Manas Alekar wrote:
This is a nice thing to do. Although it ends up dying a miserable
death (lack of b/w, manpower, etc) it is still a very good learning
experience I must say.
For your endevour, making a whole new distro might not be the right
solution. You can easily modify a good distro like FC3 or knoppix or
Morphix. Pick one up.
Also, you need a rough package selection criterion in mind, because
packages make a distro. You should come up with a rough package list
and see if any other distro has a similar list. Otherwise you might
join the development effort of that distro as well.
Most importantly, have a strong underlying philosophy. That makes good distros.
Ex: Debian -> Everything _f r e e_, at your fingertips.
Slackware -> Do it on your own.
Mandrake -> My mom who knows nothing about comps can use it too!
Happy hacking though, even if the distro fails, the exercise won't go
waste. I gaurantee that.
Most importantly, take a thorough look at what is offered currently. I found
this one off my head,
There are plenty of projets out there. But I applaud the goal. Don't waste any
energy in reinventing the wheel.
If you really want to do something fruitful, I would suggest designing simple
KDE defaults package. Add a package when installed on top of distro. supplied
KDE, provides better usable defaults.
I can't stand GNOME and while I can wade my way through slackware, not everybody
else can..
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