially and moving the mouse over the toolbars will "uncover" > additional details, but I can't get t

Re: rhn_register

2002-10-02 Thread Tom Georgoulias
M A Young wrote: Tom Georgoulias wrote: Was /usr/sbin/rhn_register moved to a different package? It used to be part of a standalone rhn_register RPM... No it was dropped altogether. I believe up2date automatically registers now, but if you need to force it, use up2date --register . Michael Y

rh kernel config

2002-10-02 Thread douby
Is there a way to use exactly the same config the people at red hat used to compile the kernel ? Thanks, rob _ Free web based e-mail with Pop access at http://www.newmail.net

Re: rh kernel config

2002-10-02 Thread Dennis Gilmore
it should be in /usr/src/linux-2.4/configs there are a whole bunch there for different puropses. it is part of the kernel source package not the kerenel src.rpm one which is different Dennis On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 02:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Is there a way to use exactly the same config

Re: bluecurve theme for mozilla

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Wilson
On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 08:35:13AM +0100, Tom Coady wrote: > > I would like to know why mozilla is lacking the aa fonts that are found in > the rest of bluecurve. The Xft2 work for Mozilla isn't done yet. > Has anyone managed to install the Xft version of mozilla onto psyche? The current experi

rh kernel config

2002-10-02 Thread Alameida
# Is there a way to use exactly the same config the people # at red hat used to compile the kernel ? RedHat does ALOT of great work on the kernels I wanted to do the same thing recently, but there is kernel-source.rpm, kernel.src.rpm and it just confused me. I think one of these holds the confi

Re: rhn_register

2002-10-02 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Tom Georgoulias wrote: > M A Young wrote: > > Tom Georgoulias wrote: > > > >>Was /usr/sbin/rhn_register moved to a different package? It used to be > >>part of a standalone rhn_register RPM... > > > > No it was dropped altogether. I believe up2date automatically registers >

Re: Old applications (Maple, Mathematica) on Psyche

2002-10-02 Thread Neal D. Becker
I haven't actually installed psyche yet, but this is what I expect. The C++ < ABI has changed. 1. C apps should not be affected. 2. You can't reliably link old ABI C++ code with new ABI C++ code, so you need to recompile your C++ libs if you need to link new code to them. 3. Existing

Re: rh kernel config

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Wilson
The easiest way is to use the binaries that come in 8.0. ;-) If you install kernel-sources, the configurations are in /usr/src/linux-2.4.*/configs On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 04:43:40PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Is there a way to use exactly the same config the people > at red hat used to comp

Re: skipddc?......

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Wilson
I have two Compaq Proliant 1850r machines, both of them work with 8.0. I might try to get 1 GB of ram put in them. You are not the first person to report this freeze (unless you're the same customer that is in our issue tracking queue for support with this "hang after monitor probe" problem). Ma

Re: Disappearing entries in fstab

2002-10-02 Thread Aaron Konstam
On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 01:56:29AM +0200, Samuel Monsarrat wrote: > I am having a hard time adding my USB Iomega peerless to RH8.0. > If I add: > /dev/sdc4 /mnt/peerless auto noauto,owner,kudzu 0 0 > to /etc/fstab and create /mnt/peerless/, things work up to a point: > root can mount the peer

Re: Problem Installing on Dell Latitude Laptop

2002-10-02 Thread Marc Deslauriers
This a known issue, see: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=72760 There appears to be a work-around of specifying the screen resolution as a boot parameter. See the end of the bugzilla discussion. Marc. >I've been trying to install it on a Dell Latitude C600 and have run >

Re: Mozilla, Galeon not rendering pages

2002-10-02 Thread David
On 2 Oct 2002, Gerry Tool wrote: > On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 08:06, Gerry Tool wrote: > > For the first couple of days, mozilla worked great. Now mozilla and > > galeon will only render partial pages on startup. The toolbars only > > show partially and moving the mouse over the toolbars will "uncover

RE: skipddc?......

2002-10-02 Thread Millard, Matt
Try to disable the built in Ethernet from the bios. I ran into this same problem with Valhalla on our 1850R. Never was able to figure out why it was happening, but after the install you can just enable it and kudzu will find it. matt -Original Message- From: Garry Lewis [mailto:gl@;ga

how to fool redhat-config-packages?

2002-10-02 Thread Pavel Rozenboim
Hi, I'm trying to install packages from iso images with redhat-config-packages/redhat-install-packages. I'm mounting image as a loopback device to /mnt/cdrom, but redhat-config-packages still tells that cdrom not found. Is there a workaround for this? Thanks, Pavel.

making Galeon the default

2002-10-02 Thread Jeff Kowalczyk
I installed galeon on my fresh RH install (up2date -u galeon), but the applet in 'start here' does not seem to make galeon the default browser successfully, I still get Mozilla, but maybe that's because the start page is still set to file://(welcome screen). I don't have my linux box here at the

Re: skipddc?......

2002-10-02 Thread Garry Lewis
Ah ha, got it working. A combination of using 'nofb' parameter and disabling the unused embedded SCSI and Compaq Ethernet controller. > Hi all, > > I'm using the network boot floppy and my machine locks when probing the > video driver. > > I use the 'skipddc' parameters to skip video card probing

wireless issues

2002-10-02 Thread Charles Griffin
I've got Psyche installed on a Dell CPx-500 laptop with an Orinoco silver wifi card connected to my Linksys AP/router that is set up with my desktop. I use dhcp to obtain an ip for the laptop. After configuring the wifi card as eth0 after my initial install (Psyche did not configure it during ins

Re: how to fool redhat-config-packages?

2002-10-02 Thread Tammy Fox
redhat-config-packages --tree=/path/to/install/tree or redhat-config-packages --isodir=/path/to/iso On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 05:00:39PM +0200, Pavel Rozenboim wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to install packages from iso images with > redhat-config-packages/redhat-install-packages. I'm mounting image

How to make your own RedHat 8.0 DVD from the CD ISO images

2002-10-02 Thread Jay Berkenbilt
Red Hat has finally created a DVD version of their distribution for US consumers. (They've had one in Europe for a while, I understand.) For 8.0, though, it seems that you have to buy RedHat 8.0 Professional to get the DVD, and RedHat is not presently offering an ISO image of the DVD for download.

howto add a windows partition

2002-10-02 Thread Tino Meinen
Can someone tell me if it is possible to add a windows partition to the list of mountable partitions (displayed with the application: usermount), using a graphical tool? Or do I have to add id manually in /etc/fstab? (I forgot to add it during the install) Tino Meinen


2002-10-02 Thread Garf DeLong
For some reason I can not get XMMS to work. I have system sounds, can play .wavs in Noatun, but XMMS will not play anything (mp3, location, ect). Any ideas ? It was working fine till upgrading from 7.3 to 8.0. I even unloaded XMMS and reinstalled both from package and from source with no luc

Re: skipddc?......

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Fulbright
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > A combination of using 'nofb' parameter and disabling the unused > embedded SCSI and Compaq Ethernet controller. Well nofb should have no affect since we don't start up in framebuffer any more. Perhaps disabling the embedded controller is what did it. Michael Fulbright

Re: rhn_register

2002-10-02 Thread M A Young
On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Chris Ricker wrote: > On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Tom Georgoulias wrote: > > When I ran up2date and gota error message about the channel my system > > was subscribed to (it was still set to null), it specifically mentioned > > running rhn_register to fix the problem. So that may be a


2002-10-02 Thread Tammy Fox
XMMS in RHL 8.0 does not play MP3s. From the release notes: o Due to patent licensing, and conflicts between such patent licenses and the licenses of application source code, MPEG-1/2 audio layer 3 (mp3) support has been removed from applications in Red Hat Linux such as


2002-10-02 Thread Thom Paine
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 10:21, Garf DeLong wrote: > For some reason I can not get XMMS to work. I have system sounds, can play > .wavs in Noatun, but XMMS will not play anything (mp3, location, ect). Any > ideas ? > > It was working fine till upgrading from 7.3 to 8.0. I even unloaded XMMS and

Re: skipddc?......

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Wilson
On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 03:14:13PM +0100, Garry Lewis wrote: > Ah ha, got it working. > > A combination of using 'nofb' parameter and disabling the unused embedded > SCSI and Compaq Ethernet controller. I'm using the SmartAray, so it's probably the majorly broken tlan ethernet controller. We are


2002-10-02 Thread David Kvarnberg
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 16:21, Garf DeLong wrote: > For some reason I can not get XMMS to work. I have system sounds, can play > .wavs in Noatun, but XMMS will not play anything (mp3, location, ect). Any > ideas ? > > It was working fine till upgrading from 7.3 to 8.0. I even unloaded XMMS and

Up2date Slow

2002-10-02 Thread Thom Paine
Is anyone noticing it being very slow running up2date? I am running up2date pine and getting ~7k. I guess all the bandwidth being sucked out of Red Hat counts on the up2date servers as well. -- -=/>Thom Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche) running Linux Kernel 2.4.18-14 Uptime: 10:34am up 18:03,


2002-10-02 Thread Garf DeLong
> Try installing the xmms-mp3-plugin, available for 8.0 here: > http://psyche.freshrpms.net/rpm.html?id=107 > > David Thankyou all. And thankyou very much David, I was afraid that I would not be able to play mp3s under Linux. The plugin works great ! Gregg

Re: nvidia drivers

2002-10-02 Thread Christopher A. Williams
I do. Downloaded the source RPMS, rebuilt and installed them according to the instructions provided. They even give you the manual in PDF format. Worked like a champ on the first try. Cheers, Chris Williams On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 09:29, Elliot Peele wrote: Has anyone gotten the nvi

Help with Firewire Hard Drive under 8.0

2002-10-02 Thread Bruce P. Morin
Hello, I have a Lacie Firewire hard drive that I would like to access under Redhat 8.0. RedHat 8.0 automatically loads the appropriate modules for the drive and I can mount it, but I can't write to it as a normal user. My goal here would be to uses this drive as if it were a large floppy because

Re: nvidia drivers

2002-10-02 Thread Christopher A. Williams
My GeForce4 4200 TI is working flawlessly on Psyche as well. Cheers, Chris Williams On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 10:22, Jesse Keating wrote: On Tue, 01 Oct 2002 18:08:18 +0200 Alejandro Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: # but i have now NULL(i'm goingo to change today ;-)) and it is # wo


2002-10-02 Thread Paul Lindner
An actual solution to this problem is to head over to http://psyche.freshrpms.net/ There you can download the xmms-mp3 rpm. Once that's installed you'll be fine. > From: Tammy Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: XMMS > > XMMS in RHL 8.0 does not play MP3s. From the release notes: > >

RE: how to fool redhat-config-packages?

2002-10-02 Thread Pavel Rozenboim
Thanks. > -Original Message- > From: Tammy Fox [mailto:tfox@;redhat.com] > Sent: Wed, October 02, 2002 4:18 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: how to fool redhat-config-packages? > > > redhat-config-packages --tree=/path/to/install/tree > > or > > redhat-config-packages --isodir

Re: Boot hangs loading loopback interface

2002-10-02 Thread Christopher A. Williams
Had the problem briefly on my new P4 system. The problem went away for me by turning off Plug & Play in CMOS. A lot of other stuff started working at the point too. Unfortunately, my new RealTek Ethernet controller on my new motherboard isn't one of them. I'll cover that in a separate post.

Re: Problem Installing on Dell Latitude Laptop

2002-10-02 Thread Tony Molloy
On Wednesday 02 October 2002 15:04, Marc Deslauriers wrote: > This a known issue, see: > > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=72760 > > There appears to be a work-around of specifying the screen resolution > as a boot parameter. See the end of the bugzilla discussion. > > Marc. M

Re: Mozilla, Galeon not rendering pages

2002-10-02 Thread Gerry Tool
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 09:08, David wrote: > On 2 Oct 2002, Gerry Tool wrote: > > On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 08:06, Gerry Tool wrote: > > > For the first couple of days, mozilla worked great. Now mozilla and > > > galeon will only render partial pages on startup. The toolbars only > > > show partially

Mozilla crashes with Sun's Java Plugin

2002-10-02 Thread Andrew Smith
Hi, anyone got Mozilla (psyche full install) to work with any of Sun's java plugins? I've tried j2sdk 1.3.1_04 and 1.4.1 With 1.3.1_04 the ns600 plugin crashes With 1.4.1 both ns600 and ns610 plugin crashes In both cases the ns4 plugin did nothing - weird since it shows up correctly in "About Plug-

Re: updated whichcd package

2002-10-02 Thread Feeley
On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Michael Fratoni wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > For anyone who's been using my 'whichcd' package to find rpms on all the > various CD's included in the distro, I've updated the package to include > the Psyche (8.0) release. > For example: > Exc

Re: Mozilla crashes with Sun's Java Plugin

2002-10-02 Thread Charles Griffin
--- Andrew Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > anyone got Mozilla (psyche full install) to work > with any of Sun's > java plugins? > I've tried j2sdk 1.3.1_04 and 1.4.1 > With 1.3.1_04 the ns600 plugin crashes > With 1.4.1 both ns600 and ns610 plugin crashes > In both cases the ns4 plugin did

Re: Mozilla crashes with Sun's Java Plugin

2002-10-02 Thread Chris Ricker
On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Andrew Smith wrote: > Hi, > anyone got Mozilla (psyche full install) to work with any of Sun's > java plugins? > I've tried j2sdk 1.3.1_04 and 1.4.1 > With 1.3.1_04 the ns600 plugin crashes > With 1.4.1 both ns600 and ns610 plugin crashes > In both cases the ns4 plugin did noth

8.0 Problems - Any ideas?

2002-10-02 Thread Christopher A. Williams
OK - After a grueling hardware upgrade, I finally loaded 8.0. My new system is a 2.53 Ghz P4 with 1GB RAM. The motherboard is an ASUS P4S8X with lots of stuff, including on-board 6-channel sound, USB 2.0, IEEE 1394 and a lot more. After making sure Plug & Play was disable in CMOS (the defaul

RE: Mozilla crashes with Sun's Java Plugin

2002-10-02 Thread Cochran Robert L (NO)
Title: RE: Mozilla crashes with Sun's Java Plugin Use the installer provided by Sun when you download their Linux version of Java. It works great. Then just symlink the plugins according to the instructions provided by Sun. Thanks   Robert L. Cochran -Original Message- From: Andrew

Re: Disappearing entries in fstab

2002-10-02 Thread Samuel Monsarrat
Well actually my problem was that I had kept "kudzu" in the fstab entry. I took this out and my fstab file is left unchanged (during reboot you do actually see "updating fstab" or something fly by). Thanks for the "user" tip. works fine now. sam. On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 15:58, Aaron Konstam wrote:

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