On Thursday 11 Nov 2004 5:42 pm, Vishal Rao wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 14:39:14 +0530, kapil pendse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Isn't anything better going to come? Whatever happened to govt.'s
> > broadband Internet policy?? :-(
> Have faith , patience and hope, my friend! BSNL supposed to launch
> broadband in December lets see if that really happens and how
> disappointing it will be... 8-P
> Even the Reliance info mentioned in Sridhar's post is disappointing ,
> I was expecting about Rs 1000 per month for 512kbps... and note they
> always say "Up to" 512kbps meaning there is no lower limit for the
> speed HAHA. Not to mention reliance has an 'acceptable user policy'
> link... i wonder if they have hidden their quota in there...

Well, with any ISP, the bandwidth is guaranteed upto their network. Even with 
leased links it is true. Even with tata Indicom, you would never get 115 
Kbps. Most I saw was 36-40 Kbps.

Of course there is going to be a quota. How much, I don't know for 
reliance..But at the time being reliance seems a good deal..

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