On Friday 27 Aug 2004 5:01 pm, energon wrote:
> > Checked pg_hba.conf?
> local all trust

Well, do you want passwordless logons? At least put something like password 
etc. there.

Secondly in case of setting it up with a webserver, you always need TCP/IP 
rules set up. So make sure that they are good as well..

 > Have you set TCP/IP socket connectivity to true in postgresql.conf?
> tcpip_socket = true
> port = 5432


> I can still see a "Could Not Connect to Database:" in my browser page.
> This error is printed from pre.php if connection to database fails.
> -----
> db_connect();
> if (!$conn) {
>     print "$sys_name Could Not Connect to Database: ".db_error();
>     exit;
> }
> -----

What is db_connect? According to http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pgsql.php, 
you should be using pg_connect unless you are using PEAR. But I don't use php 

> BTW, is $conn a global variable ?

No idea... But in general it is good to use your own variables..

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