
While it is perhaps understandable that reviewers may not always have sufficient information to evaluate the quality of the interpreted model (and must trust that authors have acted in good faith in representing omit maps, etc.), is it not reasonable to expect reviewers to comment on the reasonableness of the molecular interactions between posited ligands and the protein? Crystallography methodology aside, a common thread in many of these structures, including the 6MOx series, is a paucity of sensible intermolecular interactions between ligands and protein. Wouldn't most reviewers comment on these unusual or missing intermolecular interactions, or note the lack of discussion about the nature of the ligand-protein interactions? The PIs and relevant co-authors should have been cognizant of this aspect of the structures as well, prior to submission for publication. LIgands don't bind to proteins by magic. There has to be some chemistry there.

In these cases, it looks like there may have been a failure in oversight on at least two levels.

Roger S. Rowlett
Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Emeritus
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University

On 7/24/2019 7:36 AM, Rhys Grinter wrote:
Hi All,

Thanks for all the helpful comments and discussion surrounding my last post. I've been doing a little more investigation into this issue and wanted to see if people were able to provide me with some additional opinions/insights.

I investigated the PDB entries for the lead deposition author of the 6MO0-1-2 series:  Lin, Y.-L. ( With some slightly alarming results.

A number of additional entries appear to have ligands associated with questionable density.:

6VB0,1,2,3,4 and 6BUY – Density does not support amino acids modelled and there are questionable interactions with protein and solvent (Published Scientific Reports 2017)

4NZ8, 4NAQ – Questionable density for peptide modelled, bad/unrealistic interactions with protein (Published PNAS 2012)

4HOM – Questionable density for peptide modelled. Fo-Fc map density on refinement seems more interconnected than would be indicated by water, however density does not fit peptide modelled. Bad/unrealistic interactions with protein observed, specifically Phe7 of peptide (chain B) (Published PNAS 2012, same paper as 5NZ8 and 4NAQ)

4KXD et. al. – Questionable density for amino acids in both EDS maps and re-refined with SF and model minus ligand. Poor R-factors obtained for 4KXD on refinement (W 0.27,F 0.33) (Published JBC 2013)

These constitute many of entries associated with this author (some other not mentioned appear are okay) and it makes it seem much less likely to me that modelling of the structures from my previous post are a result of lack of experience or poor supervision.

It is in my opinion a huge problem for the field and science in general, if structures like this are making it into publications in well respected journals.

Best Wishes,


Dr Rhys Grinter
NHMRC Postdoctoral Researcher
Monash University
+61 (0)3 9902 9213
+61 (0)403 896 767


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