Tony is right although this is entirely off topic, as an IT security
expert, it is a good time to point out that those who thought they were
saving money by buying a PC vs a Mac or the cheaper Linux, how much are
you spending on anti-virus and the constant hassle of these events? :-)
My ho
Yeah you could say so.. :-) When I bought the plans, I was going to
build a KR2-S, and an A&P gave me this project I just sold when I
sat in it, I realized I'd have to cut the boat and make it bigger if I
was to ever fly with a passenger larger than a puppy.
The Coot looks interesting, bu
Well, now that someone got my KR2 project for $461, I need to find an
amphibian to build from plans.. My wife likes the Spencer Air Car, but I
can't find anyone who's building / built one. Do any of you know such a
person ? There also does not appear to be a builder's group.
Wow Larry, that must be some interesting times for you ! Be safe... Do
they still need mechanical / electrical workers ? How much do they pay?
After you get your plans, you could start building the boat in a one car
garage if you had little room.
Larry Eilenberger wrote:
> Hay you guys I
;2". If it "touches" as good as it looks in the pictures (I don't
> know about his sister in law), it is probably worth more than the $0.99
> starting bid! :-)
> Mark W
> N952MW
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:krnet-bou
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Dave Arbogast, CISSP
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:11 AM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: KR> KR2 on ebay
Remember not to take your laptop above 10,000 msl as the hard drive
needs air for the heads to float above the platter.
> I have been
> thinking this arrangement would also give me a really cheap way to put a 110
> outlet on the panel or somewhere in the KR that I could plug in a laptop or
Well, that is my opinion. I like a safety margin for things that do go
wrong. From my experience, leaks in the fuel tanks / systems do happen.
Mark wrote:
>So does this mean that I can use the "blue stuff" for the turtle deck,
>cowling, horizontal and vertical stabilizer and the outer win
er and the outer wings, but not
>anywhere that fuel could get on the foam?
>Mark W
>N952MW (res)
>-Original Message-
>[] On Behalf Of Dave
I guess Ken Rand didn't know what he was talking about then, even though
his plans are still for sale... And Burt stopped selling his plans
decades ago, so I'm thinking he knew what he was doing.
That's the nice thing about experimental - we are all free to do as we
please. I have a friend wit
ause my budget could not stretch to it.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Dave Arbogast, CISSP"
>To: "KRnet"
>Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 3:17 AM
>Subject: Re: KR> Re: Inspection
>Did you use styrofoam any place else in your plane ?
Did you use styrofoam any place else in your plane ? Its not called for
in the plans. Also, do you think 1 layer of BID on either side will
support 1,500 pounds ?
Several guys has posted nice seats made with carbon fiber,
> <>...I have also been making the seat, with blue styrofoam and a
I usually have more night time than my BFR's CFI ;-) For me, my
favorite flight is the night flight in Michigan's winter with a snow
covered ground and a high overcast - preferably stratoform clouds over
population. I request clearance into the DTW class B and fly at about
4,000 msl for the sa
KR1 is a different bird... Build the KR2-S according to the "S" plans
and you'll be OK.
Are you having an electrical system ? There's a chunk of lead you can
move about if you have CG problems, but I doubt it would require the
battery in the empennage.
Bill Weir wrote:
> Thanks to everyone wh
Are you building the KR2 or the KR2S ? With the S, a couple of inches
are added to the front, and another section is added to the rear of the
wing section.
You must be sure your CG is measured and in the range when you are done.
Bill Weir wrote:
> We are building a mock-up of the cockpit area t
Hi Kurt, how much are they looking to get for the started project? I ask
because I moved to a lake last year and my needs for an amphib are
stronger than my desire to finish my project. Its a bit beyond the boat
stage - the tail feathers are done and the spars are complete. It has
fixed aluminu
I would definitely fly a KR2 at night if I was current and it was solid
VFR - not marginal because this is where the daemons live...
John Gotschall wrote:
> Huh?
> My vfr flights (not in a kr yet) have almost always come home at night.
> So whut's wrong wit dat?
> I time it that way so I
I too had your desires (but turbo normalized single rotor all aluminum
Mazda engine) and I am building one, BUT, the IFR portion this plane is
not - unless you are talking about the rare moments you can have smooth
air in cloud. The CFII's I've known who have owned KR2's were scared the
first a
Hi John, I got the impression you only fly solo - True ? If so you are
exempt, but of all the equipment in the plane, the ELT is one I would
certainly want working :-) So, I'd send the $20 - $30 to get an 121.5 if
I was not flying across the boarders. I see there is a batch of 4
complete ELT's
I would think NAFTA was low in the priority list as it did not help the
Mexican truckers trying to drive their 18 wheelers into the US w/o
meeting US DOT regs.
John Gotschall wrote:
> 2 things,
> In the regs just posted (e) 4 seems to indicate that while flying off
> the 40 hours (tes
If you cross th3e boarder after Feb 2009, you will be required to have
the $1000 406 mHz ELT -
It looks like the single person exception applies if you are removing
the until for 90 days to get it fixed (my understanding from their use
of "and" a
After the spot lifter, I would use trichloroethane - the old school
brake cleaner. Really hose it down. It will degrease anything. Allow it
to fully dry out before gluing.
-dave wrote:
>>> I used K2R (not KR2) spot lifter. Every day for 2 weeks I'd apply the> spot
>>> lifte
When used as a tow plane or when not loaded with chemicals, the Air
Tractor is very STOL.
Dave Arbogast, CISSP wrote:
> I call 600 ft take-off distance STOL, and that's what a Europa Motor
> Glider will do.
> -dave
> Mark wrote:
I call 600 ft take-off distance STOL, and that's what a Europa Motor
Glider will do.
Mark wrote:
> Well not all of them... Harrier anyone?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Be
Dj Merrill wrote:
> wrote:
>> be great. I am trying to gather information on the value of other KR's
>> so I can have some kind of an argument.
> There are several for sale on Barnstormers in the $7k to $8k range.
> You could try printing off those ads as
from this.
Dave Arbogast, CISSP wrote:
> The state of Michigan tried that game with me but said $20K in 1992. I
> asked where they got that number, and the appraiser said he pulled it
> out of his butt. So I countered that this plane can never be sold as it
> would represe
The state of Michigan tried that game with me but said $20K in 1992. I
asked where they got that number, and the appraiser said he pulled it
out of his butt. So I countered that this plane can never be sold as it
would represent a Liability to my family possibly in the millions of
dollars, so
Sounded great John. Reminds me of my diversion from my KR2S to put a
turbo diesel in a caravan. Very similar events. I'm almost ready for the
third and hopefully final time of dropping the engine / trans into the
Virginia body.
Soon I'll be ba
So, so agreed
If you want, get some duel conventional time in a variety of
conventional gear birds :-)
-dave wrote:
> Derek Wrote,
> "Im thinking I want to a trigear on my kr Im not really in love with the
> taildragger. Let me know if you think that would be a ok idea
I'm with you Tim, that engine designed for a 15% duty cycle ( 80 hp)
some 50 years ago is on borrowed time in the air. IMHO... But, hey,
that's why the sign on the cock-pit says "EXPERIMENTAL" and I support
every effort to experiment :-D
Hi Jeff, for $20 on a multi-grand engine, why think about the cost of a
trip to McNasty (AKA Micky-D) with the kids ? IMHO, replace them if
they are out of spec.
Jeff Scott wrote:
> The consequence of failing to replace 4 $5.00 guides and leaving in guides
> that were worn beyond spec w
What was his youngest daughter's name? I don't see a Sheldon in the
credits for the Power Rangers.
Ron Vogt wrote:
> Netters;
> This is a little off the KR subject, but I think I will interject it
> anyway. I've spent the last 2 summers flying out of Talkeetna,
> Alaska...which was
You should search the achieve about this... if you are talking about
using CF for all of the plane, you will only gain high cost with no
usable gain, except in the seat pans.
Served many wooden ships in battle for a thousand years (about ?) -
should be more than strong enough for you.
> My thoughts are to do exactly that only not cut the caps into quarter inch
> strips, but to steam
> and bend them with a jig holding the proper angle unt
I was a pro shooter for the nation's longest continuously running news
paper and did a lot of research on photo strobes. Mind you this is over
25 years ago, but then the other factor was the duty cycle of the xenon
bulb. They had a life cycle in the range of 10K cycles. They are called
upon to
If you have $10K for the Li-Ion battery, don't mind having a 90 mph
speed, a 90 - 120 minute range, flying alone, and $4K for the 9.2"
Advanced DC motor and controller, then it is do-able.
Here's a forum you should search or join about EV and everything you'll
need to know.
Mark Langford wrote:
> Emory Luth wrote:
>> They even used pictures from Mark Langford's website! He's right in the
>> middle on the Russian website's KR2 page!
> Now I know why Jeannette was asking me if I was making her plans available
> on the internet. She said she heard t
John wrote:
>On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 10:29 -0500, J L wrote:
>>Used to fly a comanche 250 over 10k all the time.
>Interesting, I've had several responses like this one,
>indicating alot of folks are geting their 10k or 12k
>ft (even more) with no problem.
>Here in the Se
Bom dia, Ronei Machado!
Algumas das suas palavras não traduziriam. Você pode usar por favor o
inglês para aqueles de nós que não podemos resim o português? Também, a
mensagem original foi uma pergunta sobre a espuma dentro do tanque para
prevenir lascar. Pode ser usado em tanques de qualquer ma
Hi Darren - Let us know how it works - I am interested in doing the same
to save a little weight and increase strength.
Darren Crompton wrote:
>Does anyone know which weight and weave carbon fibre cloth is considered
>best for the KR airfoil surfaces?
Robin Macdonald wrote:
>To Mark Jones & Dan Freeman,
>I have been trying to get hold of you but had emails returned. So I contacted
>my provider, & they said that your provider will not acept any emails from my
>provider as they think is is spam & reject it. You both use the same provider
Go you fly in the rain? Does all that exposed wood get sealed ?
John wrote:
>No binding, it seems smooth and solid.
>It seems to me that the hinge pin ought to
>be parallel to the rear spar.
>Could this have happened if the builder had
>temporarily over tightened the cables?
I would add to that - most postage scales I've used are in half ounce
increments = 14.17 grams. not nearly accurate enough for me. I use
a triple beam balance scale like the drug dealers use in the movies.
More accurate than I need, but simple.
Darren Crompton wrote:
>I have been
I would not discount this idea - remember the Gooney bird was on floats
at some point ? Now that's a BIG low winged plane on floats very high
above the water...
D Lively wrote:
>On the subject of low-wing float planes, it seems tome I have seen a few of
>the Piper "Spam-C
I'd like any info / pics on this too...
Lee Van Dyke wrote:
>I believe it was last spring I recall looking at photos of a KR2 that flipped
>over. The nose gear collapsed and the plane flipped over, the pilot was OK,
>just some tail and canopy damage. I thank it was in WA
Maybe it was just a hurry to get the planes manufactured, but there are
a number of WWII fighters with squared off canopies.
Phil Matheson wrote:
>Does anybody think I will be able to sort of square off the KR canopy
>I have a Todd's canopy
I've thought they would be a good idea. Has anyone ever added them ?
Mick Myal wrote:
>Any KR builders interested in Cessna 310 type tip tanks?
>Mick Myal
>Search the KRnet Archives at
Benjamin Smith wrote:
>On Friday 23 March 2007, Benjamin Smith wrote:
>>Is there any particular reason NOT to get a hand-held? (other than the
>>I bought one of the Sporty's with Com and Nav, frequency scanning, etc. for
>>$279. Although I don't fly sport yet, I
Has anyone made _long_ wings like the glider version of the Europa ?
Looks intersting, but what's the price ? I down-loaded their "price
sheet" with lots of empty space, but it wasn't clear
Barry Kruyssen wrote:
>Look at the Whisper Motot Glider at for an
>economical kit glider. I would have bought one except for one sma
Yes, it will be interesting to see. Just remember, it is possible your
antena match was as close to perfect when you started as you can get
but unless you test it you'll never know how bad it could be. The Bird
will show you.
AVLEC wrote:
>Today I spoke to an old radio tech
RED Robinson wrote:
>Nick Brennan wrote: First off, I am not a normal
>complainer, but this is getting REALLY
>irritating now. This is kind of a vent, but I'm also looking for
>information if possible.
>I sent out my order for the plans on February 3rd, priority mail, to a city
>that is
Who? Me or RED ?
-dave wrote:
>I think that is one fine idea for you to do.We dont need people like you on
>this net!!!
>Ray Lee KR2 9763
>** AOL now offers free
>email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at
LOL Well either tomorrow we'll hear from people who have a life
and you're in the minority, or you reflect the group's sentiments and we
don't belong here or driving the KR2...
-dave wrote:
>** AOL now offers free
>email t
Thanks Dan, maybe Red and I totally mis-understood each other ! I was
offering moral support to Dan because I thought his problems were
valid. Yes, when I met her and her daughter, I thought they were both
good people. My plans came right away, but that was in the early
1990's. Well, actuall
Here's how mine it attached to the spar. The tail is to the left and the
FW is to the right. WOW, I didn't realize the floor got wet there when I
moved last month...
Brad Ankerstar wrote:
>How about extending the elevator push-pull tube through the spar
Louis Staalberg wrote:
>Dene Collett wrote:
>>My question was whether the SWR meter that I have used on CB freq was
>>able to do airband freq as I was always under the impression that it
>>didn't care
>>what freq passed through it.
>SWR meters *do* care about the freq. The
Wolfgang Decker wrote:
>you should be able to use your CB radio SWR meter for VHF as well. These
>things work by coupling a conductor parallel to the RF cable (they are not
>connected) and through a diode setup you switch the measurement between
>forward power and reflected power. The t
After reading one of John Yodice stories about someone the FAA and then
NTSB put it to, if you change even a washer on your plane and you hold
the A&P for the plane (builder) you are better off to bit the bullet and
ask the FSDO if you need a new fly-off period and do it if who every
answer the
Funny, my instructor called them the "Trauma - hawk" because of the T
tail being less responsive to prop wash when you need it the most -
stall recovery.
Raising the trust-line I would think increases the loads on the upper
half of the firewall. Maybe not enough to worry about, but I sure like
Hi Pete - are you flying yet ? Got some photos ?
-dave wrote:
>I am interested in this discussion, as I have raised my thrust line 5" above
>plans to fit a Vernermotor, which has a built in PSRU. This motor is 80 HP,
>weighs 135 lb, and turns a 72" prop at 2,300, and I am inte
to fly in a Tomahawk. Didn't realize landings were easy till I
>began flying a 172 !!!
>Pete Klapp, KR-2S, Canton, OH
>From: "Dave Arbogast, CISSP"
>Reply-To: KRnet
>To: KRnet
>Subject: Re: KR> Thrust Line issues
>Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007
If you are using Pink foam, it is probably polystyrene and Bondo being
Polyester based will dissolve the Styrofoam. That is the pink foam sold
at building supply shops. Or, do you have another type of pink foam ?
Fred Johnson wrote:
>Lightweight BONDO.
>Fred Johnson
>Reno, NV
OK, polystyrene. It will dissolve from gasoline, bondo, and most
solvents. You can use it in places where you can be sure it will not be
exposed to gas, and as Bob says, where it will not have loads, maybe the
turtle deck if you must ? You can skin it with epoxy and micro bubble
if you want to
I think it was detail by John Yodice, chief counsol AOPA, in their
magazine a few years back...
Mark Langford wrote:
>Ed Larsen wrote:
>>Don't forget to notify the insurance company of the upgrades and return to
>>phase 1 testing either, if something does go afoul they won't cover
I thought that was part of the reason for wood spars. The lanairs are
all plastic and they fly in the flight levels where it is always very
cold. I've never hear of them shedding a wing. If cold is a concern,
maybe our skins should be carbon ?
Mark Jones wrote:
>How many of you fly in t
We should remember why yokes were invented in the first place - the
stick is the "original" design because it was simple ( I.E. less weight
and less parts to fail) and easy to use... the yoke was invented out of
necessity because planes got bigger and the mechanical advantage of the
stick had t
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:29 AM
>To: KRnet
>Subject: Re: KR> Yokes -vs- Sticks/ brakes
>Not trying to be argumentative...but I was always told that people were
>used to a steering wheel in front of them. The yoke was substituted to
>make passengers and some pilots more comfor
I will only use steel lines, 3/16 should be fine. Why using anything
that may cause problems. Steel has stood the test of time. In point of
fact, on anything that goes down the street, it is criminal to use
anything but double flared steel lines !! ( i.e. no plastic, aluminum,
copped, etc.) I
Doesn't flying outside the US require 12" letters ? Like Canada or other
nations south of here ? I plan on 12" for that reason.
Dan Heath wrote:
>Why are you using 12" letters?
>See N64KR at - Then click on the pics
>See you at the 2007 - KR Gathering
>There is wrote:
>On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 17:09:54 -0600 Larry&Sallie Flesner
> writes:
>>At 03:39 PM 1/16/2007, you wrote:
>>>But I thought peel ply left a skin of silicone on the epoxy I
>>>thought you had to remove that before you laid another layer on??
Hi Jeff, did you balance the new rudder ? It appears most people don't
balance their moving surfaces..
Jeff Scott wrote:
>I will respectfully disagree with Colin's experience. With over 600
>hours flying my KR out of a high altitude airport(KLAM 7172')with gusty
>unstable crosswinds, one
The only tail dragger I've flown with drum brakes was a B-17 and they
were not about to let me do any ground ops because, among other reasons,
the brakes are not that reliable. I got a set of disk brakes from an
Aerocoupe. Just a little bigger than our plane needs, but they fit just
Larry&Sallie Flesner wrote:
>>Ok i have replaced a couple foam blocks in one of the wings and have put on1
>>layer of glass!!!do i wait for it to dry before i put on a second layer
>>on!!! and also when i put on the peelply do i put epoxy on the top of it
>>and squeegy it off like the glass!!! s
I bought my KR2S plans in 93. At that time I came upon a partial project
KR2 w/o plans. It was in the boat stage with the tail feathers complete
and the forged mains that bolt to the main spar via an aluminum casting
and internal bracing to the rear spar.
I build conventional rudder peddles wit
76 matches
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