On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 11:01:19AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > At the same time, I'm pretty sure very few hetero females could pass a 
> > rippling muscled tanned (or whatever) male without thinking of some 
> > variation on "YUM!" :)
> Actually, I almost never notice them. Dancer notices them, and points
> them out to me, and then I go 'yes, he's nice' or 'actually, he's a 
> tad too muscle-bound' or something. But on my own, I never notice.

I *occasionally* notice. But certainly not as often as to be equivalent to the
'of course I look at every woman and size her up, I'm male aren't I?' thing

I tend to size other women's sexual attractiveness up more, and I think this
is true for some other heterosexual women as well. What do lesbians and other
non-het people do?


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