The one I'm building is right out of the "VolksPlane" assembly manual. 
Epoxy a 1.5" x 1.5" x .75" block of spruce to the fuselage frame, drill a 
25" hole through it and the skin.  Using .25" nylon tubing, run it into the
block (should press fit into block).  For the static port (this is my
favorite part!), epoxy a disk made from an aluminum can over the hole and a
small hole in it.  I like the idea of using a Coors label.  It's "different"
looking and gives it a unique touch!  If you don't like Coors, use Foster's.
 If you don't drink at all, use a Pepsi or Coke label.   

"This is a great day for France!" --President Richard Nixon while attending
Charles De Gaulle's funeral. Truer words were never spoken! 

-------Original Message-------

From: KRnet
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2004 10:03:19 AM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR>KR static system el cheapo

The rivet called out, .....42BS...., only has a grip length of 1/8". Seems
you would want something longer, like a 46 (3/16" grip) or 48 (1/4" grip).
This size might work on 0.020" aluminum but it looks a little short for
3/32" plywood. I would insert the rivet after applying a little epoxy/flox,
pull just enough to start a flare on the end (or maybe not pull at all) and
knock the mandrel out.

Ken Jones
Sharonville, OH

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