John wrote:

>On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 10:29 -0500, J L wrote:
>>Used to fly a comanche 250 over 10k all the time.
>Interesting,  I've had several responses like this one,
>indicating alot of folks are geting their 10k or 12k
>ft (even more) with no problem.
>Here in the Seattle area, the mountains to the east are pretty
>close. I'd like to have strong climb performance
>above 6k through to 12k or 14k.  No plane I've flown out
>of Seattle could get to 12k before reaching the mountains
>which are very close to Seattle.  As I recall, I could get 
>to around 6 or 7k by the time I reached the mountains, clearing
>them by only 3k or so.  If I wanted more clearance I'd
>have to turn South or North and climb (very slowly) from
>6 to 9 or so (doubling the time of my trip across the
>If I could get a good (non-diminishing) climb rate I'd
>be alot happier.  I know the prop & wings will loose
>their grip as the air thins, but if the engine can hold
>it's revs that should improve things quite a bit.
>thanks for all your responses!
I crossed Lake Michigan in a stock Skyhawk with 3 people on the way to 
OSH.... I crossed at 13,999 ft and the climb / descent was from shore to 


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