On Monday 29 September 2008 20:36:17 Aditya Godbole wrote:
> I had a look at my memory usage today and with a very minimal
> configuration it goes to 250 MB. Firefox takes 75 MB of resident
> memory! Pidgin takes about 30 MB. Konsole takes about 20 MB. Is it
> that all the libs have become bloated? Is it the apps themselves? When
> exactly did all of us become computer scientists? :)

No. Thing is the memory usage varies with amount of installed RAM, at least in 
linux. If you have same installation on a 512MB RAM and 128 MB RAM machine and 
start identical sets of program, the usage won't be identical.

After really measuring the usage, and compensating for added functionality, 
graphics effects and caching, I doubt the RAM usage has really gone that much 

Besides. on kde4.1.1 konsole is listed as using 7.7MB memory. I know firefox 
is a hog. So its relative..

In last 12 years of computer usage, IMO the lesson is do you have enough RAM. 
Numbers don't matter..

and if you are worried about desktop RAM usage, try using oracle sometimes.. 
In 3 versions, the min. requirement has gone from 256MB to 1GB... then you 
will feel good about linux.. :)

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