On Thursday 11 Nov 2004 11:45 am, Aditya Laghate wrote: > Wishing u all a Happy Diwali and a Properous New Year. > > I have been using broadband for quite some time now. I use IQARA. > When i signed up, i was using their MB based plans. then... it used to > me cost Rs. 1800 for 500 MB or somewhere in that range. Believe me, it > used to last me just for a month and a half. Once u get that > bandwidth.. it is difficult to control yourself. > > So that 2400MB for a year is good enough for old people whoose kids > are in the US and want to see their photos once in a while and mail > them daily. > > And even still u sign up, please find out cost extra MB's u might > consume. Dishnet DSL charges for extra MB's is very high.
Check this as well.. http://www.relianceinfo.com/Infocomm/Broadband/broadband_individualstariffplan.html I contacted them and got a reply back but there is nothing to post about as yet. We are still exchanging necessary information.. Shridhar -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.