On Monday 22 Nov 2004 1:11 am, Sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
> Best part is OO1.1.3 which is pretty fast while starting and even later on
> while opening new/existing files. It gives some more nice user friendly
> options like " use native OO file formats or MSOffice file formats" etc.

Well, it is a well publicised hack. Choose tools->Options->Memory and bump the 
amount of memory it can use from default 9MB to 32MB(Assuming you have it). 
It improves the startup time dramatically..

> We also have a nice Live CD "VigyaanCD". (www.vigyaancd.org)
> Amazing distro for BIO-chemical people. Being a knoppix based distro, it
> works well off the CD itself. The applications are also nice looking(I cant
> understand a single thing from BIO/Chem :-( )

Yesterday I was trying knoppoix and the gcc core cumped while compiling the 
program. VigyaanCD worked flawlessly.

Just an observation..

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