Re: [PLUG] gforge-3.3: database access problems

2004-08-26 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 26 Aug 2004 1:20 pm, energon wrote:
> Anybody installed gforge-3.3?
> I've set it up, but am facing problems while connecting to the
> postgresql database: "Could Not Connect to Database:"
> PostgreSQL postmaster is running well.

Checked pg_hba.conf? Have you set TCP/IP socket connectivity to true in 


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Re: [PLUG] gforge-3.3: database access problems

2004-08-27 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 27 Aug 2004 5:01 pm, energon wrote:
> > Checked pg_hba.conf?
> local all trust

Well, do you want passwordless logons? At least put something like password 
etc. there.

Secondly in case of setting it up with a webserver, you always need TCP/IP 
rules set up. So make sure that they are good as well..

 > Have you set TCP/IP socket connectivity to true in postgresql.conf?
> tcpip_socket = true
> port = 5432


> I can still see a "Could Not Connect to Database:" in my browser page.
> This error is printed from pre.php if connection to database fails.
> -
> db_connect();
> if (!$conn) {
> print "$sys_name Could Not Connect to Database: ".db_error();
> exit;
> }
> -

What is db_connect? According to, 
you should be using pg_connect unless you are using PEAR. But I don't use php 

> BTW, is $conn a global variable ?

No idea... But in general it is good to use your own variables..

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Re: [PLUG] which is the BEST ipc ????

2004-08-31 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 31 Aug 2004 2:30 pm, Gautam Pagedar wrote:
> Hi all,
>   i want to use ipc for some process communications in my program. but
> since i have available shared memory, messageQ, named pipes and might be
> some more i don't know. how do i decide upon this before using. any expert
> comment would be appreciated.

Depends upon your needs. Unix domain sockets, pipes and shared memory are best 
popular ones.

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Re: [PLUG] How to install marathi font on linux server

2004-09-01 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 01 Sep 2004 3:54 pm, sameer kelkar wrote:
> i am very new to this group. can any on help me to install marathi
> font. if any one know the site . then please mail back

If you are using KDE3.2.x, you can use the fontinstaller module in kontrol 
centre. You can install any unicode font such as Raghu, Mangal or Code2000


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Re: [PLUG] How to run executable

2004-09-02 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 02 Sep 2004 2:36 am, Manas Alekar wrote:
> > I have a file named gftp-2.0.8-1.src.rpm on a cd.
> > I want to execute this file and install gftp.
> > So can anybody help me?
> If we keep answering these, WROX, O'rielly and google will go bankrupt!

Wrox is already gone, I think..

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Re: [PLUG] Problem in Binding to a port

2004-09-03 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 03 Sep 2004 12:16 pm, Vikram Karandikar wrote:
> Hello,
>  I hv written one FTPServer program. When I run it
> using "root" login, the system allows me to bind on
> FTP 21 port. (I don't hv any other FTP Server running
> or rather installed.) But when i try the same using
> some different login it says unable to bind on 21
> port.

Non-root processes can not bind ports below port number 1023. To overcome 
this, programs are often started as root and they drop the privilege as soon 
as they are done with root business..

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[PLUG] [OT] Contact from Kolkata required

2004-09-06 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Hello all,

If you are from Kolkata or know anybody from Kolkata, please contact me 

I need to send some OSS software to a person nearby Kolkata and don't want to 
ship it from as far as Pune...:-)


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[PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-06 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Hello all,

I have been working on a TC(Turbo C) to GCC migration tutorial for last few 

The first draft of the same is ready and is available at

I would ask everybody out there to give it a read and let me know how I can 
improve it. After it is reasonably good, we can publish it on PLUG website.

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Re: [PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-07 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 07 Sep 2004 2:01 pm, Ritesh Bharati wrote:

> I just had an overview of you pdf.  In end, I feel you can include few
> lines about cscope, lint and strace tools,  those are usefull tools in
> daily activities.

right... But this being beginners guide, I found cscope out of scope..:-) I 
mean if you are tackling source code big enough where you find grep to be 
inefficient and needs cscope, you don't need a guide to tell that..:-)

I don't know what lint is.. at least not good enough to put in words. So if 
you could add a illustrative section, I would be really glad..

Strace is a real good suggestion.. I will include that..

> Also inside linking, can include something on 'ld'.

I tried to keep it simple and hence deliberately didn't discuss ld. Otherwise 
it would get quite complex..

> I find it good startup guide.

Thank you...:-)


P.S. I was beginning to worry after the message didn't show up yesterday... 
but today morning it was there..
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Re: [PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-07 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 07 Sep 2004 7:45 pm, Kaustubh Gadkari wrote:
> > I would ask everybody out there to give it a read and let me know how I
> > can improve it. After it is reasonably good, we can publish it on PLUG
> > website.
> The tutorial is really good. Can you include code samples of code that will
> compile in TC and will give errors / won't work with GCC. You something
> with uninitialized/dangling pointers etc.

Well, since I lost my last TC installation almost 5 years back and I don't 
have much TC compatible code handy, I am not in a position to fulfill this 

Do you have nay such samples? I can't even think what would bomb in TC and 
what wouldn't. Last I remember, TC didn't support function prototyping and 
needed K&R style function arguments. Obviously it was very old version of TC 
and was really useless..:-)

BTW, I have seen some assemblers providing real complete TC installation which 
is not so bad.

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Re: [PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-07 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 07 Sep 2004 7:11 pm, Devendra Laulkar wrote:
> Hi,
>  A beginners book is what is deparately needed...
> Please keep it very simple, things which can be very easily taught to SE
> students.
> But people just don't adopt Linux. We tried (and are trying) a lot to make
> people change over to Linux, but it is as if the students and people are
> addicted to TCC.

Blame it on teachers. If you put up a linux machine in lab and refuse to 
accept assignments done in TC, students will switch in droves to linux..:-)

> Some of the major problem associated.
> 1. Segmentation faults

This is a good thing. It helps you write better code..

> 2. Steep learning curve of vi.

Use pico. It will be quite sometime before one needs vi..:-) By that time you 
can use any GUI editor..:-)

> 3. no debugger(we were not told of gdb or ddd0

I am not surprised.. There used to be a kdbg but I can not find it in stock 
KDE installation any more. It seems to be available from and is just under an MB of 
source code.. So consider using it..

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Re: [PLUG] TC to GCC migration tutorial

2004-09-08 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 08 Sep 2004 2:32 pm, Andy wrote:
> Nice work man... But one usual caveat, people should *read* this and
> make most of what the author has put down on paper...

Thanks..:-) And yes borg implants are not yet available.. I am waiting for 
them in fact..:-)

> BTW, I didn't know jam was from Perforce Inc.

Till 5 weeks back, I wasn't even aware that it existed..:-)

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Re: [PLUG] Icara broadband

2004-09-14 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 14 Sep 2004 9:32 pm, Debajit Adhikary wrote:
> (1)  Reliance (The last I heard, they're operational in the Deccan
> area and others)

What type of connectivity? I am interested..

> (2)  DishNet
> (3)  Tata Indicom

Heh.. Under what plan? Their FWP service is not even good dial up..

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Re: [PLUG] Icara broadband

2004-09-15 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 15 Sep 2004 1:48 pm, Debajit Adhikary wrote:
> Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Debajit Adhikary wrote:
> > > (1)  Reliance (The last I heard, they're operational in the Deccan
> > > area and others)
> >
> > What type of connectivity? I am interested..
> Broadband Internet connectivity.

Good.. I need to find out..

> This should be operational by now. As far as I know, this is not the
> same scheme as the FWP Internet connectivity -- but a broadband
> service similar to the one Reliance provides at its WebWorld
> cybercafes.

Let's see..

> You could get in touch with any Reliance WebWorld for more info
> they could tell you more :)
> > > (2)  DishNet
> > > (3)  Tata Indicom
> These are cable/DSL broadband services AFAIK.

Tata indicom is not available in pune according to their web site. Mumbai only 
for now.. It is ADSL..

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[PLUG] Re: [LIP] [OT]amateurs in FOSS

2004-09-16 Thread Shridhar Daithankar


On Thursday 16 Sep 2004 1:46 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> hi,
> this is a cross-post, but i think justified:
> I am gathering statistics regarding non IT professionals active in FOSS and
> resident in india - either as end users or as developers, partly to satisfy
> my curiosity and also with a view to starting a group to share experiences.
> the criterion is: the person should not be an IT professional in the sense
> that his/her main source of income should not be IT. She/he should either
> be an enduser of FOSS or a developer in FOSS.
> i request those who fill this criterion to contact me offlist, and, if you
> know of anyone who does fill this criterion, please refer them to me
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Re: [PLUG] API or system calls in .o or .a

2004-09-16 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 16 Sep 2004 5:57 pm, sameer oak wrote:
> i need to find what library do i need to use while building a binary if
> a particular API and/or system-call has been used in the source
> program.
> one way is to use an ar command as follows:
> $ ar -t  | grep 
> but this doesn't serve since i need to make a guess on lot many
> libraries.
> i know nm command, i'd used a long back. but at now, am not bein' able
> to recall how did i use it.

Best way is to refer to header files. If you are including postgresql C API 
headers, the documentation for the same would tell you that you need to link 

Directly searching in libraries is rather fruitless efforts. It is not meant 
to be searched that way. In shared libraries, you won't find any symbols to 
grep against either. They are all stripped..

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[PLUG] Detecting problem with hardware

2004-09-29 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

I have a situation that has left me dead in waters. Problem is I am facing 
compilation problem on a particular old machine. The machine is P-III/92MB 

It had Mandrake 10 installed on it. It could not compile postgresql8.0 beta2 
successfully. For quite a few reasons including this one, I installed 
slackware 10 on it and still it refuses to compile postgresql.

The configure step goes fine. On issuing make, it restarts configure and keeps 
doing configure in loops.

Another package omniorb 4.0.4 dies with gcc getting killed due to internal 

Funnily both the packages compile and install fine on my company machine on 
slackware 10. No problem what so ever.

Since the problem persists across the distro., I suspect it is hardware 
problem. I have installed on two different disk with no avail. 

Any idea what can be done? Hardware upgrade is not ruled out but I would avoid 
it as far as possible.

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Re: [PLUG] Lycoris Mess-up.

2004-10-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 05 Oct 2004 6:41 pm, Viraj Paripatyadar wrote:
> Next, there are quite a few Desktop versions of all
> the major players in the market right now(of course
> not free), ranging from 800/- to a little over 4000/-
> in price. A better way to judge would be to keep in
> touch with the issues of Digit, PCQuest or
> LinuxForYou, which keep taking out
> LiveCD('knoppixlike') versions of these desktops. So,
> u can go ahead & just boot ur machine from these
> LiveCDs & try these distributions out.

In my (loong back) experience, CDs by PCQuest etc are customized enough and I 
would not recommend them for vanilla experinece.

Another option is you can pay PLUG minimum price and get your own CD set which 
is guaranteed to be as it was shipped.

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Re: [PLUG] Openoffice startup time

2004-10-18 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
Interesting info/comparison of OO startup time.
Try using the tips given there to improve oo startup time.
I hope OO2.0 which is due in next feb. should modularize it and bring the 
startup time down.

Looks like better the CPU, faster the OO is. I think they are facing the same 
problem KDE was facing once..

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Re: [PLUG] Font size problem in gtk, mozilla, etc

2004-10-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Devendra Laulkar wrote:
   I am using KDE 3.2 on Mandrake 10.0
The font size in some programs such as Gaim, Mozilla
firefox is way too small. I have to strain my eyes to
see info.
How do I increase the font size?
Is it only these programs or all of them?
It strikes to me that all the programs you have listed are non-KDE ones. I think 
you need to tune the fonts on per program basis.

and if you are using KDE what is wrong with konqueror and kopete? Konqueror is 
not that inferior to mozilla..


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Re: [PLUG] Font size problem in gtk, mozilla, etc

2004-10-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 19 Oct 2004 6:41 pm, Devendra Laulkar wrote:
> I use Konquerer. Kopete dosen't allow me to sign onto
> yahoo. I had downloaded the latest sources  and
> installed kopete.

I experienced that problem even with yahoo's own messenger.. My solution was 
to stop using yahoo..

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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Vivek J.Patankar wrote:
On Mon Oct 18 22:55 , Vishal Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

If this becomes a reality just think of the ***explosion*** of Free
Software awareness and actual usage and access to it... 

I fail to understand, how does really cheap broadband make Free Software more
Because it allows people to work on code more, keep it updated and get in touch 
with each other over internet.

If there was no internet, there wouldn't be so much of OSS today..
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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Vivek J.Patankar wrote:
On Wed Oct 20  3:05 , Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Because it allows people to work on code more, keep it updated and get in touch 
with each other over internet.

If there was no internet, there wouldn't be so much of OSS today..
That is a very weak argument. OSS developers have been sharing code when the best
connections available were 14.4K dialups. Cheap broadband doesn't make more
people develop open source software.
Few arguments..
- Development process includes testing. In OSS, users are testers as well. More 
downloads means more testing..
- Availability of broadband helps. I never said it is the only factor promoting OSS.

Try participating in a active project, say linux kernel on a dial-up. You would 
soon notice why you need broadband..


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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Vivek J.Patankar wrote:
On Wed Oct 20  4:08 , Vishal Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

If you want enlightenment (in more ways than one), try downloading it

from using a 56-kbps dialup modem connection.

Then, if you still fail to understand how really cheap broadband can
make Free software more popular then I doubt anyone can help you.
Just because it is available more easily doesn't make it more popular. The average 
microsoft using joe doesn't give a hoot about how he can get opensource software 
more easily. He's been using windows forever and is happy with it (no matter how 
much you explain to him the philosophy and benefit's of open source, why microsoft 
There are two things. OSS software moves fast and broadband penetration helps 
people keep updated.

Now quick, how many assembled PCs have Windows98SE installed on them?(At least 
as one option? These days windows PCs dual boot between 98 and XP) Does it ever 
gets updated?

OTOH, even if your sole source of OSS CDs is PLUG, how many major KDE versions 
you used in last year? I would say at least three..

Believe me, once you get addicted to updating things to bleeding edge, you 
require more bandwidth than God.. And you do have incentive of upgrading OSS as 
it keeps getting better by leaps and bounds..

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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Vivek J.Patankar wrote:
Try participating in a active project, say linux kernel on a dial-up. You would 
soon notice why you need broadband..
Point taken. But I'm still sceptical about the idea that development will increase 
with the intensity of an *explosion*.
It would not. Broadband is a tool. It being available does not translate into 
action being taken. But at least those people who are willing to learn and 
experiment would benefit. One can only hope that number of such people will rise 
in time. Volume growth of general net users is one way of doing it.

Another very effective factor required is change in mindset. People still prefer 
somebody being physically present rather than electronically. It will take time 
to change.

As a personal opinion, I don't think general indian populace is ready for 
internet. People are just not enough responsible. Unfortunately there is a 
market there and companies are willing to encash it without giving a damn about 
educating their users.

Of course, this is not the first time it would be happening.. but again who cares?

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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Satish K. Pagare wrote:
Vivek J.Patankar wrote:
microsoft using joe doesn't give a hoot about how he can get 
opensource He'll use the additional bandwith downloading more MP3's.

Aah , and all the pr0n you get ! I seriously doubt about this
open source software "explosion". Mostly the broadband is
an access to "free pirated software" , cracked softwares,
pr0n and mp3s :) May be 0.02% might get used for open source
development. In india it might be 0.0002% :)
That is true. Even if more broadband results in increased usage of search 
engines, that would be a huge step forward.


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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Sorry for top posting but had to retain the entire mail.
I am compelled to ask. How am I am being rude here? I just adopted a narrative 
style not particularly aimed at anybody, including OP. I fail to see how I am 
being rude here.

Abhijeet Sane wrote:
hi ,
shridhar  i think your reply is sounding very rude. I do not mean to
start any  brick bat on this but this is what i got when i read your
abhijeet sane

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 16:03:39 +0530, Shridhar Daithankar
Vivek J.Patankar wrote:
On Wed Oct 20  4:08 , Vishal Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

If you want enlightenment (in more ways than one), try downloading it

from using a 56-kbps dialup modem connection.

Then, if you still fail to understand how really cheap broadband can
make Free software more popular then I doubt anyone can help you.
Just because it is available more easily doesn't make it more popular. The average
microsoft using joe doesn't give a hoot about how he can get opensource software
more easily. He's been using windows forever and is happy with it (no matter how
much you explain to him the philosophy and benefit's of open source, why microsoft
There are two things. OSS software moves fast and broadband penetration helps
people keep updated.
Now quick, how many assembled PCs have Windows98SE installed on them?(At least
as one option? These days windows PCs dual boot between 98 and XP) Does it ever
gets updated?
OTOH, even if your sole source of OSS CDs is PLUG, how many major KDE versions
you used in last year? I would say at least three..
Believe me, once you get addicted to updating things to bleeding edge, you
require more bandwidth than God.. And you do have incentive of upgrading OSS as
it keeps getting better by leaps and bounds..

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Shridhar Daithankar
LIMS CPE Team Member, PSPL.
Phone:- +91-20-25602270
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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Viraj Paripatyadar wrote:
SO, WHAT SHOULD WE DO? Organizations like Mandrake, RedHat,
Turbolinux, SuSe etc. do sell their 'Products', which are
well-packaged, at a small price. I implore you all to consider buying
their offerrings, instead of paying the ISPs & telephone companies a
fortune to download & using them for free. This cuts in two
directions. It adds to the sales volumes of OSS promoting
companies(so, officially competing propri. software) & at the same
time makes these companies stronger to go ahead & develop high-quality
FWIW, last I checked mandrake did not have any way of accepting money from 
India, if you are unwilling to give out your credit card number over internet. I 
don't have club sbscription, but I would be willing to get one if I have means 
to do it easily.

I think if a LUG is generating some money, then at least one box pack copy of 
one major distro. can easily be purchased. But that may not be a priority for an 

Most distros. have special concessions to LUGs like copying etc. e.g. RH allows 
LUGs to distribute some of it's product which is otherwise forbidden. PLUG does 
avail that. That is the reason we make everybody sign a membership form before 
giving out CDs.

At PLUG, we try to promote OSS including commercial OSS software as appropriate. 
Suse/Novell people gifted us a box-pack CD set which many a PLUG members have 
availed AFAIK..

But things are slow. It will take another two years IMO for any visible change 
in general.

I am not saying we should not buy OSS software. Just pointing out the current 
efforts in those directions as well..

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Re: [PLUG] Microsoft And OSS

2004-10-21 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 21 Oct 2004 6:41 pm, Mukund N Rathi wrote:
> If everything in the world goes OSS and Free... what will we eat. with
> WE I mean Software Developers?

May be.. Just may be but there is a subtle difference between free and Free. 
Finding it is left as an exercise to the reader..

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Re: [PLUG] "modutils" are not working !!

2004-10-25 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 25 Oct 2004 2:02 pm, Swapnil Nagle wrote:
> >>
> >
> > Yes thats the 2nd link on google when you give it "QM_MODULES:
> > Function not implemented" including the quotes.
> >
> > I was waiting for someone to say "STFW"...
> It took less keystrokes to copy-paste the link :)

But you discouraged one person from searching the web..:-)

I agree with you but in general we should try to teach them fish rather than 
give them a fish..

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Re: [PLUG] More FUD from Ballmer

2004-10-28 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Vishal Rao wrote:
--- Sumeet Madhukar Moghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ballmer's recent communication, comparing Windows and Linux

Any good links for arguments against this? This new/updated "Get the
Facts" email was broadcast at work here and I only could post the
"Halloween XI" doc from (ESR) and also separately
mention the "Indemnification" part is handled by some companies
offering insurance against lawsuits like SCO's.
I spent two hours reading /. commentary on this. Most of it was worth it.
To countereffect the argument, there was very simple one put forward by many /.ers.
If Steve Ballmer is Microsoft CEO what else do you expect? Do you trust 
microsoft enough to take it as truth..:-)

Experiment and decide what suits you best..
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Re: [PLUG] Memory usage of a process at exit

2004-10-29 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Mayuresh wrote:
I am looking for a way to measure memory occupied by a process at the
time of exiting. I do not have source code of the binary for which this
measurement is to be made. (If I had it, I could hook some code at exit
point to read the memory data using one of many ways like system calls,
ps command, reading /proc etc.)
The GNU time command (I have 1.7) seems to have an option to report such
data, just the way it reports CPU time data. But memory related data is
reported as 0 on my machine (i386, RH9), since it seems to require some
support from underlying architecture. (man page says such data is
available on BSD.)
Is there any other way of getting this data?
If you have privilages, peek in /proc structures of that process in 1 second 
interval and log it to a file till it disappears..;-)


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Re: [PLUG] [Humour] What your distro says about you

2004-11-01 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Aditya_Godbole wrote:
(I guess I should type in hex code from now on :))
Funny now that you mention it. I think the distribution landscape would change a 
lot if we have lot of cheap bandwidth available here. For sure I would use 
something different than my current distro. of the year(I mean if I use my 
computer in first place..)

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Re: [PLUG] [Humour] What your distro says about you

2004-11-01 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Vishal Rao wrote:
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 14:06:10 +0530, Shridhar Daithankar
Funny now that you mention it. I think the distribution landscape would change a
lot if we have lot of cheap bandwidth available here. For sure I would use
something different than my current distro. of the year(I mean if I use my
computer in first place..)

Yes, Gentoo with its 'emerge sync' command (and Debian with all its
apt-get glory) would be a great option if I (we) had broadband :-(
Not only that. I mean what distro. you use is not that much important. The 
installation pattern would change in itself.

I have have broadband, I would never do a full install. And of course I *might* 
prefer source based distro.

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Re: [PLUG] Unmounting and Removing a USB Flash Drive in Linux?

2004-11-02 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Debajit Adhikary wrote:
How could I safely remove a USB drive attached on the fly to my Linux system?
As of now, I cannot seem to unmount it because it is not listed in
/etc/fstab (that's the error message I  get).
Nothing seems to give...
... clearly I'm missing something obvious here?
Some process has file open from that dir. or a process sitting in it. Exit all 
such processes and unmount the drive. You can use lsof to find the culprit.

And you need to look into /etc/mnttab..
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Re: [PLUG] Re: Unmounting and Removing a USB Flash Drive in Linux?

2004-11-03 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Debajit Adhikary wrote:
As root
umount /media/usb* 
What do you mean works? As in it does not report errors?
/etc/mtab shows a ubsfs mounted filesystem in /proc/sys/usb
umount /proc/sys/usb
works as well
It's just that the Flash drive still keeps blinking. I would suppose
that that is the default behaviour of a usb drive -- it probably needs
to be "stopped" at a lower hardware level, rather than just
The light blinking indicates IO in progress. Unmount flushes all the data. It 
should not return till it is done. After unmount is completed, the light should 
not blink anymore.

How do you guys handle usb drives in Linux?
Unmount. It is lowest level as it could get.
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Re: [PLUG] Off Topic: Hi-speed Internet Cable Connection.

2004-11-11 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 11 Nov 2004 11:45 am, Aditya Laghate wrote:
> Wishing u all a Happy Diwali and a Properous New Year.
> I have been using broadband for quite some time now. I use IQARA.
> When i signed up, i was using their MB based plans. then... it used to
> me cost Rs. 1800 for 500 MB or somewhere in that range. Believe me, it
> used to last me just for a month and a half. Once u get that
> bandwidth.. it is difficult to control yourself.
> So that 2400MB for a year is good enough for old people whoose kids
> are in the US and want to see their photos once in a while and mail
> them daily.
> And even still u sign up, please find out cost extra MB's u might
> consume. Dishnet DSL charges for extra MB's is very high.

Check this as well..

I contacted them and got a reply back but there is nothing to post about as 
yet. We are still exchanging necessary information..

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Re: [PLUG] Off Topic: Hi-speed Internet Cable Connection.

2004-11-11 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 11 Nov 2004 5:16 pm, Amit wrote:
> > Check this as well..
> >
> >
> >fplan.html
> Shreedhar,
> Reliance ppl are really humourous. I was going through their
> acceptable user policy.
> At one point it states:
> You should not send emails that might cause annoyance, inconvinience
> or anxity to the recipients. (Try telling this to my client :) )
> You must not use reliance network to send mails to any user who does
> not wish to receive it.  ( HOW can I know whether the opposite party
> wishes to receive a mail from me.).

Well, that is legal stuff.. and I don't think reliance crafted it. And no 
matter what ISP you choose, you have that agreement. It's just that you might 
not have seen it so far..

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Re: [PLUG] Off Topic: Hi-speed Internet Cable Connection.

2004-11-11 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 11 Nov 2004 5:42 pm, Vishal Rao wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 14:39:14 +0530, kapil pendse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Isn't anything better going to come? Whatever happened to govt.'s
> > broadband Internet policy?? :-(
> Have faith , patience and hope, my friend! BSNL supposed to launch
> broadband in December lets see if that really happens and how
> disappointing it will be... 8-P
> Even the Reliance info mentioned in Sridhar's post is disappointing ,
> I was expecting about Rs 1000 per month for 512kbps... and note they
> always say "Up to" 512kbps meaning there is no lower limit for the
> speed HAHA. Not to mention reliance has an 'acceptable user policy'
> link... i wonder if they have hidden their quota in there...

Well, with any ISP, the bandwidth is guaranteed upto their network. Even with 
leased links it is true. Even with tata Indicom, you would never get 115 
Kbps. Most I saw was 36-40 Kbps.

Of course there is going to be a quota. How much, I don't know for 
reliance..But at the time being reliance seems a good deal..

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Re: [PLUG] [OT] VB + MySQL

2004-11-14 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 12 Nov 2004 9:14 am, Aditya Laghate wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Wishing you all a Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year.
> It so happens that a client requires some development to be done in
> VB, using backend as Acceess. I have managed to convince them to use
> MySQL as backend.
> I need some help.
> Has anybody ever done VB + MySQL development?
> Any good sites where i can learn the tips and tricks, etc.

Use ODBC.. And postgresql if possible. PostgreSQL 8.0 is to be out very soon 
and it supports windows natively.. It seems that it has very nice windowish 
installer as well..

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2004-11-17 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Vishal Rao wrote:
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 10:40:57 +0530, Shantanoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Isnt that an 'unstable' version? The new 'release' version starts at 5.3 if Im not mistaken
No. You don't have -RELEASE as unstable version. -CURRENT maybe be
considered as unstable. Current unstable is 6, which is the HEAD
branch. 5.2.1-R is nice but 5.3-R is more nice.

OK I guess I meant 'unstable' as in 'not for production' or 'mission
critical' work as suggested by FreeBSD site/mailing list... Home use
with 5.2.1 is fine Im sure!
If it is 5.2.1, don't bother. It is not latest and it has known severe bugs. 
Don't get your expectations ruined due to a known buggy version.

If enough people are interested in BSD, I can download it and make a CD. It will 
take at least couple of weeks though..

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2004-11-18 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Shantanoo wrote:
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:29:59 +0530, Shridhar Daithankar
If it is 5.2.1, don't bother. It is not latest and it has known severe bugs.
Don't get your expectations ruined due to a known buggy version.
Well 5.2.1 worked quite well for me.

If enough people are interested in BSD, I can download it and make a CD. It will
take at least couple of weeks though..

Couple of weeks? Are you going to download it on dial-up?
No.. It is not the download but getting a CD-writer is a problem.. but anyways.. 
if you can get it faster, be my guest..

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Re: [PLUG] Monthly meetings

2004-11-22 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 22 Nov 2004 1:19 pm, Devendra Laulkar wrote:
> Hi all,
>   An idea to make the monthly meetings more effective.
> Someone should present a small( < 15-20 mins) presentation/demo of any
> software (Eg. Gaim, Kontact, Mozilla, K3b, etc etc any free software for
> that matter)

We do that. And that is not limited to software but covers technologies and 
techo-social issues such as workshops in colleges, intefacing with assemblers 
etc. as well..

> More importantly, distribute the software in the form of binaries, sources
> with Documentation to the people on the spot after the meeting. People can
> come with their own CD, CD-RW or USB drives.

We do that too..on CD-Rs. We give out almost every latest distribution for a 
price slightly higher than cost of CD-R.

> Additional resources required for this are a CD writer at the PLUG meeting,
> enthusiastic people wanting to share knowledge about software and a
> coordinator.
> I will be happy to volunteer for this kind of effort.

If you have a CD-RW drive, you can volunteer to burn the CDs. Sudhanwa takes 
order of CDs on mail and try to distribute the CD replication process among 
few who regularly burn the CDs. 

However amount of work we are facing here is rather high compared to available 
CD burning capacity.

You need to be responsible to receiving the masters and delivering the copies 
on time. PLUG greatly appreciates your help..


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Re: [PLUG] Mandrake 10.1 official and VigyaanCD

2004-11-22 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 22 Nov 2004 1:11 am, Sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
> Best part is OO1.1.3 which is pretty fast while starting and even later on
> while opening new/existing files. It gives some more nice user friendly
> options like " use native OO file formats or MSOffice file formats" etc.

Well, it is a well publicised hack. Choose tools->Options->Memory and bump the 
amount of memory it can use from default 9MB to 32MB(Assuming you have it). 
It improves the startup time dramatically..

> We also have a nice Live CD "VigyaanCD". (
> Amazing distro for BIO-chemical people. Being a knoppix based distro, it
> works well off the CD itself. The applications are also nice looking(I cant
> understand a single thing from BIO/Chem :-( )

Yesterday I was trying knoppoix and the gcc core cumped while compiling the 
program. VigyaanCD worked flawlessly.

Just an observation..

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Re: [PLUG] Monthly meetings

2004-11-22 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Devendra Laulkar wrote:

We do that. And that is not limited to software but
covers technologies and 
techo-social issues such as workshops in colleges,
intefacing with assemblers 
etc. as well..

Agreed. But I was talking of doing this regularly in
the meetings. I have attended 2-3 meetings, and I yes
people do discuss software. But, no one gives a
presenatation, i.e. some research work and then
present ideas.
Well, may be in latest meetings. Basically plenty of people have talked in past 
and I have seen it. It is a fact that we are facing shortage of people who can 
talk and help others.

Many people use help but most cannot/do not offer it back very actively. I would 
greatly appreciate if you volunteer for couple of lectures..

Please note that there is no entry criteria. If you think you have something to 
talk about, you are welcome. Absolutely anything related to free software is to 
be talked here..

There are many things that are not there in those
CD's. I am talking of distributing the software, its
latest version, rpms/binaries for major distros and
more importantly the documentation. Eg. Gaim. With new
versions every three weeks, I would be glad to have a
new copy.
We can not distribute updates. There are far too many of them, far too scattered 
and if we can not manage the distro. itself, managing updates is even more futile.

Getting your own broadband is only answer if you want to stay on top of 
I know this is not what you are looking for but this is fact. Personally, I rely 
upon distro. CDs and given up updating anything but point to point releases.

However amount of work we are facing here is rather
high compared to available 
CD burning capacity.
You need to be responsible to receiving the masters
and delivering the copies 
on time. PLUG greatly appreciates your help..

I do have writer, I will talk to Sudhanwa in the next
You don't have to wait till the meeting. Drop him a mail offlist or I am sure he 
will jump on the thread..;-)

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Re: [PLUG] Your Favourite Linux Software?

2004-12-02 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 02 Dec 2004 7:57 pm, Debajit Adhikary wrote:
> I suppose something like this has been posted in the past, but
> nevertheless, there is so much obscure, neat and useful software out
> there, that I just wanted to know what you like and what you don't and
> perhaps a why. (Not that I plan to start a flame war or something)
> If you do reply, please add any other suitable categories.
> --
> Here's my favourites list:
> Image viewer: GQView
> (i find it very fast -- and the "progressive" image rendering is great
> for large images)

Kuickshow/Konqueror tooltip preview. I never need additional app. for image 

> Movie mlayer: MPlayer
> (Opens everything. Very good speed and usability)

No argument. But better to use in conjunction with a frontend such as kmplayer 
or kaffeine..

> Text editor: Kate (KDE 3.3)
> (I used KWrite earlier... Kate now seems more lightweight and fast and
> feature rich)

KWrite and Kate has same text editor component but Kate has multiple file 
> Music player: XMMS 1.2.10
> (Speed, Queue/Unqueue "dynamic playlists", usability -- Amarok's
> equalizer is intimidating to say the least)


> PIM: Kontact

Same here but it is mail+news at the moment for me.

> Ripper/Music encoder: bladeenc + GRip

audiocd:/ in konqueror

> Game: So far Quake III Arena Demo on Linux
> (That's the only good 3d game i could get running on Linux. Has anyone
> run Unreal Tournament on Linux?)

ksirtet/kmines/klines/kbounce(Don't tell me.. I know that the list is 
lame..;-) Not a vivid gamer myself)

> "Desktop environment": KDE 3.3
> (Feature-rich, good and easy configurability)

Yes. Use with a light theme and colour such as plastik/plastik and it is damn 

> Distro: SuSE 9.2
> (Takes care of the little details in an OS... KDE seems pretty fast...
> excellent fonts and multimedia and hardware support etc. all out of
> the box... needs little tweaking for what should already be there)

Slackware. Get a CD, reinstall in flat 25 minutes, restore the data in 5 
minutes and forget for next 6-8 months. 

> Web Browser: Firefox 1.0
> (Maybe this would be a unamimous decision for most...)

Konqueror. The font rendering is God damn awesome..

> Image editor: Gimp 2.0
> (Has anyone run Photoshop -- any version at all -- over wine in Linux?
> I would like to know how you did it)

No idea.. Why edit a image? See it and leave it..;-)

> Video Editor: Still looking for one

Office suite: OO1.1.3 with KDE support(Yes I have that 80MB tarball)

Command shell: konsole
Multiple tabs. Too good..

CD burning App: K3B
Best I ever used. Nero looks like mainframe to it..

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Re: [PLUG] (OT) Imap + Httpmail.

2004-12-07 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Shantanoo wrote:
On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 08:49:29 + (GMT), A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,
Can anyone please let me know free imap server? I know, but it has bandwidth limit that I always
cross. provides IMAP protocol. But i never tried that.
They don't offer new registrations any more..
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Re: [PLUG] (OT) Imap + Httpmail.

2004-12-07 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Andy wrote:
Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
They don't offer new registrations any more..
Hey, it's more than a year now (or more?) since they have
stopped new registrations! Last I checked was a year ago.
I like this policy though...
And I know you have a myrealbox account... :-)
Is it any good?
Well.. it is sufficient. Since it is a test site, interupptions in serice aren't 
uncommon but they still beat VSNL from 5 years back.

I would be more interested in a free and reliable web space
wherein I could ftp my stuff to and fro...
Register your own domain..:-) It's worth it.
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Re: [PLUG] (OT)End of an era?

2004-12-08 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
IBM, the pioneer of the personal computer business, has sold its PC 
hardware division to China's number one computer maker Lenovo.

Read more here:
Rumour is that IBM wants to push powerpc hard. For powerpc desktop only solution 
is linux.

But they still own 20% of the new entity.. So can't really say..
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Re: [PLUG] Migrate evolution-to-outlook

2004-12-08 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Rohit Srivastwa wrote:
I guess its not a right place ask this question but its very urgent i hope
ppl can help me
I have to migrate one of my user from Linux to windows (Project need)
& he wants all his mails in windows too.
He is not ready to use any other mail client as he wants all the features of
Use a IMAP account as intermediate storage to hop on. It works in most 
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Re: [PLUG] Re: Re: Migrate evolution-to-outlook (Shantanoo)

2004-12-08 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Rohit Srivastwa wrote:
The problem is
The mails have been downloaded (POPed) on the linux machine and are not on
server now.
In that case how IMAP can help me?
Now the need is to transport all the mails from evoulution (mbox) to outlook
Create a IMAP account on server and drag-n-drop all the mails there.. 
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Re: [PLUG] Pipes across network

2004-12-13 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
amey modak wrote:
Is there a way by which 2 processes running on 2 different machines can 
communicate each other using pipes ? Or is there any other option than 
sockets by which 2 processes on diff. machines will communicate...
-Amey Modak

You can use Mosix cluster and pipes over it..;-)
What's the problem with sockets?
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[PLUG] A good read about gcc

2004-12-17 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

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Re: [PLUG] installing linux on sun ultra 10 workstation

2004-12-13 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
Salil Kothadia wrote:
Has anybody tried installing linux on sun ultra 10

Any pointers or information would be of great help.
Thanks in advance for you time and info.
Debian should work..:-)
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From jeff Mon Dec 13 14:50:42 2004
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Well his point "ASP.NET is taking market away from CF" is true in this
company :) So he has at least one fact :P
Ok ok  I'll shut up :P
Micha Schopman
Project Manager
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL  Amersfoort
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KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics
Donations & Support:
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Platforms: Solaris 9, Win XP
Apache: 2.0.52
Perl: ActiveState Perl 5.8.4
Hi Guys,
   New to Apache 2.0.52 and modperl, working through the install and 
configure steps.

Most books and docs on using modperl recommend using a "" script
to configure the Perl environment on startup, setting lib paths etc.  
However, Apache now
supports  ... sections directly in the Apache config files.

In a normal perl script, a chunk of code brought in with "require" is 
exactly the same as a
block inline within the the main routine.

Queastion- is this the same in Apache? I.e, inste

Re: [PLUG] needed help for X on laptop

2004-12-13 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 13 Dec 2004 3:58 pm, Mandar BANDEKAR wrote:
> Hi ,
> I have a problem on my newly bought comapaq laptop with celeron. I had
> windows and loaded mandrake 9.2(provided by HP along with the laptop) . I
> repartitioned my hardisk and installed it properly with GRUB, but i am not
> able to startx the GUI. when u do startu u get the screen like u r doin
> cat a binary command file and it gets back to the login prompt. Please
> help.
> With Regards.

Can you try X -configure? What is your display card?

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Re: [PLUG] Query regarding GPLed libraries

2004-12-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 20 Dec 2004 5:02 pm, Aditya Godbole wrote:
> Hi,
> If I have a library (for example Qt) that is released under the GPL, can
> I use it to make non GPL compatible licensed programs? I know we can do
> this with the LGPL. But is it possible to write a proprietary software
> (or a non GPL compatible OSS license) using the Qt libraries?

Buy a Qt developers license and use Qt version that is not under GPL. You can 
not do that with GPLed libraries.

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Re: [PLUG] slackware 10.0 problem with X config

2004-12-28 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 28 Dec 2004 7:21 pm, karan geddam wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed slack 10 on my PC (Dell). I get this error: "fatal
> error: screens not found" when I try to go to gui mode from runlevel 3. One

Have you configured X?

Try X -configure as root and the instructions to use that config file.

> other doubt I have is which protocol to choose for a scroll mouse.
This is what I use for optical scroll mouse..

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option  "Device" "/dev/mouse"
Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"


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Re: [PLUG] reg. X on slackware 10.0

2005-01-04 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 03 Jan 2005 2:45 pm, karan geddam wrote:
> Hello,
>After trying out xorgconfig and also compiling the kernel (2.6.10), I
> got x which has a resolution as bad as 640x480. The defaultdepth it takes
> is 8 only not higher. I checked the modes - it starts from 1024x768 and
> goes on to 640x480. Could I get some help regarding this x configuration? I

Can you post output of /sbin/lspci -v?

> also would like to know what is the command in slackware which is
> equivalent to system command in redhat.

What does system command do on redhat?

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Re: [PLUG] Turbo C to gcc

2005-01-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 04 Jan 2005 9:54 pm, Nikhil Karkare wrote:
> Hello
> I recently tried to access Shridhars site for moving from Turbo C to
> GCC - but found that he had removed it from there!
> Shridhar - please update the site! I need to teach my brother in law
> to move to Linux!!

Sorry for the unnotified move. I have not yet updated it with review comments. 
And forgive the bare looks of the site...:-(

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Re: [PLUG] RE: x on slackware 10.0

2005-01-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 05 Jan 2005 10:35 am, karan geddam wrote:
> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82865G Integrated Graphics
> Device (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA])
>   Subsystem: Dell Computer Corporation: Unknown device 0151
>   Flags: fast devsel, IRQ 16
>   Memory at e800 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]
>   Memory at feb8 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512K]
>   I/O ports at ed98 [size=8]
>   Expansion ROM at  [disabled]
>   Capabilities: [d0] Power Management version 1

 Have you tried it with kernel 2.6.7 that slack 10.0 has shipped? You might be 
in for some debugging in there..


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Re: [PLUG] Dos partition write permission

2005-06-27 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Amol Bharat wrote:

Hi friends,
 On my machine (Red Hat Linux -8.0), There is no write permission to
(dos partition) harddrive for user login.
While I am trying to enabling wrtie permission to group and users from
root login, there is an error message 'operation not permitted'.
 Could anyone suggest how can this sutiation be tackled.

FAT partitions do not support permission. In order to allow access by particular 
user, you have to mount it with that userid.

See man pages for mount and fstab to examples and details of performing mount as 
an ordinary user.



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Re: [PLUG] RPM files dont get installed

2005-06-29 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

ZYX Rationalist wrote:

--- AdAdityaaLaghatelalaghateamgmailom> wrote:

Since u say u have spend the last 10 years "in"
Windows, now get out
of the windows.

I will when there will be nonothineft in Linux to be
done from command prompt.

Lets be objective and helpful here, please? Flame wars doesn't help anybody. 
Please do not mix an advice and a rant.

You can use distros. like Mandrake, Suse, Linspire, Xandaros where you don't 
have to touch command line at all. However you would never face a major strength 
of linux and miss an opportunity to use it productively.

Now start exploring the console and u will never use

Its not user friendly. Windows got rid of it up 6
years back.

Well, windows commandline is not same as linux command line and vice versa. If 
you extrapolate abilities of linux command line from windows one, you would be 
missing huge advantage of linux.

Windows fails every where!!!

I had to repair Linux two time in last 1 month. Dont
Exaggerate Linux I had used Linux 6 years ago and gave
up within 6 months on it.

Now the boy seem to have grown up quite a bit. But is
not a complete man yet, I mean you have to yet use the
man pages for it.

Well, you do use help files on windows, don't you. What is wrong with man pages? 
It is just another format of help.

May be you don't like them because they need to be viewed in console? If yes, 
you should try man:ls in konqueror address bar.

As regards your original question of RPM installation, I think you have enough 
recommondations to look at. So I will skip over it.



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Re: [PLUG][was RPM files dont ... ]rant

2005-07-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Sagar Gokhale wrote:

Ok, long rant coming up:
Everytime I see a beginner (aka n00b) ask a ... beginners question
here, a large volume of emails that follow harshly criticise the
person asking the question for not googling, or not RTFM, RTFA,
RTFwhatever. ... Well, ok, not googling is inexcusable, but anyway.

Well.. That is not a attitude one can carry for long in Linux/OSS community. and 
I find nothing wrong with it. If someone refuses to learn, nobody can help it.

In my experience, business minded people are typical case. They want results. 
They don't care how it is get done.

Works like candy in short term. In long term, well I don't want to be impolite..

What has to be realized by us (the linux community) that most of the
users whom we want to 'convert' are not developers. I know hardline
windows devs, and they're not going to convert. Sure, there's a small
segment of 'upcoming' developers (aka students) who should strictly
follow the usenet rules, and who should RTFM, and who should try and
familiarize themselves with the unix shell.

I must point out a difference here. It is not RTFM and get lost here. When one 
is told to RTFM, it is  with a pointer. I think that is friendly enough. (Leave 
out a few nasties here and there, something always stink..)

But for the larger community of 'others', this advice falls on deaf
ears. Such an audience simply does not have the time to do all these
things; usability is the key issue; things should just work. Anyone on
this list who has used a Mac will know what I'm talking about. (Again,
I know the whole story about apple having to work with its own
hardware, while linux having to work with uncooperative hardware
manufacturers who dont give out their product details). But the truth
is that most things on a Mac just work ... ok, most things other than
their one button mouse.

Thing is, when somebody says he/she does not have time to learn, they don't have 
the apetite really. People waste countless hours doing same stuff but refuse to 
learn to do it properly.

That is inexcusable. The person loses. The rant causes people on borderline to 
jump the wrong way and community loses too..

Don't even get started with mac. If you are not used to it, you might as well 
try windows in klingon or vulcan..

Now, its not that linux (or other free os's in general, eg the BSD's)
are not capable of desktop eyecandy. The new opengl based stuff going
into is stunning and way beyond what windows will have in years.
But everyone has to admit to one fact. Linux systems are just not as
usable yet, atleast to my mother and father.

Because they refuse to accept the fact that linux is different. They want it to 
work that way. They have no problem learning remote of new TV or controls of new 
music system but don't want to learn Linux.

Why? Because probably they run into somebody who advises them to run Linux. It 
is a soft target. They can't make it work and suddenly it is fault of person who 
has advised. Kinda like engineer manager scenario..

That is the reason I have stopped advising anybody. If they are happy, let them 
be. Even if it means they keep their personal finantials in Excel on 98 and have 
more than 3500 viruses..(No kidding.. My brothers PC had those many detected..)

As the originator of this thread said, he's gonna want to double click
on an rpm 5 years from now, and why shouldn't he? After all, that
makes more sense than hunting out something called a package manager
in your menu, or going to the terminal and typing rpm -ivh or
something. Now, unless we stop bitching about how these people should
stop wanting to double click on rpms and instead go out and buy a book
on bash programming, linux is never going to start being a threat to
windows. It is important to note that the audience is no longer people
who go "ooo look! shiny new kernel!". Unless that happens, linux will
remain a hobbyist os, and windows will remain the dominant desktop os
(i dont think x86 macOS  will overtake windows by then :) )

Your argument is dithering. Package manger and Bash are as (un)related as 
surgery and philosophy..

These people are also unlikely to learn the fact that latest windows variants 
offer better security by means of an unprivilaged users.

If somebody does not want to learn a multiuser system as a home desktop, he can 
not run anything effectively. Not windows, not Linux and neither BSD..

OTOH I have a friend who was running W2K with 4 unprivilaged accounts at home. 
He requested a linux installation. I set it up(MDK10.1) and a half hour personal 
quick start. Now he is more than happy.

Same goes for any other topic really. How many students ask for IDE in linux? 
How many of them cannot make first half an hour thr. gcc lecture? Most is what 
my experience is.

Sad but true..


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Re: [PLUG] Oracle 9i Installation Problems on Red Hat Linux 7.3

2005-07-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar



I am Pinak Deshpande,
I am installing Oracle 9i on Red Hat Linux7.3 but i am facing some errors
during installation.

As far as I know that is unsupported combination. I think you need RedHat 9 at 


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Re: [PLUG][was RPM files dont ... ]rant

2005-07-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Devendra Laulkar wrote:
Is this encouraging transitional ( ie those are now stepping out of newbie 
state and become somewhat of an expert) or discouraging them? On joining the 
list, is a message being sent stating that welcome to the group, these are 
the rules and this is how you can post to the group.

The mail is sent. I resubscribed from this address on May 11th and I have copy 
of that mail. And yes, there is no reference to best practices on mailing list.

And might I add, the delay. I received my own post, made on June 30, today..:-( 
May be it is because the footer my company appends to the mail these days..


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Re: [PLUG] STL Library with gcc

2005-07-11 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Rohan Dighe wrote:

Can i use the STL (standard template library) to program in linux ?
does gcc or g++ support that library ?
By using STL library data structure programming is easier !!!

Yes. You need to just use g++. The headers are in /usr/include/c++/

The libstdc++ supplied as part of gcc, includes complete STL. I also recommend 
that you download the STL documentation from SGI site.


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Re: [PLUG] Tata Indicom and Linux ?

2005-07-11 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Agtech Systems wrote:

Yogesh1 Talekar wrote:


I am using Tata Indicom wireless phone at my home. They have given a
installer CD for ms-win XP. Is it possible to dial-up from Linux? I am
running Debian Woody 3 and RHEL 3.


Well can't tell about Debian but as far as RHEL is concerned i would 
today like to share a secret.
Reliance RConnect utility for linux works fantastically on TATA Indicom 
LG wireless phone i.e FWPs.
the number to be dialed is #777 and instead of putting your no (as the 
case in Reliance) just put 'internet' as user id and password.
It works . I was doing that. You can download the rconnect-0.5 gz file 
from the reliance web site. Do not download the newer one but the old 
one only works with linux.

Also try this.

 I have set it up at one of my neighbours place with kppp in Slack10.1 Works 
like charm..


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Re: [PLUG] GNU Source installer

2005-07-13 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Kaustubh Gadkari wrote:

If you read the comments for the same story on newsforge, you will find that 
there are not many takers for the idea and I agree.

If you can compile the source code, you can probably read the documentation to 
figure out what to do.

And there always is checkinstall.

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Re: [PLUG] GNU Source installer

2005-07-14 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Sagar Gokhale wrote:

On 7/13/05, Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kaustubh Gadkari wrote:

I didn't completely RTFA, but from what I understand, doesn't gentoo
portage do a lot of the things desired? It allows us to add per
package and universal C/CXX flags, it allows us to add per package and
universal 'use' flags, which basically affect the "configure" script
parameters... And it makes the whole thing reasonably easy (without
any fancy windows popping up too). As for checking packages, I'm not
sure what portage has for that, so cant comment.

The difference is portage works with gentoo only. The source installer is 
supposed to work at every place where you can do ./configure && make && make 

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Re: [PLUG] Reliance LG USB Cable

2005-07-15 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Curtis McCutchin wrote:

I have an LG-RD2130 phone from Reliance and would like
to  possibly use it for my internet connection. I
think they want like 800 rupees or something for the
kit, so I was wondering if maybe anybody had one (LG
USB cable) they don't use any more?

I paid 1500 for the official cable. But I think in the end it is worth it. The 
speeds are amazing and consistent.

Does it cost more/exorbitant? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Probably..

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Re: [PLUG] Linux not ready for the desktop

2005-07-15 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Aditya Godbole wrote:

On 7/15/05, Anil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Read this, an interesting one!
Linux not ready for the desktop

It should really be "Linux not ready for the desktop of those who want
to migrate from Windows and expect it behave like windows".

No. It should be really be "Linux not ready for the desktop of those
- who scoff at others suggesting an alternative in fear of change
- Who define computing in terms of tools and not functionality

Well..  mimicking /. commentary, begun the flame war has!..;-)

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Re: [PLUG] Problem while installing modem drivers

2005-07-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Vivek wrote:


  I downloaded  my modem drivers and I started installing it
according to the instructions. the last step was to do

insmod somefilename.o

but here i got a error message that my kernel is compiled in gcc
version 3 and the file is compiled in gcc version 2

so what should i do now
please help me 

What modem driver is this and what is the distro. that you you are using?

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Re: [PLUG] adding swap

2005-07-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Hemant Dixit. wrote:

Dear All,
I want to add auxillary memory to my system. When I try to use commands 
"mkswap" and "swapon" I get message: command not found.
Can anybody point out what is wrong? Do I need to upgrade system by adding 

You have to be root. mkswap lives in /sbin/ which is not in normal users path.

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2005-07-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Abhijit Bhopatkar wrote:

Hi !!

Is it advisable to do driver development in both
Linux as well as Windows ?
or one shld stick to any one platform ?

Is it possible to create platform independent device
drivers ?

well c made it more or less platform independant... unless the new
platform doesn't  support a c compiler,
os independnat drivers are however mostly impossible, except may be
few bsds can use one another's drivers.

NDIS drivers?

Of course, the issue is lot more complex with OSS OSs but anyways.. couldn't 
help nitpickng..

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2005-07-20 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Gurudatta Raut wrote:

thats interesting,

So why is it not possible to create embeded (stored
into the hardware) device drivers made completely in
Java ?

It will be duty of OS to use the drivers instead of
installing them ?

Like BIOS services? except that they are in assembly.

The job is no easier for OS. Instead of containing device driver, it would have 
to cater to mariad of mobo combinations out there, most of them being unlisted.


People who don't understand Unix are bound to reinvent it, poorly.
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Re: [PLUG] Marathi/Devnagari set up on MDK10.1

2005-07-21 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 20 Jul 2005 6:43 pm, bp wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to set up Devanagari fonts on Linux MDK 10/10.1 pc.
> I downloaded Gargi fonts also. I added it thro' font add in MDK. But things
> are not smoothly working for dev fonts. Inter font space is not correct

Gargi being a variable width font, the spacing will never be the same. If that 
is what you mean.
> Anybody *using* Devanagari fonts with at least openoffice( or other  known
> editor), can supply me steps involving this(how to use dev fonts with
> ooffice) process?

It is been long since I tried this. But this is what I have done.

Add devnagari keyboard via KDE. Make sure that the keyboard is selected in the 
tray applet. And set font to gargi in OO. That's about it.

Getting the keyboard map is bit tough. It is not same as english neither it is 
phonetic. But if you are a frequent enough user, should not be a problem I 

>  So that I can check up whats wrong in which step in my case.

KDE control Center->Regional & Accessiblity -> Keyboard layout. Add 
devnagari/Hindi keyboard. That is about it.

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Re: [PLUG] compiler errors

2005-08-01 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

ranjit bhonsle wrote:

Hello all,
Why does the gcc compiler give a lot of errors when using
iostream.h as a header file? Including iostream causes the
compiler to complain about cout and cin not being declared.
That is what the header file is supposed to provide.
I am a newbee where programming is concerned.
somebody had asked this query on the list and recieved no
reply, so I tried it.
The same source file compiles nicely on DevC++ on win with
warning about deprecated header file.
Even using Wno-deprecated does not compile.
Also on FC3 single quotation and double quotation does not
print to screen.
What gives?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

Well.. use #include 

A little find in /usr/include/c++/ could have helped..

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Re: [PLUG] compiler errors

2005-08-04 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Kapil D. Pendse wrote:


use #include  with a g++ compiler - gcc is a GNU 'C' Compiler
while g++ is the GNU C++ compiler

gcc stands for GNU Compiler Collection.

GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collection.

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Re: [PLUG] Whats wrong with this program

2005-08-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Vikram Karandikar wrote:


int main ()
int fd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP);
char buffer[8192];

if (fd == -1) {
printf ("Unable to create socket\n");
printf ("Socket: %d\n", fd);
printf ("Starting TCP packet dump:\n");
while (read (fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) > 0) {
printf ("Caught tcp packet: %s\n",
buffer+sizeof(struct ip)+sizeof(struct tcphdr));

Never dealt with raw sockets but shouldn't it be a connected socket(either by 
means of accpet() or connect()) to start getting something?

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Re: [PLUG] Anyone stays in Pimpri Chinchwad area

2005-08-07 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Rohan Dighe wrote:


i was just curious whether anyone of the pluggies stay in pimpri chinchwad area
if there is anyone do let me know i could use a lot of help !!

Me. Nigdi.

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Re: [PLUG] SATA and Ubuntu

2005-08-12 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Aditya Laghate wrote:

Hi all,
I am trying to install ubuntu 5.04 with a MSI RS480 Mobo, Seagate 80GB
SATA disk.

The installation halts with the error as "No partitionable media were
found. Please check that hard disk is attached to this machine".

Please help!!!

Looks like the kernel on installation disk does not have sata support. Faced 
same problem with slack10.1 but don't remember the exact error.

I remember mandrake working fine though. It is on one of my friends PC.

Not much help I know but still..

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Re: [PLUG] Re: Are u ready for a Desktop Linux Revolution!!!!!!

2005-08-19 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Manas Alekar wrote:


This is a nice thing to do. Although it ends up dying a miserable
death (lack of b/w, manpower, etc) it is still a very good learning
experience I must say.

For your endevour, making a whole new distro might not be the right
solution. You can easily modify a good distro like FC3 or knoppix or
Morphix. Pick one up.

Also, you need a rough package selection criterion in mind, because
packages make a distro. You should come up with a rough package list
and see if any other distro has a similar list. Otherwise you might
join the development effort of that distro as well.

Most importantly, have a strong underlying philosophy. That makes good distros.
Ex: Debian -> Everything _f r e e_, at your fingertips.
  Slackware -> Do it on your own.
  Mandrake -> My mom who knows nothing about comps can use it too!

Happy hacking though, even if the distro fails, the exercise won't go
waste. I gaurantee that.

 Most importantly, take a thorough look at what is offered currently. I found 
this one off my head,

There are plenty of projets out there. But I applaud the goal. Don't waste any 
energy in reinventing the wheel.

If you really want to do something fruitful, I would suggest designing simple 
KDE defaults package. Add a package when installed on top of distro. supplied 
KDE, provides better usable defaults.

I can't stand GNOME and while I can wade my way through slackware, not everybody 
else can..

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Re: [PLUG] Required Help For Segv fault

2005-08-30 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

sachin sonone wrote:
When i restart machine My application started. when client connected i got segv fault but CORE DUMP is not generated. 

How to get core dump of deamon process which start at boot time?

man bash. Look for ulimit. Set the ulimit before starting you daemon process.



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Re: [PLUG] [OT] Laptop AMD

2005-09-16 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 16 Sep 2005 6:11 pm, Sidart Kurias wrote:
> Just bought an Acer travelmate. Works just fine with
> Mandrake 10.0. It has a celeron-M processor at 1.5ghz.
> The Mobile series chips are more efficient in terms of
> power consumption and speed. Although they run at
> lower clock speeds, they would compare to higher speed
> celerons and pentiums.
> Mandrake 10.0 does not support power saving (sleep
> mode) too well. 10.1 has better support. Now if I can
> only get my hands on 10.1

Price? The 33K model?

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Re: [PLUG] Pen Drive detection in Mandrake 10.1

2005-11-29 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

Anand Kulkarni wrote:


When I plug pen drive in the laptop, the Mandrake 10.1
fails to detect the pen drive. But Fedora code detects

Can you plese tell me how to access pen drive in
Mandrake 10.1?

# mkdir /mnt/disk
# mount -t vfat /dev/usb0 /mnt/disk

Plug in the drive and do a dmesg. You should get the exact device name.

In KDE you can create a device on desktop for the same if your /etc/fstab has 
appropriate entry and users are allowed to mount that device.


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Re: [PLUG] Pen Drive detection in Mandrake 10.1

2005-11-30 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 30 Nov 2005 12:45 pm, अमेय पाळंदे wrote:
> Hi Shridhar,
> I have following doubt !
> Normally pen drive is detected as a scsi disk in linux.
> So shouldn't it be /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/usb0 ?

Yes.. My bad.. I was thinking about my LG RD2130 phone which appears as USB 

 Thanks for the correction. In my defense though, I did add a line to look at 
dmesg output..:)

 Thanks again..


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Re: [PLUG] connection to reliance

2005-12-13 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

On Tuesday 13 Dec 2005 3:53 pm, Agtech Systems wrote:
> Dear Vinayak,
> Dont waste time. Reliance will not work in Suse. I had a similar issue.
> Use Fedora or Redhat.

Ughh.. I use it on slackware and it works. What is the problem with suse? all 
it needs is USB support. I think Suse should have it.

Damn, it works so well, that I forgot the details.. Will get the cable and 
post a short note soon..

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Re: [PLUG] how to share connection between users

2005-12-23 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 22 Dec 2005 11:07 am, Vinayak Kulkarni wrote:
> Dear all
> I have reliance internet connection but it works only on the root user(in
> mandrake10.1) Is it possible to share internet connection among users
> If it
> Please reply me

The rconnect script is typically in /usr/sbin which is not in normal users 
path. Either add it to normal users path(bad idea) or copy it somewhere..

You may also have to tweak the device permission accordingly..

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Re: [PLUG] Somethings about D-Link DFE-538TX

2005-12-23 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 16 Dec 2005 8:56 am, Shirish Agarwal wrote:
>   One thing for sure, not for the newbies. Hope to get some
> comments on this one. My main point is here is not windows is better
> than Linux or something like that, it's more is this the best we should
> be thankful from the D-Link guys or should they've included binary
> drivers keeping in mind that there are so many different distros. that
> people use. It's not a troll, just a honest question. Hoping to get some
> comments/suggestions on this.

Best way to go about it is to include it in mailine kernel. Remember that the 
kernel is GPL. Binary modules and GPL incompatible source code is IILLEGAL...

Besides once it is in the kernel, it is available to everybody and is 
maintained automatically..


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Re: [PLUG] windows linux domain login problem

2006-02-06 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 03 Feb 2006 3:55 pm, Ameya Palande wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a newcomer. Actually I got idea abut plug when I attended
> recent IT expo at pune. I am working in HLL chiplun as a Network
> Administrator. Following is my query :
> 1. I have a win.2003 server at our site.
> 2. I had installed redhat linux 8. version on another server.
> 3. While installing linux, server version is installed.
> 4. I want to create trust relationship between win2003 & linux server.
> 5. So that users at our site able login into both the domain ( win03 &
> linux ).
> 6. Also revrt abut making linux machine as a domain controller.

RH8 won't do because it is unlikely to have samba 3. With samba 2, you can 
host a PDC/BDC for a NT4 style domains.

With Samba 3 you have ability to authenticate against AD but samba 3 can only 
be the meber server in the domain. It does not offer the ability to host a AD 
itself. Samba 4(which is in beta right now) can offer you that.


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Re: [PLUG] BSNL Broadband Business Plans

2006-03-01 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 01 Mar 2006 6:38 pm, Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:
> Hi,
> We use Tata Indicom presently. But we are shifting to another place, where
> the Tata Indicom people have a feasibility problem (some permission
> problems). That's why we are looking for an alternative.
> Thanks
> Yogesh

Just adding my experience. I have two broadband connection. One from Tata 
indicom/VSNL and other from exaatnet. (Don't ask why I have two connections)

Both connections are good. The exaatnet connection is recent one( a week old) 
and it has already shown some problems of availability but the support 
staff(the local cable operators office) have been good. I just hope that 
these are starting trouble.

The VSNL connection is excellent in availability and speed but is notoriously 
difficult to set up in Linux. The USB modem is just plain not supported 
easily and requires lot of voodoo. But I don't need linux on that machine 

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Re: [PLUG] Need Help: Sify Vs Linux

2008-08-04 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

On Tuesday 05 August 2008 09:29:12 Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
> I posted this a while ago, I am facing a strange problem for the last 15
> days. I can not browse the Internet though Linux, where as it works well if
> I do it through the 'now' discarded Windows XP. The problem is sometime
> Linux does connect me to the Internet. At the same time I can use Pidgin
> etc and other Bittorent clients to download distros, but cant browse the
> Internet.. Another amazing thing is, while I cannt open any other site,
> opens in a what could be the issue?

DNS I guess. Usually ISP DNS servers are not worth describing. Install a 
caching dns server like dnsmasq, point your resolv.conf to it and use 
something like opendns( as your upstream servers.

Can you ping their dns servers or for that matter.?

> My hardware is OK as it could connect to the net through Windows, My distro
> is OK as it does connect to net some times (don't forget seamless
> connectivity to chat and torrents). Also I have tried other distros, apart
> from my primary Ubuntu --- Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva and many more...

If it is DNS issue, it is not big enough to warrant a distro. change. Try 
using opendns first, caching or not. If that helps, use a caching server to 
speed up the queries. It makes amazing difference in latencies.


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Re: [PLUG] MS-office & Open Office Compatiability

2008-08-05 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Tuesday 05 August 2008 18:18:03 Dnyanraj Mali wrote:
> i have some documents created in ms word, when i try to open them in Open
> Office, their allignment (margin) changes,
> so i need to edit those again...
> is there any solution for this?

Really no.

Practically, for incomplete but workable solutions
- you could use openoffice on windows for all the parties handling the 
- or run ms-office, exact same version, in wine on linux.

The word file format is not completely documented, and no tool, including MS 
Office itself, can handle documents correctly across versions.

One of my ex-boss was stuck with office 97 and the documents we exchanged 
between office 97, office 2000 and office 2003 had really bizzar issues.

IME, openoffice is lot more dependable in that regards. It just looks and 
behaves the same, across the platforms and most of the times, across the 
versions too.


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Re: [PLUG] Mandriva And Mandriva...

2008-08-24 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Sunday 24 August 2008 22:03:27 म.हा.सा.ग.र wrote:
> Few months back I found that some virus or an html exploit had played a
> trick of it's own on my KMail folders such that many messages were showing
> all fields such as "Subject" and more as unknown.  Opening those caused
> more problems.

That is likely to be a kmail bug. I have experienced this when deleting a 
message in imap folder hung due to broken connectivity at that instant.

The messasge is there but can't be seen, can' be deleted.

I have since moved to kde4.1 and this thing has not happen to me since. But 
there is no guarantee.

You could delete the message file if it is in the maildir. format.

Importantly it is unlikely to be a virus.


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Re: [PLUG] kde4 experience- not so good

2008-08-30 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Saturday 30 August 2008 17:46:16 Sarang Lakare wrote:
> Also, kde4 was released under the release early - release often model
> and was clearly mentioned as not for production use (hence no
> distribution picked it up as default). 4.1 I heard is more stable.

Yes it is. I just upgraded to 4.1.1. Not much different from 4.1 but my usage 
model is limited. I am sure it has lots of bug fixes. We should wait till 
monday/tuesday I guess. :)

> Kde4 is a major rewrite and brings a fresh new look/feel to the
> desktop which I think was really needed. Like any fresh release, we
> need to wait a while for it to stabilize. Eventually everyone will be
> happy!

Not to mention fresh functionality. :)

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Re: [PLUG] Bloat

2008-09-29 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 29 September 2008 20:36:17 Aditya Godbole wrote:
> I had a look at my memory usage today and with a very minimal
> configuration it goes to 250 MB. Firefox takes 75 MB of resident
> memory! Pidgin takes about 30 MB. Konsole takes about 20 MB. Is it
> that all the libs have become bloated? Is it the apps themselves? When
> exactly did all of us become computer scientists? :)

No. Thing is the memory usage varies with amount of installed RAM, at least in 
linux. If you have same installation on a 512MB RAM and 128 MB RAM machine and 
start identical sets of program, the usage won't be identical.

After really measuring the usage, and compensating for added functionality, 
graphics effects and caching, I doubt the RAM usage has really gone that much 

Besides. on kde4.1.1 konsole is listed as using 7.7MB memory. I know firefox 
is a hog. So its relative..

In last 12 years of computer usage, IMO the lesson is do you have enough RAM. 
Numbers don't matter..

and if you are worried about desktop RAM usage, try using oracle sometimes.. 
In 3 versions, the min. requirement has gone from 256MB to 1GB... then you 
will feel good about linux.. :)

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Re: [PLUG] Bloat

2008-10-01 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Wednesday 01 October 2008 10:15:46 Aditya Godbole wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Shridhar Daithankar
> > No. Thing is the memory usage varies with amount of installed RAM, at
> > least in linux. If you have same installation on a 512MB RAM and 128 MB
> > RAM machine and start identical sets of program, the usage won't be
> > identical.
> Quite remarkable. How does this happen? Any pointers to technical details?

This is down to caching. I don't have details offhand but I will dig it up and 
post. But I have observed this very frequently.


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Re: [PLUG] Dovecot

2008-10-02 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Thursday 02 October 2008 20:43:36 Shantanoo Mahajan (शंतनू महाजन) wrote:
> - Else as Rajiv said, you need to check firewall on your server and
> fix it.

#to list firewall rules
iptables -L

man iptables to know what it lists.

Although IME, on easy-to-use distros such as redhat/fedora, suse, this 
approach may not help. Last time I had tough time getting a suse machine 
opened up despite all the iptables tweaking.

Stick to the distro. provided tools.


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Re: [PLUG] Dovecot

2008-10-02 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 03 October 2008 09:48:33 Rajiv Gore wrote:
> I am able to telenet localhost 143 and it get " Dovecot is ready" response.
> So Dovecot is running.
> I am unable to login to dovecot using Login in name and password that I
> have given in dovecot authentication file.

Check logs?

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Re: [PLUG] Please suggest me a lightweight GNU/Linux distribution

2008-10-30 Thread Shridhar Daithankar
On Friday 31 October 2008 08:15:47 Pankaj Kumar wrote:
>  I am having a Pentium IV system with 128MB of RAM and Intex RTL 8139D
> Ethernet Card. When I am installing some old linux distributions such as
> Red Hat 9, Fedora Core 4 then I am able to execute X window but my ethernet
> card is not being detected. And when I am installing current linux
> distribution such as Fedora Core 9 then my ethernet card is being detected
> but X window is not starting due to insufficient amount of RAM. So can you
> please suggest me a lightweight linux distribution which can detect my
> Intex RTL 8139D ethernet card as well as I can work in X window. I will
> remain thankful to you for this forever.

Slackware 12 with KDE3.5 with 512MB of swap. It should work.. 

The zenwalk suggestion is nice too. It is slackware.. almost..

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