On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:47:10AM +0200 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
Rebecca J. Walter thought:
> You mean I'm not the only girl that doesn't look? Of course i met my
> husband on IRC.. otherwise I don't think I ever would have hooked up
> with anyone. I just don't wander around looking at people that way. If
> I end up attracted to someone, it is usually based on personality and
> personal interactions, not appearance.
> so i happily feel less weird now. :-)
> bex
> >
> > Conor Daly wrote:
> >
> > > At the same time, I'm pretty sure very few hetero females could pass a
> > > rippling muscled tanned (or whatever) male without thinking of some
> > > variation on "YUM!" :)
> >
> > Actually, I almost never notice them. Dancer notices them, and points
> > them out to me, and then I go 'yes, he's nice' or 'actually, he's a
> > tad too muscle-bound' or something. But on my own, I never notice.
> >
> > Hm. Now you've got me wondering. I've been going to the gym for months,
> > and it just never occured to me to look. WOnder if there are any
> > nice-looking guys there?
> > (I already know there are nice guys there. As in 'friendly', 'helpful',
> > 'supportive', etc. But I never noticed how they look.)
> >
> > And yes, I'm serious. I just /don't look/. This is why being 'looked'
> > at startles and confuses me.
> >
> > Jenn V.
Heck! Now *I* feel weird! :-)
Conor (Trying very hard not to look!)
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