On Tuesday 07 Sep 2004 7:11 pm, Devendra Laulkar wrote:
> Hi,
>      A beginners book is what is deparately needed...
> Please keep it very simple, things which can be very easily taught to SE
> students.
> But people just don't adopt Linux. We tried (and are trying) a lot to make
> people change over to Linux, but it is as if the students and people are
> addicted to TCC.

Blame it on teachers. If you put up a linux machine in lab and refuse to 
accept assignments done in TC, students will switch in droves to linux..:-)

> Some of the major problem associated.
> 1. Segmentation faults

This is a good thing. It helps you write better code..

> 2. Steep learning curve of vi.

Use pico. It will be quite sometime before one needs vi..:-) By that time you 
can use any GUI editor..:-)

> 3. no debugger(we were not told of gdb or ddd0

I am not surprised.. There used to be a kdbg but I can not find it in stock 
KDE installation any more. It seems to be available from 
http://members.nextra.at/johsixt/kdbg-changes.html and is just under an MB of 
source code.. So consider using it..

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