On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 11:27:46AM +0100, James A. Sutherland wrote:
> >And I don't like people condoning it terribly much, it's put me in some
> >awful situations.
> Eh? How can someone *thinking* something about you put you in an awful
> situation?! Surely they would have to ACT on those thoughts in some
> way for you even to know about them?!

Yes you are right. People acting on them has put me in some awful
situations. Which means I feel uncomfortable if I think all men who I
meet for the first time are thinking, 'hmmm... yes or no.'

Which I don't, except sometimes after reading something like that.

So it all boils down to, articles like that make me trust men a little
less, even though it just means that perhaps I shouldn't trust ESR.


Mary Gardiner
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