Re: [ccp4bb] how to create a figure of a blob

2024-07-18 Thread Roger Rowlett
I use ccp4 to create Fo-Fc or 2Fo-Fc omit maps, then read them into Pymol and display them with the isomesh command with an appropriate carve radius. That might pick up an unmodelled blob. __ Roger Rowlett On Thu, Jul 18, 2024, 10:33 AM Andrea Smith wrote: > Hi, > > &

Re: [ccp4bb] Query on density fitting to phosphate

2023-12-25 Thread Roger Rowlett
ively straightforward to infer hydrogen bonding interactions and poorly resolved blobs that are likely loosely bound sulfate or phosphate. Cheers, Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Emeritus Colgate University Department of Chemistry On Mon, Dec 25, 2023, 2:51 PM Tom Peat <

Re: [ccp4bb] Assistant Professor in Structural Biology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2023-10-16 Thread Roger Rowlett
months. Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Emeritus Dept of Chemistry Colgate University On Mon, Oct 16, 2023, 2:52 AM Guillaume Gaullier <> wrote: > Maybe a naive question, and definitely going off-topic… but what if the > successful candid

Re: [ccp4bb] Odd Positive Density Around a Cystine

2022-08-10 Thread Roger Rowlett
structure. Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kljne Professor, Emeritus Department of Chemistry Colgate University On Wed, Aug 10, 2022, 11:00 AM Thomas, Leonard M. wrote: > Hello All, > > I have run into something odd. In working on a structure for one of the > groups I work with regularl

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: Strange cysteines

2021-12-22 Thread Roger Rowlett
Another possibility to model is a couple of S-hydroxy cysteines. We've seen that in a Cys-amidase where there was artifactual oxidation damage to the protein during storage or RT crystallization. Roger Rowlett On Wed, Dec 22, 2021, 8:00 AM Andrew Purkiss wrote: > As you say, the Cys

Re: [ccp4bb] off-topic: pH meters

2021-09-20 Thread Roger Rowlett
they were much more difficult for my students to break, and they last for years. (My students never succeeded in breaking one.) Gel-filled electrodes are garbage. Refillable double junction electrodes are the way to go for stable readings, especially in Tris, and minimizing heavy metal contamination.

Re: [ccp4bb] Enzyme Vmax and Km

2021-06-18 Thread Roger Rowlett
of rate vs. substrate data. For true product inhibition, there are several possible models that could be considered, based on the behavior of the data. Consultation with an enzyme kineticist might be warranted for for complex behavior. Roger Rowlett On Fri, Jun 18, 2021, 3:53 AM Harmer, Nicholas wrot

Re: [ccp4bb] Looking for proteins for undergraduate biochemistry lab

2021-06-16 Thread Roger Rowlett
Human carbonic anhdydrase II is very expressible in *E. coli,* and purifiable in one step via affinity chromatography with para-aminobenzenesulfonamide affinity resin (which is relatively easy to make, and reusable for many years.) It can be assayed by stopped-flow spectrophotometry for CO2 hydrati

Re: [ccp4bb] To solve the problem of an extremely asymmetric peak shape obtained from gel filtration chromatography

2020-12-09 Thread Roger Rowlett
Salt concentrations less than 100 mM can lead to nonspecific adsorption to the gel exclusion media, potentially leading to band broadening, and delayed elution. Overloading gel exclusion columns (more than 2-4% Vt) can also lead to elution band artifacts. Check these issues first. Roger Rowlett

Re: [ccp4bb] electron density close Histidine side chain

2020-07-20 Thread Roger Rowlett
Almost certainly a metal ion, possibly Ni(2+) if a Ni-NTA column was used for purification. Ni-N bond lengths are typically around 2.0 A. Additional density is probably coordinated water molecules, which should have similar Ni-O bond distances around 1.9 A. It is fairly common to find adventitious

Re: [ccp4bb] insertion of a chemical

2020-06-30 Thread Roger Rowlett
, Roger Rowlett On Tue, Jun 30, 2020, 7:25 AM Daniele Veggi wrote: > Hi Yadav, > yes, this is only a representation of what I would like to do. If during > the refinement will continue to appear density, probably I'm on the good &g

Re: [ccp4bb] insertion of a chemical

2020-06-30 Thread Roger Rowlett
stive of a thioketal adduct or a simple disulfide bridge. Building the thioketal, if actually present, will require addition skill with ligand building and Coot. You are essentially attaching an isopropyl group to the two Cys sulfur atoms. Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Eme

Re: [ccp4bb] Molecular replacement problem

2020-06-18 Thread Roger Rowlett
reasonable and space group was likely correct, and that I had the correct number of chains per ASU. My initial MR attempts, based on Matthew's number estimates, were 2 chains short, which was obvious from crystal packing. Cheers, and good luck! Roger Rowlett Dorothy & Gordon Kline Professor,

Re: [ccp4bb] Covalent Cysteine Aduct

2020-03-27 Thread Roger Rowlett
S-hydroxycysteine can cartainly show up under nonreducing storage or crystallization conditions, as an artifact. Cheers, Roger Rowlett On Fri, Mar 27, 2020, 5:45 PM Chris Fage wrote: > Hi Richard, > > I recently observed the sulfenic acid derivative of a cysteine residue > (S

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [EXTERNAL] Re: [ccp4bb] Wincoot middle-mouse button does not work

2020-03-23 Thread Roger Rowlett
-click. Again, you have to go into the mouse configuration settings. I have two mice (a 3-button and a 2-button) configured to work properly with Wincoot in Win10. Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Emeritus Colgate University On Mon, Mar 23, 2020, 11:56 AM Schreuder, Herman

Re: [ccp4bb] A question of density

2020-03-04 Thread Roger Rowlett
Chloride coordination spheres are typically tetrahedral (CN=4) or square pyramidal (CN=5), and occasionally octahedral (CN=6). Arg and His and well as amide nitrogens are common protein ligands, and it is possible but not common to see carboxylates in the coordination sphere. Roger Rowlett On

Re: [ccp4bb] A question of density

2020-03-04 Thread Roger Rowlett
? Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Emeritus Colgate University On Wed, Mar 4, 2020, 12:20 PM Nukri Sanishvili wrote: > Hi Jessica, > You do not say how well is the rest of the structure refined. > First, you should refine the structure best you can, without placing >

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein concentration for the initial crystallisation trials

2020-01-08 Thread Roger Rowlett
. by manipulating protein/screen volume ratio. __ Roger Rowlett On Wed, Jan 8, 2020, 11:16 AM Armando Albert wrote: > Dear all, > I was wondering how to guess the optimal protein concentration for the > initial crystallisation trials. Is there any trick or assay other

Re: [ccp4bb] difficult molecular replacement solution

2019-11-13 Thread Roger Rowlett
to simplify the search. Good luck. __ Roger Rowlett On Wed, Nov 13, 2019, 10:33 AM Robert S Phillips wrote: > I have been working on a protein structure which has been hard to solve by > molecular replacement. > > Unit cell: (60.6, 172.34, 196.42, 90, 90, 90) > Sp

Re: [ccp4bb] crysalis pro from rigaku

2019-11-04 Thread Roger Rowlett
The current version of CrysalisPro will directly import several image formats, or you can convert images to Esperanto format to import. The latter is a bit clumsy but does work. __ Roger Rowlett On Mon, Nov 4, 2019, 9:54 AM Almudena Ponce Salvatierra <>

Re: [ccp4bb] ITC question -dimer vs monomer

2019-10-03 Thread Roger Rowlett
Won't this depend on the relative final concentrations of A and B in the two experiments? If A going into excess B will have different mass action considerations that B going into excess A. Even if the final concentrations of A and B are stoichiometric, the initial stages of the titration will have

Re: [ccp4bb] Another difficult MR case

2019-08-29 Thread Roger Rowlett
numbers, though, so 2 is not a great improvement, e.g. __ Roger Rowlett On Thu, Aug 29, 2019, 1:42 PM Jonathan Cooper <> wrote: > It would be useful to know the number of molecules per asymmetric unit and > the sequence simil

Re: [ccp4bb] low resolution map with unmodelled map

2019-08-19 Thread Roger Rowlett
e are ways of using noncrystallographic symmetry in your ASU to significantly improve your initial maps for rebuilding, although sequence assignment may still be challenging at this resolution. Roger Rowlett On Mon, Aug 19, 2019, 8:15 PM Zhu Qiao wrote: > Sorry for the initial message. I tried t

[ccp4bb] FFT bug, CCP4i job file configuration

2019-08-06 Thread Roger Rowlett
FYI, When FFT is run in the CCP4i interface, the output file destination is configured incorrectly. Examining the batch file that is created for the job, it appears that CCP4i ignores the MAPOUT filename and substitutes the file name of the temporary file, which is (alas) deleted in the last step.

[ccp4bb] Position opening - Colgate University

2019-08-03 Thread Roger Rowlett
Please find attached a description of a position opening at Colgate University that may be of interest to a protein crystallographer interested in working with undergraduates in a research-rich, research supportive environment. Colgate is equipped with an Oxford Diffraction home source, Gryphon dro

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density - Part 2

2019-07-24 Thread Roger Rowlett
Question: While it is perhaps understandable that reviewers may not always have sufficient information to evaluate the quality of the interpreted model (and must trust that authors have acted in good faith in representing omit maps, etc.), is it not reasonable to expect reviewers to comment on

Re: [ccp4bb] Questionable Ligand Density: 6MO0, 6MO1, 6MO2

2019-07-19 Thread Roger Rowlett
If it is as it appears, it is disappointing to see this in JACS. I would expect better. Unfortunately, reviewers don't always get a lot of information to judge quality of structures (which has been discussed extensively  on prior occasions on this board), so some trust is involved that what dat

Re: [ccp4bb] analytical gel filtration columns

2019-04-17 Thread Roger Rowlett
How about BioGel-A50m with an exclusion limit of 50 million Da? I've used A15m for complexes as large as 500 kDa and it seemed to work well. __ Roger Rowlett On Wed, Apr 17, 2019, 11:11 AM Mohinder Pal wrote: > Dear all, > > I would like to gel filter a multi p

Re: [ccp4bb] SO4 or PO4

2019-02-16 Thread Roger Rowlett
donor to acceptor hydrogen bonding contacts. Sulfate rarely has donor to acceptor hydrogen bonding contacts, as it is SO4= at any reasonable pH. Roger Rowlett On Sat, Feb 16, 2019, 4:06 AM 张士军 < wrote: > Dear all > > I have got a crystal grown at the co

Re: [ccp4bb] Sulphate or phosphate?

2018-07-31 Thread Roger Rowlett
You might be able to distinguish sulfate from phosphate by examining hydrogen bonding partners. Phosphate can donate one or two hydrogen bonds at neutral pH values, whereas sulfate is usually only a hydrogen bond acceptor. (Having said that, we have published a structure where a sulfate clearly int

Re: [ccp4bb] Sulphur SAD at home source

2018-04-03 Thread Roger Rowlett
Iodine is ideally suited for Cu K-alpha SAD phasing, and iodide ions can normally be easily added by soaking crystals in potassium iodide containing solutions, which can be done at the time of cryopreservation. A quick lit search will turn up the appropriate protocols. For structural genomics w

Re: [ccp4bb] Yet another "what's my blob" thread

2017-10-02 Thread Roger Rowlett
-. Blob 2 is less likely to be metal around those Arg residues, but Cl- or bicarbonate are possible and well-known in this kind of coordination environment. Cl- is in your mixture, and bicarbonate can accumulate, especially at alkaline pH from atmospheric CO2. Cheers, Roger Rowlett On Oct 2

Re: [ccp4bb] Stable Refinement as Low(ish) resolution

2017-07-12 Thread Roger Rowlett
Besides empirically adjusting the weighting factor for X-ray data to increase the geometric constraints, have you tried jelly-body refinement or refinement with external constraints? The latter two methods can be helpful when refining low resolution data. Roger Rowlett On Jul 12, 2017 7:33 PM

Re: [ccp4bb] crystallization optimization

2017-07-12 Thread Roger Rowlett
. Cheers, Roger Rowlett On Jul 12, 2017 12:01 PM, "Alun R Coker" wrote: > So, if we have a commercial 96 well screen where more than around 60% of > the drops precipitate. It may be worth diluting the whole screen say (30ul > screen and 20ul water in each well) and repeatin

Re: [ccp4bb] Dynamic light scattering instrument

2017-05-02 Thread Roger Rowlett
We've had a Malvern Zetasizer for many years. ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry Colgate University 13 Oak Drive Hamilton, NY 13346 tel: (315)-228-7245 ofc: (315)-228-7395 fax: (315)-228-7935 email: rrowl...@colgate.e

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] shadow at the edge

2017-04-27 Thread Roger Rowlett
you will have lost a lot of data in the shadow area, and the pin shadow is variable depending on the omega angle. If you have crystals available, it would be worth collecting again properly. Roger Rowlett On Apr 27, 2017 5:18 PM, "Dr A.A. Jalan" wrote: > Dear all, > > Thank y

Re: [ccp4bb] protein precipitation reg

2017-03-29 Thread Roger Rowlett
;>> wrote: A bit off topic, but I’ve always wondered how TRIS got so popular what with it’s pKa of 8.3—does anyone know? JPK *From:*CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK <mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>] *On Behalf Of *Roger Rowlett *Se

Re: [ccp4bb] protein precipitation reg

2017-03-29 Thread Roger Rowlett
What are you dialyzing against? Your storage solution should typically be buffered away from the pI and contain at least a small amount of kosmotropic salt, e.g. NaCl. Some proteins will require additional stabilizing/solubilizing agents such as glycerol or reducing agents. FYI, Tris-Cl, pH 7.5

Re: [ccp4bb] Nitrate versus Carbonate

2016-11-11 Thread Roger Rowlett
Once again, chemical intuition may help. At neutral pH values, sulfate is going to be present at SO4(2-), whereas phosphate will be present as H2PO4(-) or HPO4(2-). The hydrogen bond network supporting binding may be able to offer clues. Sulfate is not likely to have any H-bond acceptors in its

Re: [ccp4bb] Nitrate versus Carbonate

2016-11-10 Thread Roger Rowlett
. Bicarbonate ions will populate this site in crystals after a few minutes soak at 100 mM concentration. The same crystals soaked in as much as 1M (!) nitrate overnight do not bind nitrate ion in this site. Roger Rowlett On Nov 10, 2016 3:42 PM, "Keller, Jacob" wrote: > Dear Crys

Re: [ccp4bb] Two SGs in one droplet?

2016-10-28 Thread Roger Rowlett
I've seen this kind of thing before. Case 1: two crystal forms in the same droplet, C2 and C222. If you looked closely, you could tell them apart and I was pretty good at getting a high percentage of the desired space group by looking at the crystal forms. The C2 form diffracted better, so I f

Re: [ccp4bb] suggestion for structure solution of a protein with low sequence identity

2016-10-25 Thread Roger Rowlett
I'll also recommend Buccaneer. You might try using a combination of PARROT for density modification and NCS averaging followed by autobuilding with BUCCANEER using initial phases from your MR solution. You only have two copies of the protein in the ASU, so you only get a modest boost in electro

Re: [ccp4bb] Structural biology software that does not run on Windows or gives important Windows-specific problems

2016-10-14 Thread Roger Rowlett
Except for graphics-intensive programs (e.g., Coot, Pymol), it is possible to run Linux within a VM in windows, and you can even share files with the other OS. I actually do it the other way 'round, running Windows in Linux via wine to have a one-box solution for processing data from our Oxford

Re: [ccp4bb] Ambiguous metal ion at active site.

2015-07-09 Thread Roger Rowlett
If the metal center is a stable complex then ICP-OES or XRF (e.g. TXRF) methods can easily identify and quantify metals present in a small sample of protein. Roger Rowlett Dear All I have solved a structure of a metal-ion dependent exonuclease enzyme. In homologous structures, two or three

Re: [ccp4bb] Phaser solution and solvent content for arp warp

2015-06-29 Thread Roger Rowlett
I think I would be tempted to chainsaw one of the ensemble chains of 2IT8 (they look very similar except for side-chain disposition) and use 1 or 2 of these as search models in a Phaser run. If this works, you should see good Z-values and the final result inspected in Coot should show good mole

Re: [ccp4bb] distorted phosphate molecule geometry after refinement

2015-06-22 Thread Roger Rowlett
g/content/276/5/3247.full Shane On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 2:15 PM, Roger Rowlett <>> wrote: I possibility is a M-His(2)-Lys-(OH2) site. Possible metal ions would include Zn(II), although Lys is a relatively rare ligand in zinc-

Re: [ccp4bb] distorted phosphate molecule geometry after refinement

2015-06-22 Thread Roger Rowlett
g/content/276/5/3247.full Shane On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 2:15 PM, Roger Rowlett <>> wrote: I possibility is a M-His(2)-Lys-(OH2) site. Possible metal ions would include Zn(II), although Lys is a relatively rare ligand in zinc-

Re: [ccp4bb] distorted phosphate molecule geometry after refinement

2015-06-22 Thread Roger Rowlett
I possibility is a M-His(2)-Lys-(OH2) site. Possible metal ions would include Zn(II), although Lys is a relatively rare ligand in zinc-metalloenzyme sites. Cheers, ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry Colg

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 installation problem

2015-06-16 Thread Roger Rowlett
Appu, You will have to edit your .tcshrc (startup) file to point to the correct setup script with a line like this: source /usr/local/xtal/ccp4-6.5/ccp4.setup-csh If you are using a different shell, e.g. bash, you will have to edit the appropriate startup file, e.g. .bashrc. You will likel

Re: [ccp4bb] Easy way to generate symmetry-related protein chains?

2015-05-22 Thread Roger Rowlett
If you mean generation of pdb coordinates of specific symmetry chains (not just viewing) then you can do this with the symexp command in pymol. Select the desired symmetry partners and save as pdb. You may want to edit duplicate chain id labels in coot or a text editor. Roger Rowlett On May 22

Re: [ccp4bb] CYS mod

2015-05-13 Thread Roger Rowlett
Are the Cys residues in question on the surface of the protein? DMSO (which is in the crystallization mix) is a weak oxidant and could conceivably contain impurities like dimethylsulfide and methanethiol which could form difulfides with surface Cys residues. Or there could have been sulfides ca

Re: [ccp4bb] [RANT] Reject Papers describing non-open source software

2015-05-12 Thread Roger Rowlett
Was the research publicly funded? If you receive funds from NSF, for example, you are expected to share and "make widely available and usable" software and inventions created under a grant (section VI.D.4. of the Award and administration guide). I don't know how enforceable that clause is, howe

Re: [ccp4bb] Enzyme kinetics

2015-05-08 Thread Roger Rowlett
In these coupled enzyme assays, concentrations of [E1], [S], [E2] and [NADH] need to be chosen such that the rate of the second reaction is at least one to two orders of magnitude faster than the first, otherwise the measured rate -d[NADH]/dt will not be rate-limited by -d[S]/dt. Normally this

Re: [ccp4bb] Off topic - Mercury Lamp for Akta

2015-05-05 Thread Roger Rowlett
I wouldn't mind knowing how to source this lamp as well. But FYI, the lamps are usable for years after the FPLC gives you the dire "low intensity" warning. We just ignore it until the lamp goes completely dark or it's impossible to measure normal absorbances. We've used the current lamp for man

Re: [ccp4bb] cryo condition

2015-05-04 Thread Roger Rowlett
We rarely use glycerol anymore, because it seems to fail so often for many of our current proteins. Try glucose, 25-30%. This is most conveniently done by weighing 125-150 mg of glucose in a microcentrifuge tube, then addding well solution to the 0.5 mL mark and mixing until completely dissolve

Re: [ccp4bb] Cleaved peptide density!

2015-04-22 Thread Roger Rowlett
If your protease depends on an oxyanion hole for stabilizing the transition state, fluoride ions are known to be a potent inhibitor of these proteases. (It is a quasi-diagnostic test for serine-type proteases, and related cysteine proteases.) This might allow you to get reactant bound without c

Re: [ccp4bb] HPLC vs FPLC for protein purification

2015-04-20 Thread Roger Rowlett
On Apr 20, 2015 8:28 PM, "Roger Rowlett" wrote: > Depends on what you want to accomplish... If you have a liter of crude > lysate, "capacity" should be one of the choices. A step gradient is fast > but low resolution; a gradient elution has more resolution but wi

Re: [ccp4bb] HPLC vs FPLC for protein purification

2015-04-20 Thread Roger Rowlett
rate and possibly capacity. Higher pump pressures are required to get flow through columns packed with tiny particles sizes. To borrow an analytical chemistry maxim: speed, resolution, capacity: pick any two. Roger Rowlett On Apr 20, 2015 6:45 PM, "xaravich ivan" wrote: > Hi CCP4ean

Re: [ccp4bb] Crystallisation of a minority fraction monomers

2015-04-08 Thread Roger Rowlett
The problem with crystallization is that is selects for the least soluble, most packable species. Sometimes that works against what you would like to know. That could include oligomerization state as well as conformational state. For example, some of the allosteric carbonic anhydrases stubbornl

Re: [ccp4bb] Number of Molecules in Asymetric Unit

2015-04-01 Thread Roger Rowlett
In the CCP4i GUI you will find "Phaser Cell Content Analysis" under the "Analysis" tab. IIRC, this calls up the Matthews Probability Calculator. It will give you a good idea of the likely number of search models in the ASU. For large numbers, e.g. >3, the most probable number is likely to be un

Re: [ccp4bb] No MR solution

2015-04-01 Thread Roger Rowlett
sense to search for the domains separately? Did you truncate the model side chains? There are lots of ways to skin the cat depending on the problems encountered. 3.0 A may be challenging for a low identity search model. __ Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Depart

Re: [ccp4bb] how to reduce protein solubility

2015-02-16 Thread Roger Rowlett
Bringing the pH closer to the measured pI would definitely help. The pI can be measured on an IEF gel. Glycosylation, if applicable, could dramatically increase solubility. Roger Rowlett On Feb 16, 2015 11:33 PM, "Mattiroli,Francesca" <> wrote:

Re: [ccp4bb] Cis-peptide bond checking

2015-02-16 Thread Roger Rowlett
Great reminder. But there are real non proline cis peptide bonds, including highly conserved motifs in active sites, e.g. 3UAO and its homologs. I would hope these don't get "corrected". Roger Rowlett On Feb 16, 2015 5:09 AM, "Tristan Croll" wrote: > Dear all, >

Re: [ccp4bb] adding a Cobalt atom within Coot

2015-02-02 Thread Roger Rowlett
This is a known bug in Coot 0.7.x. You can add the metal ion correctly using the Get Monomer dialog and selecting "CO" as the monomer. This is fixed in Coot 0.8.1. ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry Colgate Universit

Re: [ccp4bb] PHASER MR solution

2015-01-28 Thread Roger Rowlett
>> went for this space group well I would also try for the other screw axes. >> So should I Integrate the data from beginning with all possible screw axes >> of orthogonal space group? I am attaching the IDXREF.LP screen shot he

Re: [ccp4bb] PHASER MR solution

2015-01-25 Thread Roger Rowlett
Did you search all 8 possibilities of screw axes, e.g. P2221, P21212, P212121, etc? Roger Rowlett On Jan 25, 2015 4:50 AM, "jeorgemarley thomas" wrote: > Hi, I have processed the data using XDS and space group found to be P 2 2 > 2 (16) and I used the phaser MR for first pha

Re: [ccp4bb] Queries regarding bead beater and french press.

2015-01-12 Thread Roger Rowlett
The Bead Beater has a 15, 40, and 350 mL chambers. I haven't used mine to homogenize yeast, but I suspect it is similar in performance to E. coli disruption. (Different bead sizes are used for yeast than bacteria.) We get excellent, gentle disruption of E. coli in 8 minutes total. A French Pres

Re: [ccp4bb] Some advices on model modification

2015-01-06 Thread Roger Rowlett
How you approach this will depend substantially on the sequence identity between your target and your potential MR models. Definitely remove all non-protein atoms from your search model, as these are not likely at all to be present, or present at these positions, in your target. In addition to

Re: [ccp4bb] best cryprotectant

2014-12-23 Thread Roger Rowlett
We usually try 25-30% glucose first. Weigh out 150 mg of glucose in a microcentrifuge tube add well solution, dissolve, mix, and make up to the 0.5 mL mark with well solution. If crystals crack in this solution, make up a 40% glucose solution in mother liquor, and add this solution in 0.25 drop

Re: [ccp4bb] CrystalClear tape rolls

2014-12-01 Thread Roger Rowlett
I use 3" clear duck tape. Amazon has it in packages of 6 rolls. Seems to work OK, with maybe one well in a 2x96 well screen interacting with the adhesive. I think it's an isopropanol or dioxane condition. Roger Rowlett On Dec 1, 2014 5:32 AM, "Mark J van Raaij" wrote:

Re: [ccp4bb] workstation crystallography

2014-11-11 Thread Roger Rowlett
I'm running home-built Ubuntu boxes with old, plain-vanilla CPUs (e.g., Q9300 or core i3/i5/i7) and 6-8Gbyte of RAM, and a cheap Nvidia video card (e.g. GT 9xxx or GT 620).This is more than sufficient to do routine structure solution. Any contemporary desktop or laptop computer should be suffic

Re: [ccp4bb] Adding water molecule and metal atom

2014-10-24 Thread Roger Rowlett
Adding metal ions will work properly through the "Get Monomer" dialog in 0.7.2. Until Coot is updated (either manually or through a new CCP4 release) this is a reasonable workaround. ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry

Re: [ccp4bb] Adding zink and coper by COOT

2014-10-23 Thread Roger Rowlett
There is a bug in version 0.7.2 Coot that causes metal ions added via the "place atom at pointer" to be a water. However, if you add the metal ions through the "Get Monomer" dialog I think it will work OK. ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor

Re: [ccp4bb] comparisons - views

2014-10-17 Thread Roger Rowlett
I've had a Gryphon for 2+ years and use it in an undergraduate environment. It's been trouble-free, and there are no instrument consumables, just blocks and trays. OK, I do have to feed it deionized water and a PCR tube of diluted protein for each set. It can set a 96-well tray in under 2 minut

Re: [ccp4bb] Strategies to bring out over-expressed protein from inclusion bodies to soluble fraction!!!

2014-10-17 Thread Roger Rowlett
You've tried the obvious things. Lowering the IPTG concentration doesn't really work all that well, at least in my hands. We find we can still get maximal expression from many promoters like trc with only 0.2 mM IPTG, and the response doesn't modulate well: it's either on or off. Growing at low

Re: [ccp4bb] Off topic: reformatting screens from Falcons into deepwell blocks

2014-10-01 Thread Roger Rowlett
The Art Robbins Scorpion has this function baked in the the operating software. When I was shopping for liquid handling robots for screen-making, only the Emerald Biosystems Opti-Matrix and the Scorpion were affordable for a small lab. The Scorpion can handle more solutions at one time. _

Re: [ccp4bb] frozen pellet insoluble protein

2014-09-29 Thread Roger Rowlett
I have experience with some proteins that don't tolerate freeze-thawing very well. It's hard to say exactly what the physical chemistry of this is, but it probably relates to (1) aggregation due to high concentration or protein or salts during the freezing process as water is removed, and/or (2

Re: [ccp4bb] refine structure with mtz file in P212121 or P222?

2014-09-05 Thread Roger Rowlett
As always, look at the unit cell packing of your alternative solutions. In all likelihood one of these two solutions from Phaser should pack sensibly in the unit cell, and the other will not. You may get some sort of quasi-reasonable-looking electron density out of the wrong solution initially,

Re: [ccp4bb] Off topic: Precast gels

2014-08-29 Thread Roger Rowlett
Define cheap. Several vendors offer SDS PAGE minigels for about $10 US a pop. I get mine from Novex. Roger Rowlett On Aug 29, 2014 2:22 AM, "Theresa Hsu" wrote: > Dear all > > Would anyone knows of source of cheap precast SDS-page gels? > > Thank you. >

Re: [ccp4bb] Removing PEG3350

2014-08-20 Thread Roger Rowlett
Excellent references. PEG 3350 appears to be hydrodynamically equivalent to a 20 kD globular protein. So for efficient separation, your protein needs to be significantly larger than 20 kDa on a GEC column. In a centrifugal filter (which is very inefficient--you need many exchanges and dilutions

Re: [ccp4bb] Exporting Omit Maps for use in Pymol using CCP4i FFT

2014-08-20 Thread Roger Rowlett
Did you enter a valid pdb filename for a coordinate file when selecting the option 'cover all atoms in pdb'? ______ Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry Colgate University On Aug 20, 2014 3:54 PM, "Wei Shi" wrote: > Hi al


2014-08-19 Thread Roger Rowlett
in the solution to minimize electrostatic interactions, e.g. 100-500 mM NaCl. Ultimately, your protein just may not be very soluble. That is potentially will ppt and maybe xtallize well at low concentration. Roger Rowlett On Aug 19, 2014 1:52 PM, "Prashant Deshmukh" wrote: &g

Re: [ccp4bb] Enigmatic electron density attached to Cys residue

2014-08-19 Thread Roger Rowlett
degradation product of PEG200? Did any MPD get into the mix? We have seen spurious oxidation of Cys to Cys-OH in thiol proteins, e,g, PDB 3UAO. Good luck. With that high quality ED, you'd think it would be easy to ID... Roger Rowlett Dear all, We are currently working on a small GTPase

Re: [ccp4bb] Zinc binding protein expressed from insect cells

2014-08-15 Thread Roger Rowlett
Harvey, Depending on the zinc-binding site, it may not bind Fe(II) at all. Zn(II) and Fe(II) have very different preferred ligand binding environments. For many zinc-metalloenzymes, substitution with Fe(II) would be difficult to impossible. In general, you will find it very difficult to make

Re: [ccp4bb] CC-half value ??

2014-08-14 Thread Roger Rowlett
Exactly. Aimless will give you suggested resolution cutoffs based on CC 1/2 in the log file. Roger Rowlett On Aug 14, 2014 5:04 PM, "conan仙人指路" wrote: > Hi Faisal, > > CC-half standard is valuable in evaluating the cut-off of highest > resolution. Sometimes even if I/

Re: [ccp4bb] Have everyone had a Scorpion Screen Builder or a Dragonfly screen optimizer?

2014-08-05 Thread Roger Rowlett
takes a cup of coffee, about 10-15 minutes to dispense. No way we're going back to hand dispensing. Roger Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Colgate University On Aug 5, 2014 5:05 PM, "Joseph Ho" wrote: > Dear all: > > > We are interested in purchasing ei

Re: [ccp4bb] packing test PHASER

2014-06-17 Thread Roger Rowlett
Increase the number of allowed clashes in Phaser, re-run it then look at the packing of the solution found and identify the source of the clashes. Possibilities for the clash issue include: 1. Wrong space group 2. Flexible loops or termini in search model not present or differently arranged

Re: [ccp4bb] metal chelation

2014-05-19 Thread Roger Rowlett
po but could substitute? Thank you all so much for the help and advice. -Adam On May 19, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Roger Rowlett <>> wrote: The answer depends on a number of questions: * What metal ion are you trying to eliminate? * What kind of metal-binding

Re: [ccp4bb] metal chelation

2014-05-19 Thread Roger Rowlett
The answer depends on a number of questions: * What metal ion are you trying to eliminate? * What kind of metal-binding site is involved? o A peripheral or loose binding site? (e.g. surface calcium ions)--these may respond to chelators o An active site coordinated metal? (e.g.,

Re: [ccp4bb] Issue with Molecules per Asymmetric Unit for Molecular Replacement

2014-05-15 Thread Roger Rowlett
For P212121, I would put money on something divisible by 2 for the total molecules per asu. Anything from 6-12 might be likely. One of the early structures I worked on had 6 molecules per asu, which was darn near impossible to find using momomers (at the time). The way it was eventually solved

Re: [ccp4bb] PDB passes 100,000 structure milestone

2014-05-15 Thread Roger Rowlett
A logarithmic plot of cumulative entries to the PDB is approximately linear and shows a growth rate of about 15% per year. That means it doubles in size about every 5 years at current growth rate. Roger Rowlett On May 15, 2014 4:23 AM, "Colin Nave" wrote: > From James's figure

Re: [ccp4bb] metal ion coordination

2014-04-17 Thread Roger Rowlett
See below. Ceeers, ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry Colgate University 13 Oak Drive Hamilton, NY 13346 tel: (315)-228-7245 ofc: (315)-228-7395 fax: (315)-228-7935 email: On 4/17/2014 4:13 PM,

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot error

2014-04-15 Thread Roger Rowlett
Try "yum install glib2-devel" (as root). I haven't used CentOS/Fedora in a while, but I think this is the right package. Cheers, ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry Colgate University 13 Oak Drive Hamilton, NY 13346

Re: [ccp4bb] About crystallization diffraction problem

2014-04-10 Thread Roger Rowlett
A couple of thoughts: * We have actually managed to grow quite a few crystals like this. Sometimes they are not single crystals, but stacks of mis-aligned plates that come apart easily when handled or subjected to osmotic stress. Sometimes these stacks give great-looking diffraction

Re: [ccp4bb] VIL rich proteins

2014-02-27 Thread Roger Rowlett
Assuming you can get the protein in solution, it should purify really easily on a hydrophobic interaction column. When I was on sabbatical leave at the NIH I helped a colleague purify a really hydrophobic, aggregation-prone protein this way, and it was tantamount to affinity purification. We us

Re: [ccp4bb] High Salt Cryo

2014-02-18 Thread Roger Rowlett
How about a short swish in well solution + 25-30% glucose? Doesn't take long to cryoprotect, just a quick sufrace coat. Sodium malonate? We just froze some really fragile crystals from 1.8 M sodium formate in 3 M sodium malonate and they held up really well. (Still didn't improve their diffract

Re: [ccp4bb] Determining concentration of membrane protein

2014-02-13 Thread Roger Rowlett
Your basic choices for protein assays are: 1. Alkaline copper methods (e.g., Biuret and micro-biuret) 2. alkaline copper + molybdate methods (e.g., Lowry, BCA assays) 3. Hydrophobic dye methods (e.g. Bradford) 4. UV methods (e.g., A280, A230, A210, etc.) Method 1 is least sensitive to amino acid

Re: [ccp4bb] suggestions for cryoprotectant

2014-02-06 Thread Roger Rowlett
Lots of choices. I usually try the crystallization solution + 30% glucose first. Glycerol or ethylene glycol are other possibilities here. Another possibility is 2.5-3.0 M sodium malonate at a similar pH. Roger Rowlett On Feb 6, 2014 11:40 PM, "Deepak Thankappan Nair" wrote: >

Re: [ccp4bb] off-topic: bug busting

2014-02-04 Thread Roger Rowlett
BeadBeater. Gentle, aerosol-free way to break 15-350 mL of cell paste (2-150 g wet packed cells). Cheers, ___ Roger S. Rowlett Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor Department of Chemistry Colgate University 13 Oak Drive Hamilton, NY 13346 te

Re: [ccp4bb] preparation of citrate buffer pH3-6.5

2014-01-30 Thread Roger Rowlett
, if you haven't already found it, Hampton has a nice link to calculate volume of components while designing a tray as long as you tell it the concentrations. Nick From: Roger Rowlett mailto:rrowl...@colgate

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