Where I live in Wyoming, tech advisors are far and few in between. The
local" tech advisor doesn't charge for reasons Mark stated but does ask for
mileage which is more than reasonable considering he has to travel over 100
miles round trip. If a tech advisor is charging for his services, I'd dr
;Everything I need to know about islam I learned on September 11, 2001."
---Original Message---
From: Joachim Saupe
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 03/19/05 08:41:11
To: gleone , KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> tech advisors
> [Original Message]
> From: gleone
> To: KRnet
It's easier and CHEAPER to build (or buy) an enclosed trailer and tow the
thing to the airport.
"Michael Moore is living proof to never trust anyone who is bigger around
than tall!"
---Original Message---
From: Joseph H. Horton
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 03/16/05 13:57:05
Jeff, do you know you sent this NINE times?
"Michael Moore is living proof to never trust anyone who is bigger around
than tall!"
---Original Message---
From: Jack Cooper
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 03/07/05 10:57:13
To: KRnet
Subject: RE: KR> W & B and other progress
I am building the KR-1B. If you plan on building the KR-2 with the -1B
wings, DON'T DO IT! The plans state very clearly to NOT use the -1B wings
on the -2 as the -2 (or -2S, for that matter) will not take the stresses.
That is from RR. If you're building the -1 and want to build the -1B wings,
The parachute is an excellent idea but true, you need to do something
different with the canopy. One way is a pull-pin release to jettison the
canopy entirely (if you're bailing, I doubt it matters what happens to the
thing). In my bird, I am installing a sliding canopy which will allow me to
Disregard my question on weight. My e-mails log in in an "inverted" order
and the weight questino was answered in my next e-mail. I'm still waiting
for my coffee to finish boiling over. Sorry about that.
Gene in Wyoming
"Michael Moore is living proof to never trust anyone who is bigger around
How heavy is your plane?
"Michael Moore is living proof to never trust anyone who is bigger around
than tall!"
---Original Message---
From: Serge VIDAL
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 02/07/05 07:55:30
To: KRnet
Subject: Réf. : Re: KR> Glide ratio
Well, each time I played that ga
This sounds like a great idea. Thanks for sharing it as I'm going to be
starting on my tanks here shortly. Quick question: Are you roughing the
surface before applying the gelcoat or applying it directly and how many
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
"Michael Moore is living proof t
It's not "open Friday" but I'm teaching tomorrow and wanted to send this off
For those of you who were impressed by the jet powered model B-52 of
Gordon Nichols, in Britain, you might want to click on the link below and
click on the SECOND video of the very impressive crash. This is the plane
I' building the KR-1/-1B which has a 27 foot wingspan. LOL!! I'm just a tad
shorter fuselage wise, though.
"Michael Moore is living proof to never trust anyone who is bigger around
than tall!"
---Original Message---
From: larry flesner
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 02/03/05 16:5
I like your fuel guage. Where did you find that?
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
---Original Message---
From: Glasseyegav
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 01/22/05 07:02:14
To: KR builders and pilots
Subject: KR> Yahoo! Photos - My KR2 S Project
Third time lucky.
Now I've activated p
I'm building the KR-1B/-1 (both sets of wings) with fixed gear. Specs (per
plans) are:
Empty weight 484#
Gross wt 800#
Vne 144 mph
Max Cruise 130 mph
Maneuvering speed 120
Max Spoiler Flap extension speed 100 mph
Stall Spoiler Flap Extended 45 mph
Stall Spoiler Flap Retracted 38 mph
Not hav
I build custom rifles and when I inlet the stocks, I smear Turtle Wax (an
automotive paste wax) liberally all over the action before setting it in the
epoxy. It takes only a mild tap with a leather mallet to release the action
from the stock. It has never failed me in over 30 years of building ri
In building my spars on my KR-1, I used a digital level, protractor and a
laser level. First, I ran masking tape down the length of the spars (main
and outer) and drew a center line on it. Then, using the laser level, I
shot a laser line down the spar and on to the fuselage. A piece of masking
I forgot to mention in my previous post, level the fuselage and block it in
place before doing this. That may seem like a no brainer, but needs to be
mentioned. Ensure the fuselage is level fore and aft and the spars are
level starboard to port.
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
"Michael Moore is a
Just a guess on my part, wouldn't the main center spar have to be
considerably beefed up to carry the load of two engines? We're talking a
LOT of weight here, especially if you're thinking of mounting a pair of
Covair engines on that puppy! The holes for the engine mounts would be
quite a bit lar
LIke you, I don't trust the WAF's so I'm reinforcing them with carbon fiber
cloth. Actually, I'm doing the whole spar with a layer of it and a double
wrap (12 inches deep) on the spar ends where the WAF's are located. I think
this will put my mind at ease just a little.
"Michael Moore is a li
I should clarify what I'm doing. The CF will be on the spar and the WAF's
will attach as normal.
This arrangement will add strength to the spars where the WAF's attach yet
the WAF's will still have flex and can still be inspected.
Another possibility is a larger carb'. I seem to remember a discussion a
while back on the Type 4. Being the base engine is fuel injected, I would
think there are some high performance racing shops that might be able to
help in that area. Nice thing about fuel injection is the reliability at
Here's a link for a free weight and balance calculator. You will have to
cut and paste the WHOLE link and the actual "link" is at the bottom of the
page. Read through it all first before clicking the link. Meanwhile, I
think I have a freeware W&B Calculator somewhere buried in the bowels of my
It's really simple. Using wax paper (or peel ply), cover the stubs and tape
in place using gorilla tape or waxed paper. Then, build your outer wings as
normal. Once the fiberglass work is done, cut as per plans. The peel ply
or waxed paper will protect the stub from any "splash over". If
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: Re: KR> kr wing sets
Are you building the outboard panels attached to the center or building
them separate, detached from the center section?
On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 05:38:40 -0700 (Mountain Standard Time) "gleone"
> Don,
I assume you're talking about the fuselage. I drew mine laying out each
station and then "connecting the dots". Worked well.
---Original Message---
> What's a good way to transfer the paper plans from RR onto the work
> bench at full scale?
I bought the -1B supplement and I seem to remember they were $35 plus $5
shipping. I got them a few months ago but don't have the exact figures in
front of me. I'm fairly certain the above is the correct amount, though.
Gene Leone,
Worland, Wyoming
"Whatever else history may say about me when
Does the word "thief" come to mind? If you want to build a plane that's
legaly (sic) considered to be not a KR aircraft", then (a) buy plans for
another "legaly. . .not a KR aircraft", (b) design your own based on a
I remember seeing a picture of a KR-2 with retractable tricycle gear. The
problem is, I don't remember where. Anyway, if anyone else remembers seeing
that picture and (hopefully when and where), you might want to track down
the builder of that plane and ask how he/she did it. All I remember is i
For those who want to find the link mentioned by David, it's a little
convoluted getting there, but here's the link:
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
I'm building a KR-1/-1B. The reasons are: (A) I enjoy soaring: Makes twice
the pilot out of you in half the time while still giving you the opportunity
to fly a missed approach; something you don't get in a normal glider. (B)
I haven't flown in years and recertifying in a motorglider makes for q
Permanently fixed wings isn't a bad idea though it makes it a little hard to
transport it to and from where ever. Also, since I'm building the KR-1/-1B,
I sort of need the ability to switch between both sets of wings. Still,
there's nothing that says you can't make the wings a "permanent" part of
Yes, it's called the KR-1B.
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 07/23/04 20:47:30
To: KRnet
Subject: @WL KR> Yipppeee!
Just did my first three
This is a good strategy. As I don't expect to be flying for another year or
so, I'm saving all the KR and similar planes auctions on e-Bay in Adobe
Acrobat. This way they can all be printed out and presented to the taxation
nazis when they get around to putting a value on it; something that I
Uh. . .hopefully you didn't take that personally, Mein Herr! Sorry, couldn
t help myself!
Gene in Wyoming
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
I needed a pin out for an EdoAire 563/A. The avionics guy at the Greybull
airport pulled it up for me in his book of radio pin outs. It's another
place you can check.
Gene in Wyoming
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
>also has a new of max 120 kts. and not just the stall.
If my memory serves me right, I think the KR-1B has a max speed of around
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
Mark, this is HAL. My sensors tell me the communications antenna is going
to fail in 32.6 hours. Would you like a stress pill, Mark?
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
The best thing to do there is ask Dan Deihl as he'd be the one who'd know
best. I have a HAPI engine and mount and I know for the landing gear (nose
wheel) Dan has a gear assembly made for the HAPI. He may have one for other
Gene, Worland, Wyoming
When you give a lesson in meanness
It may or may not make a difference, but was the case align bored? It's
been more years (decades, actually) since I last worked on a VW engine, but
I remember something about align boring the case during a rebuild for the
main bearings and I think (I could be wrong) that may affect the lea
Ercoupes don't spin, either.
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 07/12/04 09:20:27
To: KRnet
Subject: @WL Re: KR> Spins?
At 03:03 PM 7/12/2004
The BMW motorcycle engine is being used for light aircraft. Actually, BMW
was making aircraft engines before they began building motorcycles. The BMW
logo represents a spinning propeller. Anyway, here are a couple of links
worth looking at:
ehalf Of gleone
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 12:22 AM
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: Re: @WL KR> Harleys and auto engines
The BMW motorcycle engine is being used for light aircraft. Actually, BMW
was making aircraft engines before they began building motorcycles. The BMW
logo represents a spinnin
Telling lies to avoid taxes is one way to go to jail.
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: rfreiber...@swfla.rr.com; KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 06/29/04 10:55:19
To: KRnet
One thing to consider about foam is Styrofoam will dissolve in gasoline. If
you can, see about getting Polyurethane foam. Baring that, you might want
to consider making (having made) aluminum fuel tank(s).
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 06/17/04 06:40:50
To: gle...@rtconnect.net
Subject: @CHECK KR> boa
Another method of strengthening the firewall is to add aluminum angle (1x4)
and glassing it in. Like you, I'm a little adverse to raining debris and
body parts all over the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming.
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming.
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't
As long as you don't use carbon fiber on the fuselage, you'll be fine
mounting any or all of your antennas inside the airframe.
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@
If you have pictures of Corby (or the builder of the KR with one), I (and I
m sure others) would very much like to see the setup. Thanks in advance,
Gene in Wyoming
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message
Maybe I've missed something here, but isn't the Vne 200 mph Why would
anyone want to drive it beyond Vne?
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
line. The link for the program is www.secretmaker.com, if anyone
is interested.
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 05/02/04 18:19:05
The easiest way to pull it up is to go to eBay and do a search on "KR 2".
It will pull up about 21 items with the aircraft towards the bottom.
Why is Chelsea Clinton so homely?
Because Janet Reno is her real father.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Thanks for the info'! I just wanted to be sure before building it.
Gene Leone,
Worland, Wyoming
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 04/19/04 16:55:10
To: KRnet
Subject: @SPAM+ Re: KR> AS504x airfoil
Gene Leone wrote:
> I'm building the KR
still can not exceed the VNE of 200mph?
- Original Message -
From: "gleone"
To: ;
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: @SPAM RE: KR> Elevator Mass Balance mounting / Bingelis
> I couldn't get the second link to work but found an intere
This probably something Mark Langford could answer but will gladly accept
any knowledgeable input. I'm building the KR-1. The 504x airfoil has been
discussed for the KR-2S. How compatible, I wonder, is this airfoil with the
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
Why is Chelsea Clinton so homely?
I couldn't get the second link to work but found an interesting one here:
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
Why is Chelsea Clinton so homely?
Because Janet Reno is her real father.
---Original Message---
From: serge.vi...@ate-int
If it's a Diehl nose gear, it should be fairly strong. If it's home built.
.well. Also, if it's a Diehl and it collapsed, it is possible the owner
didn't install it properly. The best thing to do is ask the seller how he
did the nose gear in. i.e.: Did he come in hot and plant the nose befor
I hate to perpetuate this thread, but between yesterday and today, my ISP
intercepted 13 viruses headed my way and 6 of which had bogus KRnet
addresses. And rather than denigrate "blood suckers" (hey, leaches and
mosquitoes and biting flies and gnats have feelings too, you know!), call
them what t
I'm building a KR-1 and there are others flying. As for what they should
sell for depends on where it's at in construction, what comes with it and
wether or not the toad you sacrificed was really virgin. Pricing is
subjective: Sellers think it's worth more than buyers are willing to pay.
That ha
I do a lot of reloading and I cast a lot of lead. Your local tire shop is
a very good source for lead and they may, as in my case, give it away.
---Original Message---
From: Orma Robbins; KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 03/19/04 23:27:03
To: Allen G. Wiesner; KRnet
For syringes, the best place to go is to your local feed and tack store,
Litton's Big R, etc. You'll find them in the veterinary section. I have a
couple of 50cc ones for first aid use for my dogs. As an aside, one once
got into some antifreeze and I had to administer 50cc of hydrogen peroxide
It shouldn't hurt the epoxy but it will bleach the wood. I've used it on
full military rifle stocks soaked in cosmoline. On the stocks, it took
hours of sanding to get the color to show again but it didn't hurt the wood.
Only took out the cosmoline and the color.
---Original Message---
Actually, you can make one for less by using a 12 DC motor. For instance,
an electric fan motor for a car can be built into such a container and used
to generate electricity to keep the battery charged in flight.
---Original Message---
From: Ron Eason; KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krne
I believe there's an OXYGEN requirement above a certain altitude.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 03/08/04 17:05:06
To: Ron Eason; KRnet
Subject: Re: KR>Turbocharging a KR
I understand the theory and mechanics of turbocharging.
What I don't kno
I"m building a KR-1 and I'm widening my fuselage about 3 inches including
the firewall. I'm doing that for several reasons: the obvious being a
little more room in the cockpit. Also, I will have a slightly wider fuel
tank and I'm building it a little taller, too, as I don't want wing tanks.
I ha
What ever you are sending, so far has resulted in several blank messages.
Gene Leone,
Worland, Wyoming
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: 02/22/04 08:32:42
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: KR>old photos
Try Radio Shack.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Friday, February 13, 2004 5:09:15 PM
To: KR Net
Subject: KR>Rubber Grommets
Does anyone know where I can buy rubber grommets with a groove width of 1/4"
, 3/4" ID for a 1" hole? I bought some from
The only question I would have about this in place of the normal firewall
is what will your inspector say? It's a novel idea, and I'm not arguing
against it, but depending on the inspector, he might be of the "olde school"
and the poster boy of anal retentives. That being said, I can see where
Actually, Turtle Paste Wax works well.
"This is a great day for France!" --President Richard Nixon while attending
Charles De Gaulle's funeral. Truer words were never spoken!
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:46:41 PM
With regards to, "I fail to understand what exactly is the benefit of an
engine over an automotive conversion."
The greatest disadvantage is insurance. There was a recent post about
someone trying to insure their KR and found insurers are not fond of most
auto conversions.
Gene Leon
I'm curious, I lifted this directly from the Rand Robinson web page:
The KR-1 is the single seat low wing retractable monoplane which is
typically powered by smaller VW engines, up to the VW 2100. The KR-1B
motorglider is a standard KR-1 with modified outer wing sections. With this
simple wing con
I just acquired an Edo-Aire 563 (used but supposed to work). The problem is
there is no wiring diagram for installing it. Does anyone have an Edo-Aire
563 or other Edo-Aire all in one Nav/Com's I can get a copy of the
installation wiring diagram from? I hate to have to go to an A&P to get it
The one I'm building is right out of the "VolksPlane" assembly manual.
Epoxy a 1.5" x 1.5" x .75" block of spruce to the fuselage frame, drill a
25" hole through it and the skin. Using .25" nylon tubing, run it into the
block (should press fit into block). For the static port (this is my
;P... well I won't go there
----- Original Message -
From: gleone
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 3:43 PM
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: KR>Edo-Aire question for the net
I just acquired an Edo-Aire 563 (used but supposed to work). The problem is
there is no wiring diagram for installing it.
If memory serves me right, you want this link:
I may be having, as my sister would say, "a senior moment" but I think that
s the link you're looking for.
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a
man standing in a
Tire inflation pressure has a lot to do with the weight of the vehicle. If
the weight of the bird is (close) to plans, the tire pressure, as published,
is correct. My KR-1 should weigh in at around 375 pounds (in my dreams!)
and I'm using the fixed Diehl gear salvaged from a cracked up KR-2. Th
I found a site where one fellow built his venturi into the wing root. It
makes for an extremely neat installation. Now, if I can find the pictures,
I'll send them to you but it may be a while. If this jogs anyone else's
memory, and you have those same picts, please feel free to contact Scott.
Hah! I knew I wasn't going completely senile! (I've seen d' Nile several
times!) I found the link! The pictures aren't the best but the article
goes through it step by step.
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
---Original Message---
Here is the link for the venturi built into the wing root. The nice thing
about it is it's "free weight" if not "negative weight". Enjoy,
Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
I am building a KR-1 and am curious how much Jim Evans extended the wings.
Please contact me off net at gle...@tritel.net. Thanks!
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Friday, November 28, 2003 7:00:04 PM
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: K
If you cover it COMPLETELY in paste wax (i.e.: Turtle Wax), the epoxy wo=
stick to it when it drips or runs onto it. I've used that for years
inleting and bedding rifle stocks. =0D
---Original Message---=0D
From: KRnet=0D
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Saturday, N
A Kit Fox builder friend of mine named his plane "Crash 'n Burn". His
first landing was a little short of the runway and though he walked away
from the wreckage, the project was pretty well wasted. Just a thought on
what not to call it.
Gene in Wyoming
---Original Message---
From: KR
I tried finding a link for www.sacairparts.com and come up blank. Could
you post the correct link? Thanks,
Gene in Wyoming
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 7:05:24 AM
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: KR>Re: KR>Magneto p
When you get time, please give me a shout off net at:
I notice you live in Rapid City. live in Worland, Wyoming, and wanted to
touch base with you on our mutual KR progress.
---Original Message---
From: KRnet
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Check Sport Aviation. It recently had an article on painting and how to
avoid orange peeling.
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 4:14:29 AM
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: Re: KR>Painting tips
What i
If memory serves me right, the cheapie altimiter is made in china. My
philosophy on aircraft instruments is much as my philosophy on motorcycle
helmets: if you have a $10 head, buy a $10 helmet. For ANY instruments
going into your plane, stick a crowbar in your wallet and spend a few extra
Using a Dremell with a small rotary file works very well in removing the
excess epoxy without damaging the joint. Just remember to wear a mask.
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2003 16:36:44
To: KR builders a
You have no need to apologize to these people. Too many of them take
themselves far, far too seriously when nobody else does. I'm sure their
projects are so perfect and totally without flaw that they have earned the
right to sit at the right hand of God himself. Now, for the rest of you
Beer cans work well too.
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:14:11 PM
To: 'KR builders and pilots'
Subject: RE: KR>wing root filet
My fillets are pretty simple. First glue some left over foam blocks cut
There is a powered sailplane version of the KR-1, I believe. If I can find
the link, I'll send it along to you as the builder did a really GREAT job of
building it with folding wings. Meanwhile, since most of the posts here do
anything EXCEPT religiously following the plans, there is no reason w
The easiest way is to spend a little extra buying longer wood.
Alternatively, you could add 12 inches to the wing spars. The standard KR-1
wing is 17 feet long with wood enough to build it 17.5. Adding a foot to
the spar will give nearly a 20 foot wingspan. Winglettes will work, too.
The winglettes become your wing tips so you're in a good position to add a
couple of feet to the wings.
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 22:00:43
To: KR builders and pilots
Subject: Re: KR>Question
Another technique that works is to use a paste car wax. Liberally smear it
onto the bolt threads and screw them in place. When I bed rifle actions, I
use an epoxy material and the only way to keep the bedding screws (bolts,
actually) from becoming "one with the action" is to use the "Turtle Wax
That's interesting as I get 40 pictures on each 1.4 meg. floppy disk.
Obviously you're not using a Mavica. The pictures I get are standard JPG
format and excellent quality. I have been using mine to document my
construction. As for the size of the camera, it's very compact. Before
Spins are things you have to put yourself into unless you do something
stupid like press on into IFR weather in your VFR plane. The Grumman Tr-2
has a warning about entering spins that says, basically, "DO NOT put into
spins! If you do not recover within the first rotation, it is HIGHLY
My question is, why not just build it according to plans rather than try
raining body parts and debris all over the countryside? That's why we have
plans: To build from.
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Monday, July 14, 2003 11:59
The obvious solution here is build it as a single place.
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:45:37 PM
To: KR builders and pilots
Subject: Re: KR>Buying a Project?
>Assuming I get around the 51%, I have a big
Having both sets of plans, here's the difference:
The KR-1 wing span is 17' 8" versus 20' for the KR-2.
Both use 5/8 longerons.
Firewall is 1/4.
Distance between spars: Depends on when your plans were produced. I have
two sets of KR-1 plans and there is a difference between the two sets. I
My ISP intercepted the following message from you this morning. You have a
virus on your computer and you might want to check on it. Here's the
message I got from my ISP:
Received: from source ([]) by exprod5mx35.postini.com ([12
158.34.245]) with SMTP;
Wed, 18 Jun 2
I tried to contact Bob directly but was unable to deliver the message so I
put it on the 'net. That's the problem with some of these viruses. I like
you subject line better. Thanks,
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Wednesd
I'm not anywhere near this stage of construction yet, but the time element
may be temperature related (assuming you're talking about drying time).
---Original Message---
From: KR builders and pilots
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Friday, June 06, 2003 6:30:35 AM
To: KR builders
I have a question about the gussette material. I'm building a KR-1 and the
spruce kit included quite a bit of 5/8 triangular wood. Some of the gussettes
in the plans are dimensioned at 2 inches. Is anyone using 5/8 for gussettes? I
really don't want to use this only to have to start over if it'
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